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Andreas Saum and Descendants

Hi all.I have decided to put these documents on line for you, it will make it easier then emailing. You will find several different spellings beause our ancesters did not speak english and for a good peroid of time, it was spelled how it sounded to the writer.
I will start with the Ships Log for Andreas our GGGGrandfather. There are at least 7 known logs available. There were several translations of the passenger and Immagration books out there, and depending on who was doing the books, we will see different spelling for Andreas. I have handwritten logs and typed. in each instance his name is spelled different.In the first series I have. Andreas is spelled three different ways from the time he left Germany until the final ship log was turned into the Court House in the Port of PA.

Here he is under the spelling ZAUM.

This is another Ships log which shows Michael and Andreas, who could be brothers, it is still unproven as of this date, but the genetic makeup is almost identical. Note that in this log they both have the spelling SAHM.

The logs were done first in port of France, second (port of entry)when they arrived before leaving the ship and the third was recorded in the courthouse

These are the Ships Logs from the Book "Pennsylvainia German Pioneers" which I found in a local Genealogy Library here in Ohio. Note that there are three list A- B and C.

Now you are going to ask how I know these are all the same person?.
When you compare the names on each list with the other immagrants, they are each on the lists.
Gorge Wolf is an example. he is always near Andreas during the translations..note the spellings of his name alone.
I have the full version of these ships logs,plus the original hand written ones.



As you can see,in this Land grant, Andreas is refered to as ANDREW SAHM.
This seems to be the first time this spelling of ANDREW and SAUM is seen by me anyhow.
It show the land purchased in Longswamp Twp Berks CO Pa.
Ajoining the properties of Mathias Eignor, Peter Reedler, Frederick Popenmoyer and so on.


a land Survey was done on the property. Andrew Sahm is now Andrew SAUM.
The neighbors of the above grant and the same in the, so we know the map is accurate.

This information has been triple and quadruple checked for accuracy. Through other documentation we know Andreas had at least two other sons, George, Christian and Andre Jr. Our line is through Matthias

The map Below clearly shows the division of Berks Co Pa where Andreas, Mathias and George lived and married,
and the Macungie Twp Northampton Co lines.We know that the family attended the Lutheran Church in Macungie Twp Northampton Co Pa. but I think we were actually a little more to the West of the circled area here. I have propertities for Maxatawny Twp for Andreas and Mathias for 1768


Below is the informaiotn on Georges marriage to Catherine Muller(Miller)another of Ansreas's sons Again it shows Andreas as SAAM in 1761

The artical below was genealogy work done by Katherine Rizer, She has spent many years searching the country for Saum informaion and is well known among Saum researchers

I. Daniel Rupp published "Thirty Thousand Names ... Immigrants in Pennsylvania from 1727-1776". A similar listing of arrivals to that of Strassburger includes the passenger ANDREAS SAHM.

1765 M.S. Giuseppi, Assistant Secretary of the Huguenot Society of London, edited "Naturalizations of Foreign Protestants in the American and West Indian Colonies", 1964, Gen. Pub. Co., Baltimore. This book contains an extensive listing of German, Swiss, and a few other nationalities who were Naturalized by taking the Oath of Allegiance before the Supreme Court at Philadelphia at periodic meetings of the Court.At the 24-28 and 30 September 1765 Session of the Court appeared:

ANDREAS SAAM: Longswamp township Berks County sacrament taken was 22 Sept. 1765

Note One of the requirements for naturlization was to take part in
"The Lords Supper Sacrament" within three months prior to the Administration of the Oath./tr>


Below is informaiton I found in the Penn Archives.It shows George, Mathias and Andreas listed under the spelling SAUN. Both Mathias and Andreas are listed for Maxatawney Twp Berks Co Pa.

Click on this image it is to large to view.

In order to speed things up here You can see it pretty well documented. From Andreas arrival to his sons. No will was found for Andreas but I do have information of Matthias and Matthias Jr Records. Church Records, Will abstracts, land and Military.

The top document is for Matthias Sr

This is our direct line.
Matthias Jr married Elizabeth Kohl birth baptiismal records were found in the Ardent's Lutheran and Reform Chruch of Ardentville Pa from 1790 to 1802

Catherine 1790
Johanne 1792 ( our line)
Jacob 1794
By 1808 the family is recorded in Perry County Ohio, who's county seat was Lancaster Ohio.Birth, census, church records all exist in the courthouse. So in order to save a little time here. I will tell you Johannes, John Ssum, Married Nancy Fansler in Lancaster Co Ohio Records in Aug 1827.

They had several children in which we are the decendants of Andrew. Andrew's records show he married Mary Winegardner of Somerset Ohio.
They had a son, Andrew Jr. Attached is the death record for Andrew Jr showing his mother and father.

They continued to live in Somerset where their son William was born. This is our great Grandfather. Will married Prudence (Letta)Viola Middaugh. She is also listed under Lehman, her mother had prude out of wedlock and when her mother married Jacob Middaugh she became his daughter.

William and Prude moved to Junction City Ohio to work in the Brick yard and the mines. This is where their children were born, in which thrir son Lloyd is our grandfather.

Lloyd married Goldie May Ray

and They had our father Ralph Richard Saum.
