WWE Intercontinental Title

WWE Intercontinental Title History
No. Won By Won From Location Date
1. Pat Patterson Ted DiBiase*(1) Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 9/1/79
2. Ken Patera Pat Patterson New York, NY 4/21/80
3. Pedro Morales Ken Patera New York, NY 12/8/80
4. Don Muraco Pedro Morales Philadelphia, PA 6/20/81
5. Pedro Morales Don Muraco New York, NY 11/23/81
6. Don Muraco Pedro Morales New York, NY 1/22/83
7. Tito Santana Don Muraco Boston, MA 2/11/84
8. Greg Valentine Tito Santana London, Ontario 9/24/84
9. Tito Santana Greg Valentine Baltimore, MD 7/6/85
10. Randy Savage Tito Santana Boston, MA 2/8/86
11. Ricky Steamboat Randy Savage Pontiac, MI 3/29/87
12. Honky Tonk Man Ricky Steamboat Buffalo, NY 6/2/87
13. The Ultimate Warrior Honky Tonk Man New York, NY 8/29/88
14. Rick Rude The Ultimate Warrior Atlantic City, NJ 4/2/89
15. The Ultimate Warrior Rick Rude East Rutherford, NJ 8/28/89
16. Mr. Perfect Tito Santana*(2) Austin, TX 4/23/90
17. Kerry Von Erich Mr. Perfect Philadelphia, PA 8/27/90
18. Mr. Perfect Kerry Von Erich Rochester, NY 11/19/90
19. Bret Hart Mr. Perfect New York, NY 8/26/91
20. The Mountie Bret Hart Springfield, MA 1/17/92
21. Roddy Piper The Mountie Albany, NY 1/19/92
22. Bret Hart Roddy Piper Indianapolis, IN 4/5/92
23. Davey Boy Smith Bret Hart London, England 8/29/92
24. Shawn Michaels Davey Boy Smith Terre Haute, IN 10/27/92
25. Marty Jannetty Shawn Michaels New York, NY 5/17/93
26. Shawn Michaels Marty Jannetty Albany, NY 6/6/93
27. Razor Ramon Rick Martel*(3) New Haven, CT 10/27/93
28. Diesel Razor Ramon Rochester, NY 4/13/94
29. Razor Ramon Diesel Chicago, IL 8/29/94
30. Jeff Jarrett Razor Ramon Tampa, FL 1/22/95
31. Jeff Jarrett Bob Holly*(4) Moline, IN 4/26/95
32. Razor Ramon Jeff Jarrett Montreal, Quebec 5/19/95
33. Jeff Jarrett Razor Ramon Trois-Rivieres, Quebec 5/21/95
34. Shawn Michaels Jeff Jarrett Nashville, TN 7/23/95
35. Dean Douglas N/A*(5) Winnipeg, Manitoba 10/22/95
36. Razor Ramon Dean Douglas Winnipeg, Manitoba 10/22/95
37. Goldust Razor Ramon Fresno, CA 1/21/96
38. Goldust Savio Vega*(6) San Berndino, CA 4/1/96
39. Ahmed Johnson Goldust Milwaukee, WI 6/23/96
40. Marc Mero Faarooq*(7) Hershey, PA 9/27/96
41. Hunter Hearst Helmsley Marc Mero Ft. Wayne, IN 10/21/96
42. Rocky Maivia Hunter Hearst Helmsley Lowell, MA 2/13/97
43. Owen Hart Rocky Maivia Omaha, NE 4/28/97
44. Steve Austin Owen Hart East Rutherford, NJ 8/3/97
45. Owen Hart Faarooq*(8) St. Louis, MO 10/5/97
46. Steve Austin Owen Hart Montreal, Quebec 11/9/97
47. Rocky Maivia N/A*(9) Portland, ME 12/8/97
48. Hunter Hearst Helmsley Rocky Maivia New York, NY 8/30/98
49. Ken Shamrock X-pac*(10) Long Island, NY 10/12/98
50. Val Venis Ken Shamrock Memphis, TN 2/14/99
51. Jesse James Val Venis San Jose, CA 3/15/99
52. Goldust Jesse James East Rutherford, NJ 3/29/99
53. The Godfather Goldust Detroit, MI 4/12/99
54. Jeff Jarrett The Godfather Moline, IL 5/25/99
55. Edge Jeff Jarrett Toronto, Ontario 7/24/99
56. Jeff Jarrett Edge Buffalo, NY 7/25/99
57. D'lo Brown Jeff Jarrett Columbus, OH 7/27/99
58. Jeff Jarrett D'lo Brown Minneapolis, MN 8/22/99
59. Chyna Jeff Jarrett Cleveland, OH 10/17/99
60. Chris Jericho Chyna Ft. Lauderdale, FL 12/12/99
61. Chris Jericho/Chyna N/A*(11) Richmond, VA 12/28/01
62. Chris Jericho Chyna and Hardcore Holly*(12) New York, NY 1/23/00
63. Kurt Angle Chris Jericho Hartford, CT 2/27/00
64. Chris Benoit Kurt Angle and Chris Jericho*(13) Anaheim, CA 4/2/00
65. Chris Jericho Chris Benoit Richmond, VA 5/2/00
66. Chris Benoit Chris Jericho Uniondale, NY 5/8/00
67. Rikishi Chris Benoit Memphis, TN 6/20/00
68. Val Venis Rikishi Ft. Lauderdale, FL 7/4/00
69. Chyna Val Venis and Trish Stratus*(14) Raleigh, NC 8/27/00
70. Eddie Guerrero Chyna and Kurt Angle*(15) Lexington, KY 9/4/00
71. Billy Gunn Eddie Guerrero Ft. Lauderdale, FL 11/21/00
72. Chris Benoit Billy Gunn Birmingham, AL 12/10/00
73. Chris Jericho Chris Benoit New Orleans, LA 1/21/01
74. Triple H Chris Jericho Oklahoma City, OK 4/3/01
75. Jeff Hardy Triple H Philadelphia, PN 4/10/01
76. Triple H Jeff Hardy Knoxville, TN 4/16/01
77. Kane Triple H Sacramento, CA 5/20/01
78. Albert Kane New York, NY 6/26/01
79. Lance Storm Albert Buffalo, NY 7/23/01
80. Edge Lance Storm San Jose, CA 8/19/01
81. Christian Edge Pittsburgh, PA 9/23/01
82. Edge Christian St. Louis, MO 10/21/01
83. Test Edge Uniondale, NY 11/5/01
84. Edge*(16) Test Greensboro, NC 11/18/01
85. William Regal Edge Atlanta, GA 1/20/02
86. Rob Van Dam William Regal Toronto, Ontario 3/17/02
87. Eddie Guerrero Rob Van Dam Kansas City, MO 4/21/02
88. Rob Van Dam Eddie Guerrero Edmonton, AB 5/27/02
89. Chris Benoit Rob Van Dam Greensboro, NC 7/29/02
90. Rob Van Dam Chris Benoit Uniondale, NY 8/25/02
91. Chris Jericho Rob Van Dam Denver, CO 9/16/02
92. Kane Chris Jericho Houston, TX 9/30/02
93. Triple H*(17) Kane Little Rock, AK 10/20/02
94. Christian won battle royale*(18) Charlotte, NC 5/18/03
95. Booker T Christian Montreal, Quebec 7/7/03
96. Christian Booker T Des Moines, IA 8/10/03
97. Rob Van Dam Christian Chicago, IL 9/29/03
98. Chris Jericho Rob Van Dam Fayetteville, NC 10/27/03
99. Rob Van Dam Chris Jericho Fayetteville, NC 10/27/03
100. Randy Orton Rob Van Dam Orlando, FL 12/14/03
101. Edge Randy Orton Hartford, CT 7/11/04
102. Chris Jericho Christian*(19) Portland, OR 9/12/04
103. Shelton Benjamin Chris Jericho Milwaukee, WI 10/19/04
104. Carlito Caribbean Cool Shelton Benjamin Phoenix, AZ 6/20/05
105. Ric Flair Carlito Caribbean Cool Oklahoma City, OK 9/18/05
106. Shelton Benjamin Ric Flair Trenton, NJ 2/20/06
107. Rob Van Dam Shelton Benjamin Lexington, KY 4/30/06
108. Shelton Benjamin Rob Van Dam and John Cena*(20) Lubbock, TX 5/15/06
109. Johnny Nitro Shelton Benjamin and Carlito*(21) Charlotte, NC 6/25/06
110. Jeff Hardy Johnny Nitro Topeka, KS 10/2/06
111. Johnny Nitro Jeff Hardy Columbus, OH 11/6/06
112. Jeff Hardy Johnny Nitro Manchester, England 11/13/06
113. Umaga Jeff Hardy Bakersfield, CA 2/19/07
114. Santino Marrella Umaga Milan, Italy 4/16/07
115. Umaga Santino Marrella Dallas, TX 7/2/07
116. Jeff Hardy Umaga Columbus, OH 9/3/07
117. Chris Jericho Jeff Hardy Milwaukee, WI 3/10/08
118. Kofi Kingston Chris Jericho Dallas, TX 6/29/08
119. Santino Marella Kofi Kingston Indianapolis, IN 8/17/08
120. William Regal Santino Marella Manchester, England 11/10/08
121. CM Punk William Regal Chicago, IL 1/19/09
122. John Bradshaw Layfield CM Punk Jacksonville, FL 3/9/09
123. Rey Mysterio John Bradshaw Layfield Houston, TX 4/5/09
124. Chris Jericho Rey Mysterio New Orleans, LA 6/7/09
125. Rey Mysterio Chris Jericho Sacramento, CA 6/28/09
126. John Morrison Rey Mysterio Cleveland, OH 9/1/09
127. Drew McIntyre John Morrison San Antonio, TX 12/13/09
128. Kofi Kingston Drew McIntyre Detroit, MI 5/23/10
129. Dolph Ziggler Kofi Kingston Laredo, TX 7/28/10
130. Kofi Kingston Dolph Ziggler Tucson, AZ 1/4/11
131. Wade Barrett Kofi Kingston Columbus, OH 3/22/11
132. Ezekiel Jackson Wade Barrett Washington, D.C. 6/19/11
133. Cody Rhodes Ezekiel Jackson Sacramento, CA 8/9/11
134. The Big Show Cody Rhodes Miami, FL 4/1/12
135. Cody Rhodes The Big Show Chicago, IL 4/29/12
136. Christian Cody Rhodes Raleigh, NC 5/20/12
137. The Miz Christian St. Louis, MO 7/23/12
138. Kofi Kingston The Miz Memphis, TN 10/16/12
139. Wade Barrett Kofi Kingston Washington, D.C. 12/29/12
140. The Miz Wade Barrett East Rutherford, NJ 4/7/13
141. Wade Barrett The Miz East Rutherford, NJ 4/8/13
142. Curtis Axel Wade Barrett and The Miz*(22) Chicago, IL 6/16/13
143. Big E. Langston Curtis Axel Nashville, TN 11/18/13
144. Wade Barrett Big E. Langston East Rutherford, NJ 5/4/14
145. The Miz won battle royale*(23) Tampa, FL 7/20/14
146. Dolph Ziggler The Miz Los Angeles, CA 8/17/14
147. The Miz Dolph Ziggler Nashville, TN 9/21/14
148. Dolph Ziggler The Miz Memphis, TN 9/22/14
149. Luke Harper Dolph Ziggler Roanoke, VA 11/17/14
150. Dolph Ziggler Luke Harper Cleveland, OH 12/14/14
151. Wade Barrett Dolph Ziggler Corpus Christi, TX 1/5/15
152. Daniel Bryan Wade Barrett, Stardust, Dean Ambrose, Dolph Ziggler, Luke Harper and R-Truth*(24) San Francisco, CA 3/29/15
153. Ryback Sheamus, Dolph Ziggler, Mark Henry, R-Truth and Wade Barrett*(25) Corpus Christi, TX 5/31/15
154. Kevin Owens Ryback Houston, TX 9/20/15
155. Dean Ambrose Kevin Owens Boston, MA 12/13/15
156. Kevin Owens Dean Ambrose, Tyler Breeze, Dolph Ziggler and Stardust*(26) Anaheim, CA 2/15/16
157. Zack Ryder Kevin Owens, Sami Zayn, Stardust, Dolph Ziggler, The Miz and Sin Cara*(27) Dallas, TX 4/3/16
158. The Miz Zack Ryder Dallas, TX 4/4/16
159. Dolph Ziggler The Miz Sacramento, CA 10/9/16
160. The Miz Dolph Ziggler Wilkes-Barre, PA 11/15/16
161. Dean Ambrose The Miz Jacksonville, FL 1/3/17
162. The Miz Dean Ambrose Baltimore, MD 6/4/17
163. Roman Reigns The Miz Houston, TX 11/20/17
164. The Miz Roman Reigns Brooklyn, NY 1/22/18
165. Seth Rollins The Miz and Finn Balor*(28) New Orleans, LA 4/8/18
166. Dolph Ziggler Seth Rollins Grand Rapids, MI 6/18/18
167. Seth Rollins Dolph Ziggler Brooklyn, NY 8/19/18
168. Dean Ambrose Seth Rollins San Jose, CA 12/16/18
169. Bobby Lashley Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins*(29) Memphis, TN 1/14/19
170. Finn Balor Bobby Lashley & Lio Rush*(30) Houston, TX 2/17/19
171. Bobby Lashley Finn Balor Pittsburgh, PA 3/11/19
172. Finn Balor Bobby Lashley East Rutherford, NJ 4/7/19
173. Shinsuke Nakamura Finn Balor Philadelphia, PA 7/14/19
174. Braun Strowman Shinsuke Nakamura Tulsa, OK 1/31/20
175. Sami Zayn*(31) Braun Strowman Philadelphia, PA 3/8/20
176. AJ Styles Daniel Bryan*(32) Orlando, FL 6/12/20
177. Sami Zayn AJ Styles and Jeff Hardy*(32) Orlando, FL 9/27/20
178. Big E Sami Zayn Orlando, FL 12/22/20
179. Apollo Crews Big E Tampa, FL 4/11/21
180. Shinsuke Nakamura Apollo Crews Tulsa, OK 8/13/21
181. Sami Zayn Shinsuke Nakamura New Orleans, LA 2/11/22
182. Ricochet Sami Zayn Miami, FL 3/4/22
183. Gunther Ricochet Baton Rouge, LA 6/10/22
184. Sami Zayn Gunther Philadelphia, PA 4/7/24
185. Bronn Breakker Sami Zayn Cleveland, OH 8/3/24

*(1)This was a fictitious tournament final to unify the North American Championship with the fictional South American Championship, creating the Intercontinental Title.

*(2)The Ultimate Warrior vacated the belt to concentrate on the World Title, and this was the finals of a tournament to crown a new champion.

*(3)Michaels was stripped of the belt after being suspended for failing to defend the belt within thirty days, and a battle royale was held where the last two surviving men would face each other for the title.

*(4)Jarrett lost a title defense against Holly, but it was revealed that Jarrett got his foot over the bottom rope before the three count. The title was vacated, and a rematch took place later in the night to crown a new champion.

*(5)Michaels had to give up the belt due to injuries and forfeit it to his opponent, Dean Douglas.

*(6)During a title defense against Savio Vega, Vega pinned Goldust after hitting him with the title belt, which Goldust introduced to the match. Another referee informed the official of what happened, and Goldust was declared the winner by DQ. However, WWF President Gorilla Monsoon intervened and overturned the decision, vacating the belt. This was the rematch for the vacant belt.

*(7)Johnson suffered an injury, and was forced to vacate the belt. This was the finals of a tournament to crown a new champion.

*(8)Austin was injured during the match with Hart, and was forced to vacate the title. This was the finals of a tournament for the vacant belt.

*(9)Austin refused to defend the belt, and Vince McMahon forced him to forfeit it to The Rock.

*(10)HHH was forced to vacate the belt due to a knee injury, and this was the finals of a one-night tournament to crown a new champion.

*(11)In a rematch, Jericho and Chyna were involved in a double pin, so Stephanie McMahon declared them both champion. Only one person was allowed to defend the belt at a time.

*(12)This was a Triple Threat Match to determine who was the undisputed champion.

*(13)This was a Triple Threat Match.

*(14)This was a mixed tag team match where if either member on Val's team was pinned, he would lose the title.

*(15)This was a Triple Threat Match.

*(16)This was a unification match also for Edge's WCW United States Title. The belts were unified under the Intercontinental Title.

*(17)This match unified the Intercontinental Title with the World Title.

*(18)Raw GM Steve Austin decided to bring back the Intercontinental Championship and held a battle royale to crown a new champion.

*(19)Edge had to vacate the title due to injury, and the belt was put up for grabs in a Ladder Match between Jericho and Christian.

*(20)This was a handicap tag match where the first person to win a fall won the title of whoever lost.

*(21)This was a Triple Threat Match.

*(22)This was a Triple Threat Match.

*(23)Barrett suffered a shoulder injury and was forced to vacate the title. It was put up for grabs in a battle royale.

*(24)This was a Seven-Man Ladder Match.

*(25)Bryan had to give up the title due to an injury. This was an Elimination Chamber Match to determine the new champion.

*(26)This was a Fatal Five Way Match.

*(27)This was a seven-way Ladder Match.

*(28)This was a Triple Threat Match.

*(29)This was a Triple Threat Match.

*(30)This was a Handicap Match.

*(31)This was a Handicap Match, where Zayn teamed with Shinsuke Nakamura and Cesaro.

*(32)Zayn was stripped of the title after being unable to make it to events. This was the finals of a tournament to crown a new champion.

*(33)This was a Triple Threat Ladder Match.

