Do you believe in Fairies?
I believe that they watch over us all the time.
They protect us from evil and guide us through
life. They are cute little creatures who are
known for there magical powers. They live in all
kinds of places so be careful of where you walk.
And if you ever see a something flutter
out of the corner of your have
probably just been visited by a fairy.
This is a little poem my little boy WeeLord Michael uses and I really like it so I thought I would put it on my page for everybody to enjoy!!
I am going to tell you a story about a
a Fairy who lives in the world of DRealm of Fairies. She brings
laughter and cheer wherever she may go!! She visits her friends
in the Site Fights to bring them spirit and joy during their fighting
days. So whenever you need some spirit or just a hug this is what you do!!
Close your eyes and go to dreamland. There you will see magical things happen.
A Fairy will appear fluttering on your shoulder. She will shake her little fairy
wings and then and there a special sensation will happen.
All the spirit and love will surround you forever and ever!! Just believe in us
and we will be there!!
Take a few minutes to go see the wonderful gifts I have recieved for being a Fairy. All of these mean alot to me and are very special to me!!