"House Of Howie"

Unfortunately (YES...UNFORTUNATELY!), Howie was in London with the group! :( Hey, he is a BSB and I would like to meet him one day!

"Hangin' In Howie's Living Room"

After chatting with Mrs. Dorough for about 10 minutes......SHE INVITES US INSIDE!!!!!!!!!! Holy freaking cow! I saw gold records on the wall and we saw the MTV Award on the mantel!!! Man, I love Paula...she's awesome!! Woo hoo!!!!! She has a Howie pillow on her sofa...lol!

"The Dorough House"

Before we pulled out of her street and headed back to boring old Jacksonville, I snapped 2 shots of her house. For the record...ITS NOT PINK!!! I got so many emails saying it was the "pink house". You are all WRONG!!! BTW...don't ask me for his address cuz you're not getting it! I dont' care! Don't even try emailing me! No..no...NOOO!!!!!