~I Want It That Way~

OK....let me wipe the tears from my eyes. This video is DA BOMB! OMG....Timberass and I were on the phone during all of Total Request and we missed the CD commercial with Nick swinging on some vines in a jungle..damnit! So, with our tvs blasting and remotes on "record", we finally got to see the "I Want It That Way" video. This is what I (Katherine) think of it!!!

It starts out with the guys walking ever so sexy to their private jet plane with "Backstreet Boys" on the side. I think its just in case they forget which plane to get on after a concert. All I wanna know is: how do I get a round trip in one of those? Back to the video, they get off and my lovely Brian starts singing....sigh! They are in the middle of the runway and Nick keeps trying to take the attention away fron Brian by looking at the camera and flashing his "I'm so sexy" smile. Then Nick's turn comes up and he's ALL in the camera. Mr. Camera Hog? LOL! So, while he's making kissy faces, Nicky freaks out and keeps exclaiming how hot he looks, which I agree 100%! So, then they sing the chorus and now they are wearing white suits. Oh, my little angels. There were these weird special effects where each of the guys looked "see-thru". And the little booty shaking Kevin did....I almost fell out of the chair and licked the screen! Mmmmm mmmmm mmmmmmmm! The did their only dance moves in this section, which kinda reminded me of "All I Have To Give"...but THATS OK! Then there's AJ, looking like the pimp daddy he thinks he is! So, then Howie's turn is next after the chorus and for a slight second, Nicky and I agree that he looked super hot! So, after Wink Boy was done...it was time for........


Man, when they zoomed in on his GREEN EYES and his sexy bushy eyebrows, I knew that there WAS A GOD!After he goes," that deep down inside of me..." he leans his head back and opens his arms, like "Let the world know I sang!" I felt like jumping through the screen and running up to him. "Oh Kevvy,you sound like an angel!"

So, the next scenes they are singing in the airplane hanger with all these fans surrounding them. Where was MY invitation? I must say, that sign that said,"KISSES FOR KEVIN" was the moral behind this video! Don't you agree? So, they are all singing to the fans and Nick gets mobbed a couple of times and AJ blows kisses. I don't know what Brian is doing though? Hmmmmm.......

In the end, they bid their fans good-bye and hop back on the BSB Jet. COME BACK! SING SOME MORE!!!!! DON'T GO!....waaaaaaaa.......boo hoo!!!!!!!!!


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