Biblion Agon Update Online
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Biblion Agon Update was created in 1994 by three college students at Milligan College. Jason Derry, Jeremy Thomas and John Kasler decided to get together and write about Bible Bowl. It was with the help of Dr. Magnus, professor of Greek at Milligan, that we decided Biblion Agon was the name for our newsletter. Our name means "Competition of the Bible".

Since 1994 we have been publishing about 6 issues a year distributing each issue with the help of our local Round Robin coordinators across the United States. Although, in the last 2 years, the newsletter has only been available in this online form.

Online you will find the same interesting bits of information which were available in the hard copy edition of the newsletter. There are stats, articles and the latest information available from across the US.

Bible Bowl has grown considerably online as more round robins have their own homepages which update the stats monthly. This allows for an even faster update than before.

The newsletter is not simply articles written by myself. It is a conglomerate of articles, events and activities from you, the reader. If you have anything you've written, or have an opinion you'd like expressed or simply have a funny Bible Bowl story then just email BIblion Agon and we'll see that it gets online!

Continue to keep Biblion Agon Update and Bible Bowl in your prayers as we go into this 1998-99 season.

John Kasler Editor, Biblion Agon Update