Biblion Agon Update: Vol. 5 Issue 1
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Volume 5 Issue 1

1998 North American Christian Convention
In Review

Central Christian Church in Battle Creek, Michigan became the new 1998 Bible Bowl champions after a good match against College Heights from Joplin, MO. The game was memorable as any finals could have been.

We Want to Know ... What is your most memorable NACC moment?

Was it something you did with your team? Was it a game you watched that stood out? Email your moments to Biblion Agon at Your responses will be posted soon.

Isaiah Davis is working on the final convention brackets for you to view online. They will be posted as soon as they are available.

Share Your Thoughts

This section is in reference to the convention itself ... have any thoughts on improving the tournament or was something so outstanding it absolutely must be mentioned. Anonymous submissions are always accepted. The goal is pure and simple ... make next year even better!