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Pay-Lake Fishing:

As a young fisherman growing up in Cincinnati Ohio, I was always faced with the problem of not having anywhere to fish. If it weren't for the pay lakes I wouldn't have fished at all.

Most of the pay lakes in my area shared the same characteristics:

I fished local pay lakes constantly. I would approach each trip determinded to catch a Monster Catfish
I would spend the evening before a fishing trip reading every article that I could find about catching big catfish. When I used the information that I had read it seldom helped.All of the magazine articles were about fishing in huge rivers or reservoirs, not little pay lakes.

I am writing this page to help all of the fishermen who have to fish local pay lakes. I won't be refering to migratory positioning, pre or post spawn behavior, or relationships to stucture since these variables seldom exist in pay lakes.

Click on the fish species you want to catch to go to the page about fishing for them in pay lakes:
