To become a member, you must read & agree to the following rules.
The site must contain info on either Mario, MegaMan, Zelda, or Metroid. The site doesn't have to have all 4 games. Just at least 1 game series. For example, Mario sites are welcome. MegaMan sites are welcome. But a Castlevania site isn't aloud unless it contains a small page on one of the 4 series.
Must be rated G or PG. Anything above PG isn't aloud. This site is for family viewing.
Site must be updated on a regular basis or at least is big enough to supply info. This means that smaller sites must be updated regularly(like once a month or week). But major sites or popular sites don't have to. But still has to be updated at least once a year. If any site shows no proof of the webmaster actually doing anything. The site will be deleted.
The site must be reliable & original. This means, the content must have something good. I will allow smaller unknown sites to join, but they must have something in there that not very many sites have. For example, my site has the Strange Similarities Page, the Mario Headquarters has a review for nearly every Mario game, the MegaMan Homepage has info on every Robot Master, & so on. And as I said, the site must be original enough. For example, a site like the Unique MegaMan page or Metroid Database are original sites. But sites have the exact same thing aren't aloud. Similar images are one thing, but it's the text & contents that counts. Explain things in your own words.
Special dedication sites are aloud. I know that some people like to dedicate their page to a specific character & just have some info on them, Whether if it's a single paged site or not. These are nice to visit. I would prefer pages that hold much more info, but these are nice to visit.
I will view your page before adding it. I mostly judge the content on whether if it's G or PG or worse in general. All sites are welcome that follow the above rules, but some sites may go over the line & have too much profanity & will not be added.