Something about Me

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Something about Me

Hi my name is Lisa, I am from Seattle Washington, and NO i am not sleepless! I am a 34yr old mother of three lovely children, Danny my son, he is 10 and very talented! he plays the violin and baseball! A very well rounded young man. Bonnie, she is my oldest daughter, she is the one most like me, we have our moments! She sings and also plays soccer. Now then last but not least! Emma, my baby! She is almost 5! and i cant believe it! She is always jumping about with endless amounts of energy! of which i try to channel into activites that do not include tearing the house apart! I also have a love of pets, We have a dog, three cats a ribbon snake, and a iguana called liz and of course our two resident rats jackie and alice! All of this keeps me very busy! but when i am not busy with all of that! i can be found playing on my puter ! And if that is not enuff i also have a part time job at McDonalds which i love! I am married, 15 yrs as of April 16th to David, We share the aboved named children and animals, also our four VW"S which are almost as important as the pets...... not of course the children! I Love to smile and to make others smile, and i am doing alot of smiling now that baseball season has finally started! GO MARINERS!! I love baseball, reading, of course anything to do with computers !!!
