JG Enterprises, Inc.
A Brief History
This story begins in 1994. Dr. Joshua Gulch and Dr. Bryan MacAfee, two freelance scientists working together one day stumbled upon the greatest invention the world had ever known!
It was a three-man-powered flashlight. Sure, the neighbors laughed, and we only had a twenty foot extension cord, but it worked!
Needless to say, it was the beginning. For across the front of that flashlight was a label: JG Inventive Labs, Inc.
The JG Inventive Labs, or JGIL, manned only by Gulch and MacAfee set out on the right foot to make the world a better place to live.
Not much was produced by JGIL, due to heavy financial setbacks, though a Codebook was published, for use with the flashlight.
During the summer of 1996, JGIL's research in temporal mechanics led to the creation of the world's first time machine. Given a grant from the US Government to pursue the field, JGIL became JG Labs, Inc., with a new look to match. Taking on more personnel, it became necessary to establish a chain of command, and so the rank system, based off the U.S. Navy, was implemented.
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This page engaged 9 July 1999.
Last updated 16 June 2001.
©1996-2001, JG Enterprises, Inc. All Rights Reserved.