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Marilyn Grote

I have a silver bracelet on my wrist. It is small and on it is a name of a POW/MIA. The name doesn't matter because it represents all the service men, women and civilians who were left behind, by the government of the United States, in Vietnam.

I don't know the man whose name is on my silver bracelet. I have never met him. I can't picture him in my mind. My only connection to him is we both come from the same state.

I know that this man laughed, cried, loved and was willing to pay a very high price for my freedom. The POW/MIA's are not just names, they have families and friends who love and care about them. They had hopes and dreams that ended too soon for them and those who love them.

People ask "What is the silver bracelet for?" and they are amazed that we still have POW/MIA's in Vietnam. I ask them to pray for all the POW/MIA's and for their safe return, to get involved and to order their own silver bracelet.

I have jewelry that cost a lot more then my silver bracelet. But nothing I own represents more to me than this band of silver on my wrist. This silver bracelet represents the person whose name is inscribed on it and everyone who went to Vietnam, the ones who came home and ones who did not. It is a constant reminder not to forget the ones left behind, to continue to fight for their return until all of them are back on American soil, to take time to thank those who have come home for their dedication, sacrifice and loyalty to America, and most importantly to pray for all of them every day.

My bracelet reminds me to write to my Congressman, to the President and demand to find out why we left so many behind in Vietnam and why we have not done more to bring them home. I want to know why we, this proud, strong country left the POW/MIA's behind. We never should have allowed this to happen. It is a tragedy, a disgrace and against every principle this nation was founded on, for and about. It always reminds me that we need answers and we need them now. And I pray that these elected officials of this country start to represent all Americans, including the ones left behind in Vietnam, and their families, to demand answers, and to make this county stand for "liberty and justice for all."

I treasure my bracelet. I never take if off. The bracelet is always close to my heart, close to my thoughts and in my prayers, hopes and dreams for a quick return of all the POW/MIA's.

Thank you little silver bracelet, thank you for what you stand for and thank you for the Service men, women and civilians you represent. God bless the USA and all those we left in Vietnam.

I wrote this as a tribute to Captain Richard Brazik, USAF whose name is inscribed on my little silver bracelet.

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