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Fishing Thru Jens' Mind

Streaks of light filter through a mornings mist, rising from the ponds placid surface. Scattering grasshoppers announce each carefuly placed step as I approach the ponds edge. Tingling with anticipation I gently cast a gold and black floating minnow into the water. As the ripples clear I stare at the water expecting the explosion of a bass attacking its prey.

With a skillful twitch of the rod tip I methodically disturb the waters surface once more. The rings surrounding the lure grow larger and farther apart as I study the water. With alarming speed the water boils around my lure! I strike back with my rod! The rods tip bows towards the waters surface as my reels drag screams in protest! The battle begins .............

I have loved fishing for most of my life. I think that I was five years old the first time I fished. I have learned many things since then, but I still feel the excitement of that first trip every time I go. Each trip is the sum of what I learned on the trips before. Using this formula I have been able to capture some fantastic fish. I am not trying to say that each trip is a success. I frequently catch nice fish, but I also have days where I catch nothing. On these days I take advantage of the time outdoors by watching the wildlife that surrounds me.

I have had many days when I could have caught the limit ten times without trying, and I have had days when I could not get a bite. I have spent a lot of time fishing, but I have never considerd it wasted time.
