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My shrine to Lauren

Lauren Marie Poop
this is my shrine to lauren. she's my hero. she is the coolest person on this planet. there is no one cooler than she. if her coolness was a river it'd be flowin' like the amazon(?). she's so cool she makes the warped tour look stupid. she has the coolest page in the universe: click here you should go there and sign the guestbook. :oD she is also the smartest person in the world. she's the 90's female version of albert einstein (but she has better hair and is probably smarter). there's only 3 things she can't do. (1) tell time on a regular clock (not very well at least), (2) fill out those order forms in clothing(etc.) magazines, (3) i'm not sure what this one is. but i'm determined to find out. she's a very talented person. you should watch for our "band" (when we form one). we're gonna make it big. but only because we would have the privelidge of having her take part in our band. :o)

this is all meant to be taken as
complete and utter sarcasm.
this isn't all true (not in so many words that is.)
this is what i had to make for her since
she scanned all my pictures rather crapily if i do
say so myself
© 1998 katie fartsmack pages
