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the stuff that irks me

there's just a lot of stuff that really 'ticks' me off. here's some examples
warning: there may be some repeats but you'll just have to deal with it 'cause i don't care enough to go back through them :)

hate #1- stupid people who think they are funny but are really just annoying.

hate #2- mean people who know they are mean but won't do anything about it cause they think it's funny

hate #3- liars

hate #4- being lied to

hate #5- tomatoes *puke*

hate #6- bad popcorn

hate #7- being ignored

hate #8- being told what to do when the person telling you what to do doesn't know what they're talking about.

hate #9- jocks who think they're cool cause they are jocks

hate#10- people who treat #9 like they deserve better

hate#11- movies with hal scordino in it (that really annoying kid in "the indian in the cupboard")

hate#12- that macaulay culkin isn't in anymore movies

hate#13- when my computer freezes and my hate list disappears cause i hadn't saved the stuff i had just put in

hate#14- when i can't remember a "dang" thing (especially about html codes)

hate#15- really bad pictures of myself

hate#16- those stupid "when animals attack" shows on fox (i think theyre up to 6 now)

hate#17- not having cable (but instead i have the wb and the people with cable here, don't. ha ha)

hate#18- racist people/racism in general

hate#19- prejudice

hate#20- when people eat the rest of the bagels and leave the bag there so i think there's some left but there isnt

hate#21- that i can't remember what i had put down before my computer froze and lost it

hate#22- when people don't email me back

hate#23- that someone has passed my icq # around and the stupid "katieville" people try to add me to their list even though they don't know who i am

hate#24- when, for some reason, i always look like or sound somebody else and never myself

hate#25- when dr.pepper goes flat

hate#26- when people make me feel really inferior to themselves even though im not

hate#27- when i get blamed for something i didn't do, had nothing to do with, or didn't even know what happened

hate#28- when people who don't even know me say they'll "beat me up" "punch my lights out"

hate#29- headaches

hate#30- hypocrites

hate#31- when people watch a movie 60 times a day

hate#32- homework on weekends

hate#33- when babies cry

hate#34- when babies smell like rotten turds, baby wipes, and powder

hate#35- when guys hit girls (i really hate that)

hate#36- when i get kicked off the phone for other people and get yelled at when i try to kick them off

hate#37- when my pens run out of ink

hate#38- that i always get up early no matter how late i stay up or how tired i am

hate#39- psychiatrists (definitely! example-counselor deana troy on star trek: the next generation)

hate#40- that there's so many people with incurable diseases

hate#41- that there is incurable diseases

hate#42- when birds poop all over

hate#43- that i can't find grandma shear's grandpa's choice mesquite barbeque chips anywhere!!

hate#44- being so hungry my tummy hurts and then the pain goes into my throat during school and i think i'm going to puke

hate#45- really stupid boring commercials that have absolutely no point to them

hate#46- wheaties

hate#47- when guys are jerks

hate#48- people taking my stuff, not asking, and ruining it

hate#49- people taking my clothes and thinking i don't know they did

hate#50- that my old basketball coach never played me so that now i have no experience and i wanted to play basketball in high school

hate#51- losing

hate#51- selfish people

hate#52- bess (the high school's website blocker)

hate#53- when people are so obsessed with the internet they are on it night and day and they don't want to do anything else but be on the internet

hate#54- not having something when you need it

hate#55- when my chips are stale

hate#56- when innocent people get visciously killed in movies

hate#57- my school's homemade pizza

hate#58- being sick

hate#59- throwing up

hate#60- public restrooms

hate#61- having to ride the smelly school bus with the really loud obnoxious kids who never listen to the bus driver and stink up the bus

hate#62- an overdosage of really strong potpourri

hate#63- waking up at a really cool part in my dreams

hate#64- when people use the up the last of the toilet paper and don't replace the roll (aka me sometimes)

hate#65- the smell of my dog's breath

hate#66- spiders

hate#67- those stupid fake tv shows like "nightman"

hate#68- when vending machines eat my money

hate#69- ahhh!! 69!!

hate#70- when people don't believe me (like i would lie! sheesh!!)

