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Great Places To Do Some Drinking

This is our list of our favorite drinking locations from the best and down----

1. Illinois State U--- 4 of our members are currently attending ISU, for real drinking go to 801 S. University Apt.#11, ask for Dave

2. RedOaks Campground, Wis Dells (we are now banned for life)

3. UWSP-Kamikazies are always going down smooth

4. SteamBoat Springs,Co- Big time skiing and drinking, can't beat it(except a case of anything costs at least $20)

5. Bus Trip to Steamboat- 24 hours of straight drinking during the trip, we tried but could only pull off about 15hrs.

6. University of IL- Great parties, and always late night slammin

7. Hessler's Bar- always some mean ass drinking going on all night long

8. Lesko's Basement-always a last resort, but always good slammin

9. Any party in Wadsworth-they always rock, and if a brawl breaks out we kick their asses

10. Mike's Bronco-We don't promote the driver drinking, but passengers are always welcome to.

11. Partners Pub+Ellas- Two great Steven's Point Bars

12. Eastern Illinois U- not bad drinking with a beautiful group of women

13. GlassHouse & Joe Mamma's- 2 more great Steven's Point Bars

14. Our Buddie Pete's Pad- beer is always flowing

15. Mike's Beach- death metal,fire, and brew makes for one hell of a night

16. THE Sea King- not many have slammed there, but nothing can beat drunk boating

17. Big PowerHorn Inn, Bessmer Mich.-Skiing, drinking, the town of Hurley is 10 minutes away

18. BeanSnappers- the worlds greatest nudie bar- you can't drink there, but tits&snatch always kick ass!!

19. Tim's Ice Shanty- Our cheesehead members from the north say that theres nothing better than slammin and fishing while freezing your ass off