Title Defenses (televised only):

1. Pat Patterson
---pinned Ted DiBiase, WWF at MSG: 10/22/79
---pinned Dominic DeNucci, WWF at MSG: 12/17/79
---beat Captain Lou Albano by CO, WWF at MSG: 1/21/80
---pinned Jose Estrada, All Star Wrestling: 4/16/80

2. Ken Patera
---lost to Tony Atlas by CO, Best of the WWF Vol. 7: 8/9/80
---pinned Rene Goulet, WWF at MSG: 9/22/80
---DDQ against Pedro Morales, WWF at MSG: 10/20/80

3. Pedro Morales
---pinned The Hangman, WWF at MSG: 12/29/80
---beat Sgt. Slaughter by DQ, WWF at MSG: 2/16/81
---pinned Moondog King, WWF at MSG: 3/16/81
---pinned Moondog Rex, WWF at MSG: 4/6/81
---pinned Killer Khan, WWF at MSG: 5/4/81
---beat Sgt. Slaughter by DQ, WWF at MSG: 6/8/81

4. Don Muraco
---pinned Dominic DeNucci, All Star Wrestling: 7/1/81
---time limit draw against Pedro Morales, WWF at MSG: 7/20/81

5. Pedro Morales
---DCO against Greg Valentine, Championship Wrestling: 12/8/81
---lost to Greg Valentine by DQ, WWF at MSG: 1/18/82 ---beat Greg Valentine in a Brass Knuckles Alley Fight, WWF at MSG: 2/15/82
---pinned Adrian Adonis, WWF at MSG: 3/14/82
---pinned Mr. Fuji, WWF at MSG: 6/5/82
---lost to Bob Orton Jr. by DQ, WWF at MSG: 6/28/82
---beat Mr. Saito by DQ, Championship Wrestling: 7/13/82
---lost to Jimmy Snuka by CO, WWF at MSG: 8/2/82
---DDQ against Jimmy Snuka, WWF at MSG: 8/30/82
---pinned Buddy Rose, WWF at MSG: 11/22/82
---DDQ against Don Muraco, WWF at MSG: 12/28/82

6. Don Muraco
---lost to Rocky Johnson by DQ, All Star Wrestling: 2/16/83
---beat Rocky Johnson by DQ, Best of the WWF vol. 2: 3/19/83
---lost to Rocky Johnson by CO, WWF at MSG: 4/25/83
---time limit draw against Rocky Johnson, WWF at MSG: 5/23/83
---DDQ against Rocky Johnson, WWF on USA Network: 5/28/83
---DDQ against Jimmy Snuka, WWF at MSG: 7/30/83
---lost to Jimmy Snuka by DQ, All American Wrestling: 8/13/83
---pinned Chief Jay Strongbow, All American Wrestling: 9/24/83
---beat Jimmy Snuka in a Steel Cage Match, WWF at MSG: 10/17/83
---lost to Jimmy Snuka by DQ in a Fijian Strap Match, Prime Time Wrestling: 10/22/83
---DDQ against Tito Santana, WWF at MSG: 1/23/84

7. Tito Santana
---time limit draw against Adrian Adonis, All American Wrestling: 4/6/84
---pinned JJ Dillon, WWF at MSG: 4/23/84
---lost to Paul Orndorff by CO, WWF at MSG: 5/21/84
---time limit draw against Adrian Adonis, Tuesday Night Titans: 5/29/84
---lost to Greg Valentine by CO, WWF at MSG: 6/16/84
---time limit draw against Bob Orton Jr., WWF at MSG: 7/23/84
---pinned Greg Valentine, WWF at MSG: 8/25/84
---time limit draw against Paul Orndorff, Best of the WWF vol. 2: 9/1/84

8. Greg Valentine
---pinned SD Jones, Prime Time Wrestling: 10/21/84
---beat Tito Santana by DQ, Prime Time Wrestling: 10/22/84
---time limit draw against Tito Santana, WWF at MSG: 11/26/84
---lost to Tito Santana by DQ, WWF at MSG: 1/21/85
---beat Tito Santana in a Lumberjack Match, Prime Time Wrestling: 3/17/85
---lost to Junkyard Dog by CO, WrestleMania: 3/31/85
---pinned Junkyard Dog, Prime Time Wrestling: 5/18/85
---lost to Ricky Steamboat by CO, Prime Time Wrestling: 6/21/85
---lost to Junkyard Dog by CO, Prime Time Wrestling: 6/22/85

9. Tito Santana
---DCO against Jesse Ventura, Prime Time Wrestling: 9/22/85
---lost to Randy Savage by CO, Saturday Night's Main Event: 11/1/85
---lost to Jesse Ventura by CO, Prime Time Wrestling: 12/7/85

10. Randy Savage
---lost to Tito Santana by DQ, WWF at MSG: 2/17/86
---pinned George Steele, WrestleMania 2: 4/5/86
---beat Tito Santana in a No DQ Match, WWF at MSG: 4/22/86
---beat Tito Santana in a No DQ Match, WWF at Maple Leaf Gardens: 5/4/86
---no contest against Tito Santana, WWF at MSG: 5/19/86
---lost to Ricky Steamboat by CO, WWF at Maple Leaf Gardens: 7/27/86
---lost to Pedro Morales by CO, Prime Time Wrestling: 8/25/86
---beat George Steele by DQ, Prime Time Wrestling: 9/28/86
---pinned Pedro Morales, WWE Unreleased (1986-1995): 10/29/86
---draw against Jake Roberts, Saturday Night's Main Event: 11/15/86
---beat Junkyard Dog by CO, Prime Time Wrestling: 11/26/86
---beat Ricky Steamboat by CO, Superstars of Wrestling: 12/2/86
---beat Tito Santana by CO, Best of the WWF vol. 13: 12/10/87
---pinned George Steele, Saturday Night's Main Event: 12/14/86
---beat Bruno Sammartino by CO, Prime Time Wrestling: 1/3/87
---beat Ricky Steamboat by DQ, WWF on the PRISM: 1/10/87
---beat Ricky Steamboat by DQ, WWF on Tele+2: 1/27/87
---lost to Bruno Sammartino by DQ, WWF on NESN: 2/7/87
---pinned Ricky Steamboat, WWF on the PRISM: 2/14/87
---pinned Ricky Steamboat, WWF at Maple Leaf Gardens: 2/15/87
---beat George Steele by CO, Saturday Night's Main Event: 2/21/87

11. Ricky Steamboat
---beat Hercules by DQ, Saturday Night's Main Event: 4/28/87
---pinned Randy Savage, Randy Savage Unreleased - The Unseen Matches of the Macho Man: 5/15/87

