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Virtual Alaska With Mr. Hollinger

Journal Entry for Thursday, May 3, 2001

It's 5:10 p.m. on Thursday. It was still raining and snowing this morning so we remained inside at the church and I taught a class on web page creation. Students really got into it. Unfortunately, there's no internet connection at the church, so we couldn't up-load any pages. But the kids are learning how to begin.

The best part of today was that the weather improved in the late morning so we headed back to the Copper River Delta. We walked a short trail called the Haystack Trail to the top of a high hill - the "Haystack." The trail passed through a dense pine forest with ferns and moss and lichen growing on the forest floor. It was really cool. From an overlook at the end of the trail we looked out over a small part of the delta and spotted a moose. I got a picture of him with the telephoto lens on my 35mm camera, but he was too far away to see with my digital camera. So, you probably won't see the moose on this web page. We also saw trumpeter swans, Canada Geese, ducks, and two bald eagles; one adult and one adolescent. We also saw a beaver dam. It was still raining lightly and very gray, but at least we got out and explored a bit. I hope it won't be our last outing before leaving Cordova tomorrow at 4:00 on the ferry to return to Valdez.

There is a chance that this will be my last journal entry before I leave Alaska. We will be very busy tomorrow, Friday, getting ready to return to Valdez. If I don't get a journal posted tomorrow, I'll have to post my Friday and Saturday journals when I return home on Sunday.

As much as I'm enjoying myself, I'm looking forward to returning home to my family and my students at Dempsey Middle School.

A NOTE TO MY STUDEDNTS: I've appreciated the e-mails some of you have sent. I doubt if I will be able to answer any more before we start the return trip to Valdez and Ohio. There just won't be time. But, I'll answer all of your questions on Monday. Also, I want to thank you for working so hard and for being so considerate of Mrs. Carleton who reports that she's having a great time with you all. Thanks, too, to Mrs. Carleton, for being your "guest teacher" in my absence. Students, please say hello to all the teachers on our team for me; Mrs. Spike, Mrs. Ritter, Mrs. Meadows, and Mrs. Arnett. I miss you all and look forward to seeing everyone on Monday.


"My Alaska students" working on their Power Point and web page projects in the basement of St. Joseph's Church.

Our hiking group. We walked the Haystack Trail to a really nice spot where we could look out over part of the Copper River Delta.

A beautiful pine forest. The floor is covered with moss, lichens, and ferns.

A view of part of the Copper River Delta from the Haystack Trail overlook. Can you find Mr. Moose?

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