hate#71- being grounded (even though i haven't gotten grounded in a -long- time)

hate#72- getting paid crap at work and then getting less hours than him because he's a "better worker" when all he does is run to the phones when they ring so that i have to finish all the stuff he makes

hate#73- that i've been working at a certain place for about 4 months and i'm still not getting minimum wage (even with my raise)

hate#74- slutty people

hate#75- not having a car

hate#76- that everyone's better than me at everything i do or like to do

hate#77- when i have something first and then a "popular" person gets it and then says i'm like copying off them or something (whatever, stupid buttmunches)

hate#78- when i have a sneeze but it won't come out

hate#79- the fact that i will probably never have a car of my own until i'm like 42

hate#80- when people say they have/are something, when they're not, just to get some extra special attention

hate#81- when my dad stinks up the bathroom

hate#82- druggies

hate#83- that i used to be able to spell like everything but the effects of going to a public school are wearing on me and i can't remember how to spell

hate#84- that i'm a really ugly loser

hate#85- sunset beach

hate#86- that malibu shores went off the air (i loved that show)

hate#87- when people use big words to sound like smart and stuff but they really only sound even stupider

hate#88- that i have to share a room with my sister (and i wont even get into that subject cause itd probably make me go even crazier than i already am and then end up in some insane asylum where they'll pump me full of hazardous drugs that would eventually kill me)

hate#89- that there's not a theatre or mall in my town (all those are at least a 1/2 hour away)

hate#90- holy "butt" monkeys!! 90!

hate#91- getting infront of alot(not even alot) of people to talk/give a speech/present a report/whatever

hate#92- when my hair is crappy (which is all of the time)

hate#93- that i never have snow on christmas (the last time i did was probably when i was like 6 but i don't remember)

hate#94- the cleveland indians

hate#95- when i think i hear someone whispering my name frequently but no one is

hate#96- getting in fights (verbal, of course.)

hate#97- that i have no life

hate#98- that i don't know what i've written all together so i may be writing some things twice

hate#99- when i cut myself shaving

hate#100- wow!! 100!!

hate#101- all my stupid typos

hate#102- summertime (except for the fact that there's no school..thats about the only good thing about it)

hate#103- myself

hate#104- death

hate#105- pimples

hate#106- when my good paper gets all used up

hate#107- when i get paranoid

hate#108- winnie the pooh (i like eeyore though)

hate#109- that my stupid parents got divorced

hate#110- my voice

hate#111- lazy people who don't want to do -anything-

hate#112- that i got a 14 out of 40 on my stupid science fair project (i wasn't expecting a 40 but i wasn't expecting a 14 either) and then then fact that i -cried- infront of like everyone. ugh! i'm such a freak. if i were someone else, i would punch myself in the face

hate#113- stupid cartoons that are on in the morning (like 101 dalmations, the wacky world of tex avery)

hate#114- having to make important decisions really fast

hate#115- chemistry

hate#116- when people break promises

hate#117- that i'm probably never going to get my license

hate#118- the tazmanian devil warner bros. cartoon

hate#119- that every freakin thing i wanna buy is always costs more than it should

hate#120- that netscape runs so slow

hate#121- when my room gets messy cause my sister always throws her clothes on the floor (i can't wait 'til she goes to college. i'm keepin the tv and the vcr no matter what)

hate#122- when people take the last can of pop

hate#123- when people make me get on a super high ladder and leave me there to paint the toppish half of the back of our english teacher's garage all by myself *ahemlaurenandbenahem*(this was in 8th grade)

hate#124- when people put me on speakerphone *ahem-emily-ahem*(this also was a long time ago because she doesn't like me anymore even though we were like best friends all through ics)

hate#125- when people hang up on me when i'm gone on call waiting for like 2 seconds

hate#126- when people scream at the top their lungs right in my ear

hate#127- when i just want to be alone and no one will leave me alone and/or everyone i know calls me

hate#128- the way the hanson boys act. it's just not normal. i don't like it

hate#129- applebee's bacon cheese burgers. really digusting. it's got white cheese for christ's sake!!

hate#130- royal cheesecake mix (it's crap)

hate#131- frozen pizzas (except shurfine)

hate#132- the taste of chocolate syrup by itself

hate#133- the fact that i have like no clothes and i can never get any jeans that i like cause all the girl jeans are like skin tight

hate#134- when ladybugs attack

hate#135- my socks get wet

hate#136- when i make stupid little mistakes

hate#137- being pestered and nagged

hate#138- when people tug on my bookbag after i told them not to like 500 times *ahem-nikki-ahem*

hate#139- attention

hate#140- getting hit

hate#141- the x-files (the only good part about it is the song)

hate#142- that we have to learn all this useless crap that we don't even use half of when we grow up unless your like a scientist or something

hate#143- prepositions

hate#144- that i'm going back through this thing 3 years after i originally did it and i'm finding all of these things that are repeated like almost exactly. i'm such an idiot

hate#145- having to work every freakin friday so that i can't watch tgif

hate#146- this man chick at school who shall remain nameless for fear she will sit on me

hate#147- when people think revenge is bad all the time (it can be very good. ha ha)

