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Prom Nite ~*~ May 1, 1999 ~*~ "Captured In A Dream"

I've finally found the time to put my prom pics on my web-page! It wasn't my idea at first to show the world, but hey I just couldn't resist :o) And besides, I won't be seeing some of ya'll for quite a while, so check us out...

Awww, how cute!!

This year was quite the prom of my dreams, and definately the one that I will NEVER forget!!

LOOK :o)

We can't forget: J*A*R*E*D, ooooh yeah!...6 very sexy guys in tuxes and with manners to die for...beautiful dates for the guys' senior's for dinner...all WHITE, even after dinner...."I don't Want to Miss A Thing", his butt is attracted to me...dancing the nite away in his arms...wanna look good? get near dont wear your bow-tie there!...Alie's sexy black man (after the prom)...whatcha doin' after the prom!?, fun, fun!!!

oh, and my brother went to the prom too...