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by Jonathan Larson

Rent is only the best musical in the entire world. I saw it on December 21st. It was absolutely the most wonderful thing I have ever seen in my life. We got to the auditorium in Greensboro at about 9:45 in the morning, intending to save ourselves a good place in line for the rush tickets. (By the way, click here for the rules on rushing Rent tickets.) Tickets didn't actually go on sale until 5:00, but we wanted to make absolutely sure that we got them. So we waited around until we could buy the tickets, and then we went out to dinner. We were so excited going into the show you wouldn't believe it. It was the most wonderful thing in the world. My seat was front row center--I coiuld see everything. It was fantastic. Those were some of the happiest hours of my life. After the show was over we went out back and got autographs from the cast. To see who the people in the show were check out the Benny Tour link. I am definitely a Rent groupie now. The show is coming to Raleigh April 27-May 2, and then it's going to be in Charlotte in August sometime. Definitely more rushing trips in my future....

Jean and Mary's RENT Site The Official Rent Site
The Benny Tour
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