12. The Honky Tonk Man
---pinned Koko B. Ware, WWF on NESN: 6/6/87
---beat George Steele by CO, Prime Time Wrestling: 6/14/87
---lost to Bruno Sammartino by CO, WWF on the PRISM: 7/18/87
---lost to Ricky Steamboat by CO, WWF at MSG: 7/25/87
---beat Ricky Steamboat in a Lumberjack Match, Prime Time Wrestling: 8/22/87
---lost to Tito Santana by DQ, Prime Time Wrestling: 8/26/87
---lost to Randy Savage by DQ, Saturday Night's Main Event: 9/23/87
---pinned Hillbilly Jim, Prime Time Wrestling: 10/9/87
---beat Randy Savage by CO, WWF on NESN: 11/7/87
---beat Randy Savage by CO, WWF on the PRISM: 11/7/87
---beat Randy Savage by CO, WWF at MSG: 11/24/87
---lost to Jake Roberts by DQ, Prime Time Wrestling: 12/9/87
---lost to Randy Savage by DQ, WWF on NESN: 12/12/87
---lost to Randy Savage by DQ, WWF at MSG: 12/26/87
---beat Randy Savage in a Steel Cage Match, WWF on the PRISM: 1/9/88
---lost to Randy Savage by CO, Saturday Night's Main Event: 2/5/88
---lost to Brutus Beefcake by DQ, WrestleMania IV: 3/27/88
---beat Bam Bam Bigelow by CO, Prime Time Wrestling: 4/21/88
---beat Brutus Beefcake by CO, WWF at Maple Leaf Gardens: 4/24/88
---lost to Brutus Beefcake by DQ, Superstars of Wrestling (German): 5/10/88
---pinned Brutus Beefcake, WWF on the PRISM: 6/18/88
---DCO against Bret Hart, Prime Time Wrestling: 6/22/88
---pinned Brutus Beefcake, WWF on the PRISM: 7/23/88
---pinned Brutus Beefcake, Best of the WWF vol. 17: 7/25/88
---lost to Jim Duggan by DQ, Prime Time Wrestling: 7/31/88
---pinned Brutus Beefcake, WWF on NESN: 8/6/88

13. The Ultimate Warrior
---lost to The Honky Tonk Man by CO, WWF at MSG: 9/29/88
---beat The Honky Tonk Man by DQ, WWF at Maple Leaf Gardens: 10/9/88
---beat The Honky Tonk Man by DQ, WWF on NESN: 10/10/88
---beat The Honky Tonk Man by DQ, WWF on Z Channel: 10/16/88
---pinned The Honky Tonk Man, WWF at Maple Leaf Gardens: 11/6/88
---beat The Honky Tonk Man by DQ, WWF on The Prism: 11/12/88
---pinned Super Ninja, Saturday Night's Main Event: 11/16/88
---beat The Honky Tonk Man in a No CO, No DQ Match, WWF on Z Channel: 11/17/88
---pinned The Honky Tonk Man, Saturday Night's Main Event: 12/7/88
---pinned The Honky Tonk Man, WWF on the PRISM: 12/17/88
---pinned King Haku, Prime Time Wrestling: 1/29/89
---pinned Greg Valentine, Prime Time Wrestling: 2/3/89
---lost to Randy Savage by CO, WWF on NESN: 2/11/89
---lost to Randy Savage by CO, The Ultimate Warrior: 2/16/89

14. Rick Rude
---lost to The Ultimate Warrior by CO, WWF on NESN: 4/22/89
---lost to Jim Duggan by CO, Saturday Night's Main Event: 4/25/89
---lost to The Ultimate Warrior by CO, WWF on MSG: 5/18/89

15. The Ultimate Warrior
---beat Andre the Giant by DQ, WWF at MSG: 9/30/89
---pinned Andre the Giant, WWF at MSG: 10/28/89
---beat Andre the Giant by DQ, WWF at Maple Leaf Gardens: 10/29/89
---beat Andre the Giant by DQ, Saturday Night's Main Event: 10/31/89
---beat Tully Blanchard by DQ, Survivor Series Showdown: 11/12/89
---DCO against Randy Savage, WWE Unreleased (1986-1995): 1/23/90
---beat Dino Bravo by DQ, WrestleFest '90: 2/13/90
---pinned Dino Bravo, Saturday Night's Main Event: 2/23/90
---pinned Mr. Perfect, WWF at MSG: 3/17/90

16. Mr. Perfect
---pinned Hercules, Prime Time Wrestling: 5/27/90
---pinned Tito Santana, Saturday Night's Main Event: 7/16/90
---lost to Jake Roberts by DQ, Supertape 3: 8/15/90

17. Kerry Von Erich
---lost to Mr. Perfect by CO, Supertape 3: 9/16/90
---pinned Haku, Saturday Night's Main Event: 9/18/90
---DCO against Mr. Perfect, WWF at MSG: 10/19/90
---beat Smash by DQ, Survivor Series Showdown: 10/29/90
---pinned Mr. Perfect, WWF at MSG: 11/24/90

18. Mr. Perfect
---lost to Kerry Von Erich by DQ, Supertape 4: 12/12/91
---lost to Roddy Piper by CO, WWF at MSG: 12/28/90
---lost to Kerry Von Erich by DQ, Superstars of Wrestling: 1/7/91
---lost to Roddy Piper by CO, Maple Leaf Wrestling: 1/25/91
---pinned Jimmy Snuka, Prime Time Wrestling: 2/19/91
---beat Shawn Michaels by DQ, The Road to WrestleMania: 3/11/91
---lost to the Big Bossman by DQ, WrestleMania VII: 3/24/91
---lost to Greg Valentine by DQ, Prime Time Wrestling: 4/16/91
---beat Davey Boy Smith by DQ, Rampage '91: 6/18/91

19. Bret Hart
---beat Irwin R. Schyster by DQ, Supertape '92: 9/10/91
---submitted Hercules, Prime Time Wrestling: 9/10/91
---submitted Big Bully Busick, Superstars of Wrestling: 10/21/91
---submitted Skinner, Prime Time Wrestling: 10/22/91
---pinned The Berzerker, WWF at MSG: 10/28/91
---pinned The Barbarian, Prime Time Wrestling: 11/12/91
---lost to Ric Flair by DQ, Invasion: 11/13/91
---pinned The Mountie, WWF at MSG: 11/30/91
---submitted Skinner, Tuesday Night in Texas: 12/3/91
---time limit draw against Ted DiBiase, Prime Time Wrestling: 12/29/91

