Your in MY world now!!!!
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Your in MY world now!!!!

Hi! My name is Jerusha Marquis. I live in the USA. I am 17 and I am a female. Next fall I will be a Senior in high school. I live with my great family in the great state of Ohio.

I live in an old farm house in Ohio. It was built during the Civil War. I can't say I like the house very much. :) Though I do have a GREAT family. I live with my Dad, Mom, Sister, Grandpa, and Boyfriend. My parents are great. I couldnt ask for a better set of parents.

My grandpa is cool too. He is usualy never home though. But I love him anyways! Me and my sister fight a lot. But I guess thats to be expected. I love my boyfriend David. We have been together for a long long time. He is the greatest guy I know.

I also love animals. I have 2 dogs, 4 cats, 2 mice, 1 hamster, 1 rabbit, 4 fish, and 12 cows. I am getting a pet goat in January.

I am very involved in 4H. I have been a member for 9 years. I have taken over 20 projects. I have won many awards. This year I am taking a project called "And My World 2." It deals with learning about people from around the world.

Since I am addicted to chatting on mIRC, I decided to incorperate the people I chat with into my 4H project. I chat with people from around the world. I love to make new friends. So if you are out there and want a pen pal, friend, someone to chat with, or even an email buddy, then let me know. I have a number of great friends from around the world. I would love to add more.

Other things I like to do are......Hang out with my boyfriend, hang out with my friends, listen to music, watch movies, chat on mIRC, SHOP, Shop, shop, and do just about anything.

Anyways, Ill update this page ever so often. Just in case anyone really cares about the person who did this page. ;) Remember, Email me if you like. :) Im always open to suggestions!

Well guys, I got a County award on my 4H project. Thanks to all the guys for all their wonderful help in letting me acheive this!!!!! Thanks all!!!

Parts of the world that some of my closest friends are from.....

Some more great links for some more great people.......

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