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All about me

I figured it was about time I told you all about me.  Why not?

Frist of all I am a 29 year old house wife with two children.  Both boys.  I am married, and just love dragons and teddy bears. ( I know what a combo)  Iam from Ohio.  And love working on my page and helping my  hubby  work on his  page.  (if you would like to vist his page click  here )

I started this page to learn more about dragons  boy did I learn and thought I would pass on the information to you.  I am glad most of you like the page.  For thoose who don't I am sorry but everyone is intitled to their own opinion.  :)

Now in my life there are 5 things that mean alot to me,  one and two are my kids, wich goes without saying, three and four are my hubby and best friend Rat.  And last but not least is my baby girl, my 1969 Caddy!  (yes it was a painful labor! :))

Soon i will have pics of me, the kids hubby, possiblely Rat, and my caddy.  For that you will have to come back and see at a later date.