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Myths & Facts

Sometimes fans of Mario & MegaMan are often confused with each game series. This is of course caused by the media(magazines, comics, movies, cartoons, etc.) This page is used to clear up some of the myths behind Mario, MegaMan, & even Zelda & Metroid.

Myth: Mario is the best jumper in the world.

Fact: Luigi & Princess can jump much higher & farther than Mario

Theory: This myth could've came from the shows. But SMB2 proves that Luigi is a better jumper.

Myth: The Robots in MegaMan have free will, feelings, can feel pain, & make decisions.

Fact: The robots in the X series have free will & can make decisions. But no robot before MegaMan X could do any of those things

Theory: This myth came from the cartoon shows.

Myth: Dr. Wily created ProtoMan

Fact: Dr. Light created ProtoMan

Theory: The MegaMan cartoon show really screwed up the MegaMan saga.

Myth: Goombas are really stupid giant reptiles

Fact: True, Goombas are stupid, but are mushrooms, not giant reptiles

Theory: The Mario Movie showed Toad turning into a Goomba

Myth: Toad loves Rock & Roll

Fact: There really isn't rock & roll in the Mushroom Kingdom

Theory: Like the MM cartoons screwed up MegaMan, the movie screwed up Mario

Myth: Starmen can only give Mario Fire Power

Fact: Only Fire Flowers can give Mario such power, and Starmen make Mario invincible.

Theory: In most cartoon shows, Mario will say a phrase similar to Twinkle Twinkle Little Star in front of a Starman & powers up

Myth: Proto Man is a bad guy

Fact: ProtoMan is mysterious. So far, there's no proof wether he's good or evil

Theory: Both MM5(NES) & the cartoon could've caused the confusion

Myth: Robots are muscular & huge

Fact: Robots's size & appearance depends on what they are. For example. GutsMan would be huge & muscular, but Cutman would be small & skinny

Theory: The cartoon once again caused the confusion

Myth: The Mushroom Kingdom is the home of reptiles

Fact: The residents are mushrooms. Doesn't the name "Mushroom Kingdom" tell you this?

Theory: The movie showed the Mushroom Kingdom inhabited by reptiles & dinosaurs

Myth: MegaMan is MegaManX & ProtoMan is Zero

Fact: All four robots are 4 different robots. Although they have similarities & parralels, but are not the exact same model(s).

Theory: People just took the fact that MegaMan & X are the same robot because of their names.

Myth: The Mother Brain is a metroid

Fact: This is mostly a rumor. There's no proof whether if she is or isn't a metroid. It could be possible, but most likely to be false. This hasn't beem proven either way.

Theory: Since she has the ability to control metroids, people may assume she is one herself

Myth: Link is an elf

Fact: Link is a Hylian

Theory: His pointy ears and the way he looks and dresses

Myth: Luigi is in SM64

FactL Luigi is not in SM64

Theory: Luigi was planned to be in SM64, but was taken out. Probably for space reasons. And people have made fake screenshots of Luigi in SM64.

If you know any more myths & confusions, e-mail me