20. The Mountie

21. Roddy Piper
---pinned The Mountie, Saturday Night's Main Event: 1/27/92
---pinned The Repo Man, WWF at MSG: 2/23/92

22. Bret Hart
---pinned Dino Bravo, Prime Time Wrestling: 4/14/92
---pinned Rick Martel, UK Rampage: 4/19/92
---lost to Shawn Michaels by CO, Invasion of the Bodyslammers: 4/29/92
---beat Rick Martel by DQ, Prime Time Wrestling: 6/1/92
---pinned Shawn Michaels, Rampage '92: 6/2/92
---pinned Davey Boy Smith, WWE Unreleased (1986-1995): 6/30/92
---beat Shawn Michaels in a Ladder Match, Smack 'em, Whack 'em: 7/21/92
---beat Kamala by DQ, WrestleFest '93: 8/10/92
---submitted Skinner, SummerSlam Spectacular: 8/11/92

23. Davey Boy Smith
---beat Papa Shango by DQ, Superstars (Italian version): 9/2/92
---beat Kamala by CO, Prime Time Wrestling: 9/21/92
---pinned The Repo Man, Superstars: 10/12/92
---beat Shawn Michaels by DQ, Superstars (Italian version): 10/13/92

24. Shawn Michaels
---pinned Virgil, Prime Time Wrestling: 10/28/92
---pinned Marty Jannetty, 1992 Year in Review: 11/23/92
---pinned Skinner, Prime Time Wrestling: 12/14/92
---lost to Bob Backlund by CO, Grudge Matches: 1/5/93
---pinned Max Moon, Monday Night Raw: 1/11/93
---pinned Marty Jannetty, Royal Rumble: 1/24/93
---DCO against Kamala, Bashed in the USA: 1/26/93
---pinned Owen Hart, Superstars (Italian version): 2/15/93
---lost to Crush by DQ, Superstars (Italian version): 2/16/93
---lost to Tatanka by CO, WrestleMania IX: 4/4/93
---lost to Mr. Perfect by DQ, Shawn Michaels - The Showstopper Unreleased: 4/5/93
---lost to Mr. Perfect by DQ, Shawn Michaels - The Showstopper Unreleased: 4/6/93
---pinned Bob Backlund, WWF on Canal+: 4/8/93
---lost to Crush by CO, Global Warfare: 4/11/93
---lost to Jim Duggan by CO, Monday Night Raw: 4/26/93
---pinned Typhoon, Superstars (Italian version): 5/5/93
---beat Jim Duggan by DQ in a Lumberjack Match, Monday Night Raw: 5/10/93

25. Marty Jannetty
---beat Bam Bam Bigelow by CO, Monday Night Raw: 5/31/93

26. Shawn Michaels
---pinned Crush, King of the Ring: 6/13/93
---pinned Kamala, Monday Night Raw: 6/28/93
---pinned Marty Jannetty, Monday Night Raw: 7/19/93
---lost to Owen Hart by DQ, All American Wrestling: 7/25/93
---beat Marty Jannetty in a Steel Cage Match, Bloopers, Bleeps and Bodyslams: 8/17/93
---pinned Bob Backlund, SummerSlam Spectacular: 8/22/93
---beat Mr. Perfect by CO, SummerSlam: 8/30/93
---lost to Lex Luger by CO, Inside the WWF: 8/31/93
---lost to Razor Ramon by DQ, WrestleFest '94: 9/1/93

27. Razor Ramon
---beat Irwin R. Schyster by CO, Superstars (German version): 9/28/93
---pinned Bastion Booger, Monday Night Raw: 10/18/93
---beat Rick Martel by CO, Superstars: 10/20/93
---beat Ludvig Borga by DQ, Inside the WWF: 12/14/93
---pinned Crush, Bloopers, Bleeps and Bodyslams: 12/15/93
---pinned Irwin R. Schyster, Royal Rumble: 1/22/94
---pinned Shawn Michaels, Paul Bearer's Hits from the Crypt: 2/2/94
---beat Shawn Michaels in a Ladder Match, WrestleMania X: 3/20/94
---beat Jeff Jarrett by DQ, Monday Night Raw: 4/11/93

28. Diesel
---DDQ against Lex Luger, Monday Night Raw: 7/1/94

29. Razor Ramon
---beat Tatanka by CO, Monday Night Raw: 9/26/94
---beat Yokozuna by CO, Monday Night Raw: 10/17/94
---pinned Jeff Jarrett, Wham Bam Bodyslam: 10/19/94
---beat King Kong Bundy by DQ, Brawl in the Family: 12/14/94
---lost to Owen Hart by DQ, Monday Night Raw: 1/9/95

30. Jeff Jarrett
---lost to Bob Backlund by DQ, Sunday Night Slam: 3/13/95
---lost to Razor Ramon by DQ, WrestleMania XI: 4/2/95
---submitted Aldo Montoya, Superstars: 4/4/95
---DCO against Razor Ramon, Wrestlefest: 4/26/95
---lost to Bob Holly (decision overturned), Action Zone: 4/26/95

31. Jeff Jarrett
---beat Davey Boy Smith in a Ladder Match, WWE Unreleased (1986-1995): 5/16/95

32. Razor Ramon

33. Jeff Jarrett
---beat Razon Ramon in a Ladder Match, WWE Unreleased (1986-1995): 6/5/95
---lost to Savio Vega by DQ, Monday Night Raw: 6/26/95

34. Shawn Michaels
---pinned Buddy Landell, SMW Superbowl of Wrestling: 8/4/95
---beat Razor Ramon in a Ladder Match, SummerSlam: 8/27/95
---pinned Tatanka, Superstars: 8/28/95
---pinned Sid, Monday Night Raw: 9/11/95
---w/Diesel, beat Yokozuna & Davey Boy Smith in a Triple Header Match, In Your House - Triple Header: 9/24/95

35. Dean Douglas

36. Razor Ramon
---beat Owen Hart by DQ, Monday Night Raw: 10/30/95
---pinned Dean Douglas, Monday Night Raw: 12/4/95
---beat Yokozuna by DQ, Monday Night Raw: 12/18/95

