Jimmy Joe and the BOX
Jimmy Joe's Frequently Asked Questions
Of all the Jimmy Joe stuff out there, many questions are presented. The purpose of this page is to answer any questions about the Jimmy Joe Universe that you throw at me. A question about boxes, Jimmy Joe, or anything else that has ever been mentioned in the Jimmy Joe stories and movies. You ask it, and I can answer it.
Send your questions to: vegisaurus@aol.com.
You'll be glad you did.
• How old is Jimmy Joe?
This can be a tricky question to answer. The story simply refers to "a boy". There was never a formal age given in the stories. I'd say he's most likely about 13 or the whereabouts.
• What is the BOX?
The BOX is a kind of transdimentional portal. It connects the linear world of Earth with the non-linear world of the BOX. Inside the BOX, the technology is significantly greater. Time has no meaning, which means that the beings inside may travel to any point in our time. The beings of the BOX are also omnipotent.
•Why are the letters in the word "box" capitalized in the title?
The reason that the word "box" is capitalized in the title is because the word "box" is an acronym for the longer, technical term. I may include it in a future story.
• What kind of box was it?
It was a square, cardboard box. It was tan, and it was attached to a transdimentional vortex.
• Is it recyclable?
• Is it corrugated?
You bet it was!
• What came in the box?
All boxes that we've seen so far were TV boxes.
• What is inside the BOX?
Within the BOX lies an entire world. A world that exists outside the fabric of Space-Time. It is called Boxworld. Boxworld is divided into two provinces: the peace faring Boxland, and the warlike Boxtopia. Jimmy Joe hangs out in Boxland.
• What happened to those Jimmy Joe movies?
The Jimmy Joe movies have been put on hold for the time being due to other projects. I still plan on producing the films after I finish Shumi-Shumi Man VI this summer. But never fear, I haven't forgotten about them, I still work on them from time to time. There's also a good chance that they'll be combined into one three hour long movie.
• What about Jimmy Joe III and the Prequel?
I'm still in the process of working on Jimmy Joe III: Trouble in the BOX (Working title), and have several different beginnings, but no definite ending. As for the Prequel, I've totally canceled that for the time being. Mainly because I have no idea what to write in it!
• What are the names of Jimmy Joe's dogs?
According to the original story, Jimmy Joe owned three dogs. First, there was Dizzy Dewey Domino, who jumped into the BOX and turned into a cat. then, there was Zorba, The Children Eating Dog From Heck, Helper Of Evil, Immortal, Invincible, Killer, Cannot Be Put To Sleep, Say My Whole Name Right On The First Try Or Die a Horrible Bone Shattering, Blood Curdling Death, The Devil Dog Who Takes 254 Lives A Day, An Evil, Non-puppylike Demon Of Death And Disaster, who drank the normal potty and exploded. Finally, there was another dog who was mentioned at the end of the story. He (she?) was not given a name, and was only briefly mentioned when how the family acts now is explained. It also sits at the dinner table.
• Why does Jimmy Joe's dog have to have such a complicated name?
Because it is possible.
• What kind of food do they feed the dog with the long name?
The story didn't say, but he did end up drinking normal potty. Presumably he normally ate Happy Dog™ dog food.
• I mean, shouldn't Americo Vespucci be good enough? Or am I just a moron?
You're just a moron.
Keep those questions coming!
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This page engaged 26 February 2001.
Last updated 1 March 2001.
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