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The Dalek slowly glided down the ruined corridor, it’s eye-stock scanning for any sign of 
movement or life. The pale green moon shimmered through the holes in the roof, casting its
eerie glow upon the Dalek’s metal casing.  It was equipped with a single laser, small yet powerful.
The laser could put a hole the size of a man through a twelve inch steel plate.  Inside 
the casing was the Dalek proper.  A small green mass of hate.  It had no compassion, fear,
pity, or love.  It’s only desire was the destruction and enslavement of all inferior beings
in the universe.  Of course, to the Daleks, that was everything except themselves.

The Daleks were created by the ambitious scientist Davros on the planet Skaro.  The Kaleds,
as they were then called, were engaged in a thousand year war against their mortal enemies
the Thals.  The nuclear weapons both sides used had almost completely eradicated the
planet and also caused hideous mutations.  Davros, seeking a way both to save the Kaleds and
defeat the Thals, created the Daleks.  He advanced the Kaled mutations to their final stage and
created a travel unit for it.  He also eliminated all positive emotions leaving only hate, anger,
and ruthlessness.  He turned his creations loose and they exterminated not only the Thals, but 
the rest of the Kaleds and Davros as well.  They set off into space to decimate the rest of 

Further down the corridor, a lone boy hid behind an rusted piece of junk, long since abandoned.
His dirty clothes were torn and ragged.  His large brown eyes full of tears.  Barely breathing,
not daring to make a sound for fear of being caught.  He was exhausted; he had been running for
so long. He could barely remember a time when he had not been eluding the Dalek patrols.  All he 
needed was a few minutes to rest.  Thinking himself in safety, his mind wandered back to 
a happier time… 

The small planet of Vehemence was a pleasant place to live.  The scarlet sun shown down over
the only major city on the entire planet.  As usual, the spaceport was a flurry of activity.  
Creatures from around the solar system were setting up shop for the day.  A mother and her 
son walked along the promenade.  A mere lad of eight he was, and enjoying every minute of the 
morning.  Each sight, new and different, never seen before and, unknown to anyone, never 
to be seen again.  The boy savored everything he saw and did.  Briefly, he glanced up into 
the sky, looking at the passing ships.  There, in the middle of the sky, almost directly overhead,
was a formation of vessels he had never seen before.  Immediately intrigued he asked, "Mother,
can we watch the ships land?"

"I don’t see why not." she replied.

They made their way to the pad where the ships were landing. Vaguely saucer shaped, each ship
looked more like a vacuum cleaner engine than a saucer out of a bad 50’s B sci-fi movie.  
A crowd of people gathered around with the mother and son.  Everyone was curious about the 
strange ships.  Soon after they landed, an opening appeared in the lead craft.  Out of the opening,
a strange pepper-pot shape emerged, a Dalek.

The Dalek spoke the following words, "People of Vehemence, you are now under the rule of the Daleks.  
Surrender or you will be exterminated!"  With this, a vast army of Daleks poured out of the ships.

As one entity, the crowd screamed and ran in fear and horror.  Many of the Daleks fired their
lasers into the panicked mass of people.  Hundreds fell and died in the first wave of attacks, 
including the boy’s mother.  She pushed him aside before a beam hit him.  One final act of love 
between a mother and her son.  His cries could be heard through out the spaceport.  A friend
dragged him away from the carnage to relative safety.

The Vehemencians were quickly subjugated.  They were used as slave labor by the Daleks.  They were 
forced to strip the planet of any and all resources.  Small resistance groups formed and tried to 
destroy the Daleks, to no avail.  They all were captured and executed in front of the workers as an
example.  Then one day, after almost three years of Dalek dominance, they announced that they
were going to leave Vehemence.  The few remaining workers rejoiced, 99 percent of the population had
already been eliminated.  They were rounded up, thinking they were to be released.  Once the 
workers were together, the Daleks annihilated every last one.

The boy was now living in what used to be a sewer.  His friend came in and told him what had happened
to the workers.  He also mentioned that the Daleks were now systematically eliminating any last
survivors.  The two friends decided that there would be a better chance for survival if they 
split up and meet at a safe place later.  The boy took off down the sewer tunnel, just barely
in time.  A Dalek patrol had followed his friend into the sewer.  The boy splashed down the 
sewer as his friend’s screams echoed after him.

"Halt or you will be exterminated!" screeched the Dalek, it’s metallic voice bringing the boy 
out of his memories.

The boy panicked, the Dalek had found him.  His remembrances had left him vulnerable.  There
was only one thing he could do, run.  He bolted down the corridor.  The Dalek fired a single shot
and the boy fell dead.  The Dalek turned around and silently went back up the corridor.  The boy, 
last of the Vehemencians, was just another causality in the Daleks’ eternal genocidial war 
against creation.