37. Goldust
---lost to the Undertaker by CO, In Your House - Rage in the Cage: 2/18/96
---lost to Razor Ramon by CO, Monday Night Raw: 2/19/96
---pinned Hakushi, Superstars: 2/20/96
---pinned Alex Porteau, Superstars: 3/10/96
---no contest against Savio Vega, Monday Night Raw: 4/1/96

38. Goldust
---lost to The Ultimate Warrior by CO, In Your House - Good Friends, Better Enemies: 4/28/96
---beat The Undertaker in a Casket Match, In Your House - Beware of Dog 2: 5/26/96

39. Ahmed Johnson
---pinned Bart Gunn, Monday Night Raw: 7/15/96

40. Marc Mero
---pinned Leif Cassidy, Superstars: 9/24/96
---pinned Goldust, In Your House - Buried Alive: 10/20/96

41. Hunter Hearst Helmsley
---pinned Alex Porteau, Superstars: 10/22/96
---lost to Bart Gunn by DQ, Superstars: 11/19/96
---lost to Marc Mero by CO, In Your House - It's Time: 12/15/96
---pinned Marc Mero, Monday Night Raw: 12/16/96
---pinned Freddie Joe Floyd, Superstars: 12/17/96
---pinned Goldust, Royal Rumble: 1/19/97
---pinned Marc Mero, Monday Night Raw: 1/31/97
---beat The Undertaker by DQ, Shotgun Saturday Night: 2/8/97

42. Rocky Maivia
---pinned Hunter Hearst Helmsley, In Your House - Final Four: 2/16/97
---pinned Leif Cassidy, Monday Night Raw: 2/17/97
---beat Vader by DQ, Raw is War: 2/26/97
---lost to Hunter Hearst Helmsley by DQ, WWF at MSG: 3/17/97
---pinned The Sultan, WrestleMania XIII: 3/30/97
---beat Bret Hart by DQ, Raw is War: 4/1/97
---lost to Savio Vega by CO, In Your House - Revenge of the Taker: 4/20/97

43. Owen Hart
---submitted Bob Holly, Raw is War: 6/2/97
---beat Goldust and Hunter Hearst Helmsley in a Triple Threat Match, Raw is War: 6/23/97
---submitted Flash Funk, Shotgun: 7/7/97

44. Steve Austin

45. Owen Hart
---pinned Hawk, Raw is War: 10/6/97
---no contest against Kama Mustafa, Raw is War: 10/7/97
---no contest against Shawn Michaels, Raw is War: 10/20/97
---lost to Ahmed Johnson by DQ, Raw is War: 10/21/97

46. Steve Austin
---pinned Rocky Maivia, In Your House - D-Generation X: 12/7/97

47. Rocky Maivia
---pinned Chainz, Shotgun: 12/30/97
---beat Ken Shamrock by DQ, Royal Rumble: 1/18/98
---beat Ken Shamrock by DQ, WrestleMania XIV: 3/29/98
---lost to Owen Hart by DQ, Raw is War: 3/31/98
---pinned Faarooq, In Your House - Over the Edge: 5/31/98
---beat X-pac by DQ, Raw is War: 7/14/98
---time limit draw against Triple H, In Your House - Fully Loaded: 7/26/98
---beat Triple H and X-pac in a Triple Threat Match, Raw is War: 7/27/98

48. Triple H
---pinned Owen Hart, Raw is War: 9/14/98

49. Ken Shamrock
---submitted Mankind, Judgment Day: 10/18/98
---lost to The Rock by DQ, Raw is War: 11/2/98
---DDQ against The Big Bossman, Raw is War: 11/16/98
---beat Val Venis by DQ, Sunday Night Heat: 11/17/98
---submitted Steve Blackman, Capitol Carnage: 12/6/98
---submitted Billy Gunn, Royal Rumble: 1/24/99
---pinned Owen Hart, Sunday Night Heat: 1/25/99
---lost to The Godfather by CO, Sunday Night Heat: 1/26/99

50. Val Venis
---pinned Billy Gunn, Raw is War: 2/15/99
---beat Ken Shamrock and Goldust by CO in a Triple Threat Match, Raw is War: 3/1/99

51. Road Dogg
---beat Ken Shamrock by DQ, Sunday Night Heat: 3/15/99
---no contest against Billy Gunn, Raw is War: 3/22/99
---beat Goldust, Ken Shamrock and Val Venis in a Fatal Four Way Match, WrestleMania XV: 3/28/99

52. Goldust
---DCO against The Godfather, Raw is War: 3/30/99

53. The Godfather
---pinned Hardcore Holly, Raw is War: 4/13/99
---pinned Goldust, In Your House - Backlash: 4/25/99
---pinned Jeff Jarrett, Raw is War: 4/26/99
---pinned The Blue Meanie, Shotgun: 5/9/99
---beat Prince Albert by DQ, Shotgun: 5/10/99

54. Jeff Jarrett
---no contest against Mark Henry, Sunday Night Heat: 6/6/99
---beat Test by DQ, Sunday Night Heat: 6/8/99
---beat Ken Shamrock and Test in a Triple Threat Match, Raw is War: 6/21/99
---pinned X-pac, Raw is War: 6/28/99
---beat Test by CO, Sunday Night Heat: 6/29/99
---pinned Chaz, Raw is War: 6/29/99
---pinned The Blue Meanie, Shotgun: 7/11/99
---pinned Christian, Raw is War: 7/13/99

55. Edge

56. Jeff Jarrett

57. D'lo Brown
---lost to Val Venis by DQ, Sunday Night Heat: 8/8/99

58. Jeff Jarrett
---no contest against Test, Smackdown: 9/14/99
---beat Chyna by DQ, Unforgiven: 9/26/99
---pinned D'lo Brown, Rebellion: 10/2/99

59. Chyna
---pinned Chris Jericho, Survivor Series: 11/14/99

60. Chris Jericho
---beat X-pac by DQ, Raw is War: 12/13/99
---pinned Prince Albert, Smackdown: 12/14/99
---pinned The Godfather, Raw is War: 12/20/99
---beat Hardcore Holly by DQ, Smackdown: 12/21/99
---lost to Al Snow by DQ, Raw is War: 12/27/99
---double pin against Chyna, Smackdown: 12/28/99

