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** About the Webmaster, Steph*

Well, I just bet you're wondering what kind of crazy person goes and searches the internet for animations for others to use in making their webpages...don't you? I thought here's a little insight for you on the creator of this masterpiece...heh heh..

Name: Stephanie aka "Steph"

Age: How dare you ask, but if you must know, 38

Favorite color: Green green green, did I say that Green is my favorite color yet?

Favorite ice cream flavor: It matters...why? OK, OK, you want info, I get it..ummm..moose tracks. No, seriously it really IS a flavor of ice it sounds a little icky!

Martital status: Married with 2 kids from 1st marriage..'nuff said!

Favorite movie(s): Hands down...all of the Harry Potter movies and the Lord of the Rings movies, White Noise and The Exorcism of Emily Rose.

Favorite sport: Darts, yes I even play on a league

Hobbies: Ok, this might take a while..camping, reading, listening to music, drawing and collecting lighthouses, collecting Wizard of Oz memorabilia, looking for animations on the WWW, boating, and my FAVORITE my hubby! =)

Annual income: Ok, now you're getting a bit TOO personal aren't ya??

Favorite band(s): This too could get a bit lengthy. For starters, yes I like Hanson, ok? I've always been an ADULT fan, even though people have been known to think this website was created by a kid just because I made it known I like them, so let's clarify...I'm AN ADULT FAN..MmmK? Now, onto the rest..I like Korn, Plain White T's, Days of the New, The Wallflowers, Seether, Metallica, The Beatles, The Psychedelic Furs, Oasis, Coldplay, just to name a few. Because I'm a musician myself, I really like anything from Bocelli to Enya to Hanson to Korn, I mean the list is endless because frankly, I just LOVE MUSIC...not too much in the Rap department though..

Favorite song: This changes all the time, for the moment it's "Hey there Delilah" by Plain White T's whereas last week it was "Twisted Transistor" by Korn.

Favorite TV show: Ghost Hunters, yes I do believe in that stuff.

Favorite computer game(s): I really LOVE playing the older computer games like Wolfenstein, Heretic, Hexen and Quake. I also like Amber:Journey's Beyond (A game about the afterlife), Bad Day on the Midway, Painkiller, Mortyr.. anything that requires shooting the bad guys, it's really therapeutic...LOL! But above all of even those, I Loooove the Myst games (played them all) and URU

Favorite animal: I'll have to go with cats on this one because I think my cat Abby would get a little testy if I said dogs were my favorite before her royal highness..*grumbles* I swear we should have named her "princess"...

Favorite food: Oh, let's NOT go least not today..

Favorite beverage: Coffee...iced or hot! Yum Yum Yummy

Favorite thing to do on a day off: Be a lazy a$$...LOL..well, YOU try working 12 hour shifts and see how much YOU would wanna do on a day off!!

Occupation: LPN and if you don't know what that stands for well, then go to your nearest hospital and there you shall find several of them...

Dislikes: People who lie, cheat or steal, people who are phoney, people who think they're better than everyone else or are self-absorbed, people who talk on cell phones while driving, people that tell their kids to "shut-up", and those who think looks are everything.

Goal(s): When I retire I'd like to buy an RV and travel around the globe to see lighthouses and do a little bit of ghost hunting myself in infamously haunted places.


P.S. I was gonna try to answer all questions using my animations but then I thought "Nah, that's just TOO MUCH WORK"!!

