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~ Rockin' Around the CHRISTmas Tree ~ Brenda Lee ~

Once upon a time, there was a little fir tree. It was planted in a place called the CHRISTmas Tree Farm. The little tree was growing up to be a CHRISTmas tree, for that was the very best thing a fir tree could be.

The other trees at the farm were tall and beautiful. They were ready to be CHRISTmas trees. But the little fir tree wasn’t ready yet.

One cold bright day, about a month before CHRISTmas, people came to cut the trees. And even though the littlest fir tree stretched up as tall as it could, nobody cut the littlest fir tree. They only cut the tall and beautiful ones.

But one day someone dug up the littlest fir tree and put it on the truck with the tall and beautiful trees. The littlest fir tree was as sad as it could be. “I’ll never be a CHRISTmas tree now!” it thought. “I’m going to be a shrub!”

The truck brought the trees to the city ~ to a place where there were lots of CHRISTmas trees, plants, and shrubs for sale.

The big and beautiful trees went with the CHRISTmas trees. The littlest fir tree went with the plants and shrubs.

”I’ll never be a CHRISTmas tree,” thought the littlest fir tree. “I’ll just be a shrub that nobody notices.”

And the littlest fir tree was right. Nobody noticed it. Every day people came and bought CHRISTmas trees. They even bought plants, but nobody noticed the littlest fir tree. Until one day a voice said, “Honey, look! This is just perfect!”

The woman and the man bought the littlest fir tree ~ and took it home. They set it in their living room and put a star at the very top. “Well, this is better than being a shrub,” thought the littlest fir tree. But it had been hoping for something grander.

After CHRISTmas, the woman took the star away. Then people came and took all the furniture away! “Whatever is to become of me?” the littlest fir tree wondered.

Then the woman and the man took the littlest fir tree and put it in their car. They drove out of the city to a nice little house. And there, right in the middle of the yard in front of the nice little house, the man planted the littlest fir tree. “So,” thought the littlest fir tree, “I’m a shrub after all.”

Day after day, the littlest fir tree stood in front of the nice little house. “Maybe being a shrub wasn’t such a bad thing after all,” thought the littlest fir tree.

Then one cold and bright day, just before CHRISTmas, the most amazing thing happened! The woman and the man put lights and big red bows on the littlest fir tree. They made it the most beautiful CHRISTmas tree ever!

And the same thing happened the following year, and the next year, and year, after year, after year.

And so the littlest fir tree became a CHRISTmas tree forever. And that’s the very best thing a fir tree can be.

The moral to this story...we may not be perfect when God sends us to be with our parents and grow, however, when we go to be with God again he makes us all perfect once more.

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