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OH, BOWIE, I love you so!!!


Hey, you guys! Maybe it WAS David who looked at my guestbook... cuz the nwest DB private entry says "Yes." That is all. Maybe he'll come back? Even if he does, he must think I'm crazy. Eh, what can you do? Or maybe its some person PRETENDING. That better not be the case. Well if Doctor Bowie himself comes around, I would like to make an offer for free babysitting cuz after all he is expecting. All he has to do is, well, fly me to his house. My birthday is August first, maybe it will be born on my birthday. Anyway, i know CPR and i babysit all the time so if your interested, David- email me at (hey, its worth a try)

hey guess what! i actually got off my lazy ass to actually UPDATE the site! (alll righhhhhht) actually all im changing is this damn page, and i am bored already. not that the internet isnt great or anything.

i used to update this site all the time now i never do. i cant think of a new look to change it to. any ideas? email me>

Anyway, I'm Emily(Emma), and I'm 13 years old. I get so much more respect now that I'm thirteen... N*SYNC SUCKS!(But of course the hormones have kicked fully in) I have SEVENTEEN Bowie cds: ChangesBowie, Scary Monsters (and Super Creeps), Black Tie White Noise, Earthling, Outside, David Bowie, Lodger, Diamond Dogs, The early years (that one has laughing gnome on it- A A A!) Young Americans, Space Oddity, Pin-Ups, Hunky Dory, Low, 'hours...', Ziggy Stardust and The Man Who Sold The World. THANK THE GOOD LORD FOR THE RE-RELEASING! I have the Best of 74-49 tape and the Labyrinth sountrack too! I even painted my room BLUE BLUE ELECTRIC BLUE! On my wall I have two glossy print photos that are beautiful (well yeah they're BOWIE)and theres also a computer printout... i do love it.

anyways i havent updated this forever- isn't 'hours...' good? yes yes it is good! very good! well i pretty much lost all sense of grammar and punctuation.. but hey let's give a hearty warm round of applause for the good people who re-released labyrinth. my favorite scene -" NO NOT THE BOG OF ETERNAL STENCH" "OH YES HOGGLE!"

in other news, there was a hair growing out of the sole of my foot.

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Through the years Bowie has had many different identities, from Ziggy Stardust to the Let's Dance era. Even now, he's 53 ( why does he have to be so much older than me? where was I in the seventies? this sucks!), David Bowie still kicks ass. Damn straight.

Oh, Bowie, I love you so.

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A collection of some of my favorite Bowie pics - will be getting bigger all the time.
