hello to all....i greet you in the name of, well myself i guess. my name is heather, and i am a sophomore at taylor university in upland, indiana...the Lord is consistently challenging me in new and unexpected ways, so who knows in what direction i will travel next. today, i am a psychology major with focuses in english and youth ministry....i love music, both the appreciation and the creation of it...i also love building relationships, late-night introspective conversations and grande caramel mochas....i someday aspire to become a good mother and a good wife, in the hopes that i can appreciate beauty while helping to spread it. i love my friends, my family, and the hope that comes from living in a purpose that is not focused on satisfaction or treasure in this world.
i have a love for travel, a love for the outdoors, a love for dogs (no cats please, i believe they are earthly demons), and a love for cool autumn afternoons with crunchy leaves piled up beside the sidewalks. i aspire to become the image of that which i will never be perfect enough to become and live in the knowledge that this is okay.