1998-1999 Bible Bowl Committee
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1998-1999 Bible Bowl Committee

The following brothers and sisters are members of our National Bible Bowl Committee. Please keep them in your prayers as they work with Bret Talley at the NACC.

Donetta Hoppes of Springfield, Kentucky

Betty Goodart of Kissimmee, Florida

Bill Thomas of Kansas City, Kansas

Warren White of Indianapolis, Indiana

Maggie Steele of Norfolk, Nebraska

Ann Johnson of Michigan

On September 27th, 1997 the Bible Bowl Advisory Committee discussed the guidelines for individuals to serve on hte BBAC. Here is the criteria the committee decided upon ...

1. A reccommended 10 years Bible Bowl experience. Part of this time may be as a player
2. Committee members will be selected based on the following criterial: a) Bible Bowl experience, b) committee recommendation, c) geographical need, d) demonstrates the Fruit of the Spirit
3. Committee terms will be 3 years in length
4. Committee members may server a second term after sitting out for 1 full term.

If you know anyone who would be a good candidate for the committee, please send their name to NACC-Bible Bowl, P.O. Box 11326, Cincinnatti, OH 45211.

Originally published in the NACC Bible Bowl Newsletter vol. 1 No. 3