The Rock's Burger King Commercial

*Following The Rock’s performance in ‘Gettin’ Chefy With It’, The Rock’s acting career is beginning to take off. Burger King, meanwhile, was searching for just the right WWF star to appear in their commercial. However, since Jerry Lawler had political duties, they signed the Rock instead.*

(The Rock walks into a Burger King restaurant and to the cash register)

The Rock: Finally, The Rock has come back to Burger King!

Cashier: May I help you?

The Rock: You’re damn right, jabronie, you can help the Rock by taking his order before he makes your monkey ass famous!

Cashier: Excuse me?

The Rock: Just take my order, jabronie. The Rock wants three... and the Rock means... THREE... chicken sandwiches!

Cashier: Will that be for here or to go?

The Rock: You expect the Rock to eat in this rundown dump? What kind of a question is that, you worthless piece of trailer park trash?

Cashier: (getting impatient) Sir...

The Rock: You will address me as the Great One, jabronie...

Cashier: Mr. Great One... do you want to eat here or not?

The Rock: The Rock says he wants his order to go, so get your candy ass in gear and put his order in the Peoples’ Bag!

(The cashier gets a take-out bag ready, but The Rock waits for his food for a long time before grabbing the cashier again)

The Rock: The Rock says that you’ve got thirty seconds.... and The Rock means....

Cashier: Thirty seconds?

The Rock: get the Rock’s food before he decides to lay the smack down on your roooooty POO candy ass!

(Suddenly a mysterious voice comes from the grill area)

Voice: In a moment, the segronious persevacation of the King of the Burgers will infusify you with the power for destrucity!

The Rock: The Rock knows that voice... It’s that jabronie, the Warrior!

(The Warrior comes into view wearing a Burger King uniform, an apron, a chef’s hat, and his face paint)

Warrior: Yes, it is I, Rock. The power of the warriors dicatatilizes that you must have the patienceness to wait for the coming of the substinencal power of energy!

The Rock: Who do you think you are, talking to the Rock like that?

Warrior: I am the forshadowister of your nightmaric images...

The Rock: It doesn’t matter who you are! (To the cashier) The Rock demands to know what he’s doing working here!

Cashier: I don’t know, something about the activeness of politcal referndenial of Hogan, or something like that....

The Rock: So, in other words, this was the only job he could get when WCW threw him out on the street?

Cashier: Yeah.

The Rock: (to Warrior) Warrior, know your role, learn the English language, and make the Rock’s chicken sandwiches!

Warrior: Nay, poor soul of the everlasting sacrificial worldless gaffenter! Patience, mortal, and await your appeasement!

The Rock: Don’t make the Rock come back there and make your monkey ass famous... AGAIN! Know your damn role, and make my food, if ya smeeeeeeeeelllllllllllll what The Rock is cookin’!

Cashier: (confused) Mr. The Rock... did you just say that you’re going to make your own food?

(The Rock brings his hand back like he’s going to strike the cashier, and the cashier flinches away)

The Rock: That’s right, be afraid of the Peoples’ Hand, the most electrifying hand in sports entertainment!

Warrior: I must defend the intuitively puerilekind essence of the young childman’s youthfulnessness... Speak to me, Whor-yers! (Raises his arms into the air) AGGGGGHHHHHHH!

The Rock: Shut up!

(The Warrior lunges out of the grill but the Rock meets him with an elbow... the Warrior staggers around but the Rock catches him with the Rock Bottom on top of the counter)

Cashier: (panicking) Sir Mr. The Great One Rock....

The Rock: What!?

Cashier: (afraid) You’re food, sir... (hands him a take-out bag)

(The Rock snatches the bag, opens one of his sandwiches and takes a bite out of it)

The Rock: The Rock says that this is the best damn chicken sandwich there ever was!

--The End
