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Savannah The Baby Sister

Hi my mommy said you would come to see me. I am the baby of my house. I am gonna be 2 July 31st, Im getting bigger now so my mommy and daddy don't have to chase after me very much anymore. I can feed my self with a spoon now I think it makes my mommy sad cause I don't want her to help me anymore But I'm a big girl!!!.

I finally have 13 teeth so now I can try to eat my sisters' food.

My favorite things to do is play with my big sisters even though they don't like to play with me.:-) I go potty in the big girl potty sometimes. I like to eat everything now my favorite is greenbeans M M M M M M. I like to give huggs and kisses, I learned how to give butterfly,eskimo and fish kisses and if I see my daddy kiss my mommy I have to sneek in and get my kiss too.

Click on the flinstones and see my pretty face! I am gonna go now I think I see an eskimo kiss coming.......

Last Updated 5/31/99