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Drinkers Hall of Fame

------ Pictures of every member will soon be here. ---------

Matt Allen-Black Tony, ChainSaw--Matt is now attending the University of Wis. Parkside. He is known for his dancing ablities(only while drunk).Matt's favorite brews include- Heineken, BudLite, and Bud. Matt is now back to his old ways of brawling and loving and leaving the ladies after he drop his bitch and discovered what life is really about.

Dave Laforge-DUI Dave, BIG SEXY--- Dave is a hard workingman. Dave enjoys fishing and anything to do with drinking. Dave is well known for being one of the craziest son's of bitches around. Dave's favorite brews include-BudLite, thats it. He is also known for hiding in the shadows late at night and stalking women.

Scott Holst-Fish Hawk,Hiznuts,Horse prick,Rightous Ramone---Scott graduated from UWSP, and is working . Scott is known around his campus for his love to kick ass. He takes no shit what so ever. Scott loves the Bears and says that packer fans can wipe his ass. His favorite brews include-BudLite, Hamms and Pabst Blue Ribbon. There are many pictures of him pastout in our drinking pics section. He has a thing for women of color.

Jason Lesko-Disco Steve,PorkChop, Hammer--- Jason is still down at Illinois State. He enjoys slammin brew,kicking ass every now and then, and is world famous for his belly flops. Jason's favorite brews include-Linenkuegal's Original, Rolling Rock, and BudLight.

Mike Johnson-WolfMan, Crazy MJ, King of The Smurf--- Mike is an electrian. Mike is one of the only original members to leave the drinking crew. Mike has taken up religion and decided that drinking is not the lords way. Thats fine, but we still wish that the crazy old johnson wouild come out again. We leave his name up as a memory of the old Mike, rest in peace.

Justin Jensen-Fat ASS, Big Tits, Budzz, Peach Fuzz AL--- Justin is taking one class at CLC while trying to pay off some bills . Budzzs was once known for being a fat-ass, but he is actually in shape these days, nice job Budzz!!! Budzz's favorite brews are- BudLite, and SeaDog. If anyone out there has any lambs, cows, chickens or sheep contact him.

Don Rosak-Marone--Noone really knows what Marone is up to these days. Look out young Itallion Girls cause Don loves you. Don likes to do a little ass kickin in his spare time.

Bryan Fasano-Itlian Stallion,Worm--- Bryan is now a electician, and in the process of starting his own corperation. He enjoys fast cars&women. He is not one of the biggest drinkers in the crew, but at times he gives it his best.

Chris Carlson-BIG Gay Bruce, Bono--- Chris is currently missing in action, nobody knows exactly what he is up to. Chris is known for acting a little different at times. He is also known for fallin asleep anywhere in any position what so ever. If there's some slammin he'll be there no matter what he has to do the next morning.

Ken Matekie-P.I.M.P of CLC, TrashMan---Ken is now a student at University of Wis. Parkside. He is an avid drinker and is known for his ways with the ladies. He comes from a long line of alcoholics and is doing his best not to let them down. His favorite brews include-- Killian's Red, MoooseHead, and BudLight.

Mike Perusky----- biggins, Big Dog, strangler,poncho via ------ Mike is a student at Illinois State. Mike is known for his gambling ways, if you got a bet he'll take it. He is also known for being a crazy little son of a bitch. Mikes favorite beers are Bud Light, and corona.

Chris Truax------ superlady,ppt(pocket pool truax)------- Chris recently graduated from IL State. He once was a great guy to slam down some beers with, but after he began to date a certain young lady she took control of him. He still gets crazy when she lets him come out to play. Chris favorite beer is bud light.

Corey Misch---Hommomo, Rick--- Corey is a working man and in search of his own propertyl. Misch loves to get down and dirty with the ladies(and if none are available he'll settle for a manly man). Misch is also well known for always going Bottoms Up with his brew and jerking and driving. He also appreciates a little ethnicity in his women.

Mark Dawe---Cracker, Grand Wizard--- Mark keeps the security at O'Hare airport in line so its safe for the rest of us. In his spare time he enjoys drinking down a couple of true pilsners with his buddies. He is an avid BEARS fan and enjoys belting out a few not too well known country songs every now and then. His favorite beer is miller lite(liquid shit).

Tim Gundrum---Moose, Teddy Bear, Cheese Ass--- Tim attends UW Stevens Point. Tim is well known for being a fat ass packers(suck) fan. Tim is one hell of a guy even though he's a hick from the north. Tim loves to hunt those deer so he can get a piece of tail. He also loves his Beast Ice and pimping it. One of Tim's favorite quotes is, "Pimping ain't easy." Keep on slamming.

Mark Nelson---Ponch, Tito---Ponchh is a guy who loves any kind of foreign substances in his blood stream. With a five minute converstation you would know what we mean. Ponch is known for his slamming till daylight and his famous drinking quotes. He was a former student at U.W.S.P, and now is a engneer in Lake county IL. Ponch, we salute you for your excellent drinking skills. Not bad for a cheese fuck!

Jarred Cassady--Silk Leggs, Eppi Lady---Jarred is also a former student from U.W.S.P. When Jarred drinks, women better start covering their breasts, or they will be fondled. Him and Pegleg were roomates last year and always welcomed a ice cold brew in the room. Other things Jarred is known for is his large tits and his beautifully shaven legs. <

C.J Stanley----Pork Chop, Snatching Stan---- C.J is a guy that will slam with anybody anywhere. He's always up for tippin a few cold ones. he has been slammin since 8th grade and he sees no stopping in sight. He is from Sheboygan, Wis. and attends UWSP. His favorite brews are- MGD, Heinken, and New Castle.
