Backlash: In Your House

This was a good, solid PPV considering the PPV after WrestleMania is usually a letdown. The matches were all decent, with no especially sucky ones.

The guy with the "Ho's Next" sign: *****!

X-pac vs. Triple H

This was a good, long match. It was back and forth for about twenty minutes, until the ref was knocked out. X-pac worked HHH into the X-Factor, but Chyna ran in and low blowed him. Kane then made his entrance and teased like he was going to chokeslam Chyna, but he chokeslams HHH instead. THEN he chokeslams Chyna. He set them in opposite corners and left. X-pac gave the bronco buster to HHH and then Chyna. By then, HHH had got up and the ref also woke up. HHH kicked X-pac and delivered the Pedigree for the win.
Rating: ***1/2

Mankind vs. Paul Wight- Boiler Room Brawl

Brutal match, as expected. Mankind was thrown around through tables and such, but part of an [inanimate object] crushed him. It then showed the ref on the outside, probably because they were trying to make sure that Mankind was okay. Then Paul Wight started breaking panes of glass over Mankind, and his hand busted open. He set up a ladder and put Wight through two tables. Then he shot "hot water steam" into Wight's face from one of the pipes (although steam isn't supposed to have any solid particles). He rammed Wight into a pipe which was holding up a shelf with about forty more pipes which came crashing down on Wight. Mankind then crawled, bloody handprints and all, to the door and won the match. Afterward, Bossman and Test beat on Mankind, but Wight emerged from the pipes and attacked Bossman, allowing Mankind to apply the Mandible Sock to Test.
Rating: ***1/4

Steve Austin vs. The Rock-WWF Title Match

We found out on Heat that this was a No Holds Barred Match. They brawled all over the arena, culminating with a Rock Bottom through the Spanish announcers table. They then got up on the English table, where the Rock took a camera, and we saw Austin give him the Stunner through the Rock's eyes. Back in the ring, Austin attempted another Stunner, but Rock blocked it into a Rock Bottom. Austin kicked out, and Shane attempted to hit Austin with the belt, but hit the Rock. Austin covered, but Shane wouldn't make the count. Then, out comes Vince with Earl Hebner and the Smoking Skull belt. Shane confronts his dad, and got walloped with the belt! Earl Hebner gets in the ring just in time for another Stunner, and Austin retained the title.
Rating: ***

The Undertaker vs. Ken Shamrock

This match had some great mat wrestling, with tons of armbars and submissions. Both men had great reversals, but in the end, Bradshaw's distraction led to a Tombstone and a win for UT. After the match, Bradshaw attacked Shamrock with the bat. This match also had the biggest screw up of the night. As UT covered Shamrock at one point, Shamrock forgot to kick out but the ref didn't make the three count. An uncomfortable silence followed, and JR said at this point we shouldn't question the officiating. What was Shammy doing, waiting for Kevin Nash to run in?
Rating: **1/2

The Brood vs. The Acolytes & Midian

Mideon, Midian, I wish they'd decide on a spelling for his name. He had his eyeball, and I kept making "eye" puns throughout the match, using phrases like "An eye for an eye" and "That's a sight for sore eyes". After several minutes of fast paced action, they "eye"solated Edge for awhile. He finally made the tag to Christian. A free for all broke out, and f'n MABEL came down and clotheslined Christian, making him easy prey for The Clothesline from Hell, giving the Ministry the win.
Rating: **1/2

Bob "I'm Hardcore, if you don't believe me I'll smack ya" Holly vs. Al Snow- WWF Hardcore Title Match

The match started fast, with both a hockey stick and a jug of water coming into use. Snow got busted open rather quickly. He pulled a cookie sheet, and two frying pans out from under the ring, with no explanation as to why there are kitchen utensils under a wrestling ring. After Holly set up a table, they went to the back, where they fought into the parking lot, and slammed each other into a car (a car with one of the crappiest alarms I've ever heard). Everything, including a broom, and the kitchen sink was used. They then went into the production truck, and into a dumpster, and Holly elbowsmashed Snow on the hood of another car. They made their way back into the arena, where Snow was superplexed through the table! After several seconds of no movement, Holly got a two count. Snow grabbed Head and nailed Holly with it and covered him to become new Hardcore Champ.
Rating: **1/2

Enough is Enough, and It's Time for a Piss vs. The New Age Outlaws

When Jarrett refused to let Debra show her "puppies", Gunn tried to show his ass, but Owen and Jeff attacked. The match was somewhat slow, and Roaddogg was "eye"solated for most of it. He made a tag to Billy and we had a four way brawl. Owen managed to get Road Doggy Dogg in the Sharpshooter, and Jarrett went for the figure four, but Mr. Ass kicked him out of the ring. He then got up and did the Famiser on Owen Hart, causing him to let go of the Sharpshooter. He covered Owen for the pin.
Rating: **1/4

Goldust vs. The Godfather- WWF Intercontinental Title Match

The recently re-instated Blue Meanie did his Sable imitation at the start, "for all the men that wanna be me, and for all the girls that come to see me!" Nothing memorable happened in this match, but it was watchable, unlike their previous matches. Goldust tried throwing powder while the ref was chatting with Meanie, but Godfather countered and blinded Goldust. The Meanie entered the ring to console Goldie, but Goldust mistook him for Godfather and pummeled him, delivering "Shattered Dreams". Godfather then threw Goldie in the corner and squashed him with the Meanie. He then gave them both the Ho Train, and pinned Goldust with the Death Valley Driver.

Overall Rating: ***1/2
