Breakdown: In Your House

This card wasn't as good as last month's SummerSlam, but it still managed to beat all expectations, especially with so little hype.

The Rock vs. Ken Shamrock vs. Mankind

This was an excellent match and the first ever Triple Threat cage match. Everyone involved gave it their all, including Mankind, who missed an elbow smash from the top of the cage. The end came when Mankind hit Shamrock with a chair and started to scale the cage. Before he could escape, however, The Rock covered Shamrock for the victory.
Rating: ***1/2

Edge vs. Owen Hart

This was a pretty good match for an opener. Edge scored some impressive high-impact moves, and managed to block Hart's Sharpshooter. But when an Edge look-a-like jumped out of the crowd, Owen was able to roll him up for the victory.
Rating: ***

Steve Austin vs. The Undertaker vs. Kane

This match resembled more of a mugging than anything else. Austin stunned Kane at one point, but was pulled off by The Undertaker. After beating on Austin for about ten minutes, tension began to flare between UT and Kane. After they double chokeslammed Austin, both wrestlers laid on top of him and the ref made a three count. McMahon grabbed the belt and fled the arena, but was quickly followed by Austin. McMahon taunted The Rattlesnake from the safety of his limosuine, while Kane and The Undertaker stood in the ring.
Rating: ***

X-pac & The New Age Outlaws vs. Jeff Jarrett & Southern Justice

The Roaddog was never even in this match, due to his injury. X-pac and Billy Gunn fought valiantly against all three members of Jarrett's group, but eventually, X-pac got hit with the guitar. That allowed Billy Gunn to get Dennis Knight in the Rocker Dropper and win the match for DX.
Rating: **1/2

Gangrel vs. D'lo Brown

This was an exciting match with two of the young up-and-comers in the WWF. When Mark Henry came out, Gangrel spit the blood in his face, with Jerry Lawler saying, "This blood's for you." Henry's momentary distraction allowed D'lo to score with the Sky High for the win.
Rating: **1/2

Al Snow & Scorpio vs. Too Much

Good performance by both teams, as both Al & Scorpio scored with Sabu-like dives off a chair. Both Too Much and Scorpio got a little "Head", as Al got a little carried away. Al got the Snow Plow on one of Too Much and won the match.
Rating: **

Bradshaw vs. Vader

This was a relatively unexciting match, but there were some impressive moves. Everyone was surprised when Bradshaw kicked out of the Vader Bomb and Vader kicked out of The Clothesline from Hell. Bradshaw connected with another Clothesline and a neckbreaker for the duke.
Rating: **

Darren Drozdov vs. Marc Mero

Another unexciting match, as Droz and Mero didn't put on a very good performance. Jacqueline came in with a high heel shoe and caught Droz with it, allowing Mero to get the win with the shooting star press.
Rating: *

Val Venis vs. Dustin Runnels

It would be unfair of me to rate this match, since I was in the bathroom during most of it. It should be noted that Terri came to ringside with Val, and eventually Val got The Money Shot and the win.

Overall rating: ***1/2
