Tommy Dreamer

Height: 6'3''

Weight: 245 lbs.

Finishing Move: DDT

Titles Held: 1x ECW World Champ, 2x ECW Tag Team Champ, 13x WWE Hardcore Champ

Manager/valet(s): Beulah McGillicutty, Kimona Wana-laya, Francine

Nicknames: The Innovator of Violence

Real Name: Tom Laughlin

Tommy Dreamer made a name for himself in ECW throughout the nineties. When WCW invaded the WWF, it was Dreamer and Rob Van Dam who led the charge, taking WCW and WWF guys to reform ECW along with Paul Heyman. The same night, ECW merged with WCW as a combined threat to the WWF. Dreamer continued to wrestle on the undercard as part of the Alliance, but left TV as a result of the Alliance losing the winner-take-all match at Survivor Series. He returned the following spring when the roster split transpired. He was drafted to Ric Flair's Raw brand, and acquired a habit of doing disgusting things for attention, such as drinking toilet water or drinking the Undertaker's tobacco spit. He won the Hardcore Title, and lost and regained it numerous times throughout the summer until Raw GM Eric Bischoff announced it would be unifed with the Intercontinental Title. Dreamer lost the belt for the final time to Rob Van Dam. He teamed on a regular basis with Bubba Ray Dudley and Jeff Hardy, and feuded with William Regal and Lance Storm, but neither pairing had much success.