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untangle line!

You just saw the biggest bass you've ever seen cruising the bank searching for dinner. You quickly turn to cast your favorite lure to the monster. With the bail of your spinning reel open you expertly aim your lure towards the hungry giant, but instead of the lure gliding through the air it lands suddenly at your feet entangled in a "nest" of monofilament. What the *!#! happened?!

If you use spinning reels it is very important to keep tension on the line while you are reeling the line in. If you don't a loop of slack line may form on the reels spool. If there is a loop of line on the spool the line will become entangled with the loop as it passes over it during a cast. If you see the loop before you cast you would probably try pulling the line out until you reach the loop. The problem with this solution is that the loop may still twist around the line as it passes over it. Even if it dosen't tangle with the loop all of the line that you pull off of the reel will tie itself around any debris on the ground producing a very effective knot! To prevent this try:

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