hate#148- the letter "q"

hate#149- my luck (i don't have any)

hate#150- when people make fun of my friends

hate#151- that i have to wake up at 6am and be ready at 6:20 to be ready for the bus (i'm up and on my way to school before like everyone is even up)

hate#152- bananas

hate#153- when my knee itches

hate#154- that there's never anything on on sundays until 10pm when "the practice" (the best show on television) is on

hate#155- volume and area

hate#156- judgmental people

hate#157- those courtesy callers

hate#158- america online

hate#159- changes

hate#160- swiss cheese

hate#161- when it rains in town and it smells like dead fish

hate#162- that i can't figure out how to get my wav's to work on my page

hate#163- when people put a "(quotation mark) for a '(apostrophe) when sayin something like don"t or i"m or i"ll. its soo annoying!! (?)

hate#164- when a person tells me that i'm not going to be an architect when thats what i want to do

hate#165- apples and apple products

hate#166- when guys have a higher pitched voice than i do

hate#167- getting my picture taken

hate#168- "better value" brand toilet paper (it's very hard and flat. i don't like it)

hate#169- usher. he's sooo sexual. it's perverted. it's actually not even attractive

hate#170- when people do those really stupid sexual type dances and think it's cool (it's not. it's so incredibly stupid that it's lost all meaning)

hate#171- that i don't even know what i'm talking about anymore

hate#172- pictures and commercials of naked babies (i mean god!! how perverted are people that they gotta take an innocent little baby, strip em down, and take their picture??!?! its pathetic and really stupid!the poor kid has no rights!argh)

hate#173- that ladybugs smell REALLY bad when you kill them

hate#174- that my summer's gonna suck so bad its gonna be really...sucky.

hate#175- being attacked by some weird lookin bugs


hate#177- going to church

hate#178- that people feel that we have to have "faith" in something that they're not even sure exists. (i'm sorry. i just don't get it. there's no proof)

hate#179- affordable chiropractic commercials

hate#180- cancre sores

hate#181- my legs

hate#182- when people get pissed at me when i don't do anything

hate#183- that i can't have hamburger gravy over mashed potatoes anymore

hate#184- most of the people in the hs

hate#185- that i got 2 moles a little above my tummy so that it looks like i got 2 brown eyeballs on it

hate#186- when my contacts get foggy and little "calcium deposits" get on em

hate#187- constant laziness

hate#188- little italy pizza

hate#189- when people ask me questions that i would have no idea what the answer is

hate#190- when people refer to pamida as the "pamidal facilities" for no reason. it's annoying

hate#191- being stabbed in the back (not in the literal sense)

hate#192- when my liter of dr.pepper gets so shook up that when i open it, it squirts ALL over me and my friend hilary

hate#193- really annoying people

hate#194- macintosh computers

hate#195- when people gang up on me

hate#196- when it smells in the bathroom and i have to go to the bathroom really really bad!!

hate#197- when i get ditched at cedar point 4 times by a group of my best friends (who shall remain nameless) -haha. i'm over this now-

hate#198- when my tv poops out on me

hate#199- when a certain someone sells me out at cedar point(she shall remain nameless too) -i don't remember this at all. that was only 2 years ago too.-

hate#200- Yes!!! 200!!! finally!!!!wooohooo!!

hate#201- when i fall on my rollerblades (ouchy!!)

hate#202- that stupid wwf fake wrestling

hate#203- when i plan on eating a lot of cereal and then i look in the fridge and there's little or no milk *sniff* *sniff* i happen to like my food ready when i'm ready to eat (heheh)

hate#204- when my feet fall asleep and go into that tingly stage (ahhh!)

hate#205- rollercoasters

hate#206- swimming ('cause i can't do it/won't. water's scary. it'll suck you in)

hate#207- porky pig

hate#208- that dumb mighty ducks cartoon

hate#209- that icq is "cool" now that the rest of the world finally found it, i've had it for like 3 years

hate#210- when i'm really tired and i can't get comfortable in my nice, cozy, rarely ever made bed

hate#211- that no one signs my guestbook *cries*

hate#212- when people think burping is gross. (hey! its gonna come out one way or another..burping is the most pleasant way there is.)

hate#213- david letterman

hate#214- lightning

hate#215- that guy from the mighty mighty bosstones that just stands there doing nothing but the STUPIDEST dance ever danced that he does for every freakin' song!!(evidently it's called skanking or something?) he's like not even a band member he's just that retarded guy who thinks he's dancing. i can dance better than that and i can't dance!!

This page was last updated- Sunday January 9, 2000
The last time before then- sometime in 1997