61. Chris Jericho/Chyna
---Chyna pinned Hardcore Holly, Raw is War: 1/3/00
---Jericho beat Rikishi Phatu by DQ, Raw is War: 1/17/00

62. Chris Jericho
---pinned Hardcore Holly, Raw is War: 1/24/00
---submitted Crash Holly, Smackdown: 1/25/00
---submitted Gangrel, Smackdown: 2/1/00
---beat Viscera by DQ, Raw is War: 2/7/00
---pinned Jeff Hardy, Sunday Night Heat: 2/15/00

63. Kurt Angle
---lost to Chris Jericho by DQ, Raw is War: 3/6/00

64. Chris Benoit
---pinned Tazz, Raw is War: 4/3/00
---pinned Rikishi Phatu, Smackdown: 4/4/00
---pinned Hardcore Holly, Sunday Night Heat: 4/11/00
---lost to The Big Show by DQ, Raw is War: 4/17/00
---beat Kurt Angle by DQ, Smackdown: 4/18/00
---pinned The Road Dogg, Raw is War: 4/24/00
---beat Chris Jericho by DQ, Backlash: 4/30/00
---pinned Tazz, Raw is War: 5/1/00

65. Chris Jericho
---submitted Kurt Angle, Raw is War: 5/8/00
---beat The Big Show by CO, Raw is War: 5/8/00

66. Chris Benoit
---submitted The Godfather, Smackdown: 5/9/00
---beat Chris Jericho in a Submission Match, Judgment Day: 5/21/00
---beat Val Venis by DQ, Raw is War: 5/22/00
---lost to Kurt Angle by DQ, Smackdown: 5/23/00
---lost to Hardcore Holly by DQ, Raw is War: 5/29/00
---pinned Rikishi, Sunday Night Heat: 5/30/00
---submitted D'lo Brown, Smackdown: 5/30/00
---beat Chris Jericho, Hardcore Holly and Val Venis in a Fatal Four Way Match, Sunday Night Heat: 6/6/00
---submitted Jeff Hardy, Smackdown: 6/6/00
---submitted Matt Hardy, Raw is War: 6/12/00

67. Rikishi
---beat Chris Benoit by DQ, Raw is War: 6/26/00
---DCO against Triple H, Raw is War: 7/3/00

68. Val Venis
---beat Rikishi and Kane by DQ in a Triple Threat Match, Raw is War: 7/10/00
---beat Rikishi in a Steel Cage Match, Fully Loaded: 7/23/00
---lost to Chyna by DQ, Raw is War: 7/24/00
---pinned Eddie Guerrero, Smackdown: 8/15/00

69. Chyna
---pinned Val Venis, Raw is War: 8/28/00

70. Eddie Guerrero
---pinned The Road Dogg, Smackdown: 9/5/00
---beat Rikishi by DQ, Unforgiven: 9/24/00
---pinned Val Venis, Raw is War: 9/25/00
---pinned The Road Dogg, Heat: 9/26/00
---pinned Val Venis, Heat: 10/3/00
---beat Chris Jericho and X-pac in a Triple Threat Match, Smackdown: 10/10/00
---no contest against Chris Jericho, Raw is War: 10/16/00
---pinned Chyna, Raw is War: 10/30/00
---lost to Billy Gunn by DQ, Smackdown: 11/7/00

71. Billy Gunn
---pinned Eddie Guerrero, Raw is War: 11/27/00
---beat Val Venis by DQ, Raw is War: 12/4/00

72. Chris Benoit
---lost to Billy Gunn by DQ, Raw is War: 12/11/00
---submitted Jeff Hardy, Raw is War: 12/18/00
---submitted Matt Hardy, Smackdown: 12/23/00
---pinned Test, Raw is War: 12/29/00
---lost to Chris Jericho by DQ, Smackdown: 12/30/00

73. Chris Jericho
---lost to the Big Show by DQ, Smackdown: 1/23/01
---pinned Tazz, Smackdown X-treme: 1/30/01
---pinned Matt Hardy, Raw is War: 2/5/01
---beat Eddie Guerrero by DQ, Raw is War: 2/12/01
---lost to X-pac by DQ, Smackdown: 2/13/01
---beat X-pac, Eddie Guerrero and Chris Benoit in a Fatal Four Way Match, No Way Out: 2/25/01
---pinned Raven, Raw is War: 2/26/01
---pinned Perry Saturn, Heat: 2/27/01
---pinned Eddie Guerrero, Raw is War: 3/5/01
---pinned Val Venis, Smackdown: 3/6/01
---pinned William Regal, WrestleMania X-Seven: 4/1/01

74. Triple H

75. Jeff Hardy

76. Triple H
---w/ Steve Austin, pinned Kane & The Undertaker in a Triple Header Match, Backlash: 4/29/01
---pinned Jeff Hardy, Smackdown: 5/1/01
---lost to Rikishi by DQ, Smackdown: 5/8/01

77. Kane
---pinned Kurt Angle, Raw is War: 5/21/01
---pinned Rhyno, Smackdown: 5/22/01
---pinned Edge, Smackdown: 5/29/01
---pinned Christian, Raw is War: 6/4/01
---pinned X-pac, Smackdown: 6/5/01
---pinned Albert, Smackdown: 6/12/01

78. Albert ---lost to The Undertaker by DQ, Raw is War: 7/2/01
---pinned Edge, Smackdown: 7/3/01
---pinned Rhyno, Raw is War: 7/9/01
---pinned Justin Credible, Heat: 7/10/01
---pinned Tommy Dreamer, Heat: 7/17/01

79. Lance Storm
---beat Perry Saturn by DQ, Smackdown: 7/24/01
---pinned Christian, Raw is War: 8/6/01
---submitted Scotty 2 Hotty, Heat: 8/7/01

80. Edge
---lost to Hugh Morrus by DQ, Raw is War: 8/27/01
---pinned Lance Storm, Raw is War: 9/3/01
---pinned Kanyon, Smackdown: 9/18/01

81. Christian
---lost to Chris Jericho by DQ, Raw is War: 9/24/01
---no contest against Bradshaw, Smackdown: 9/25/01

82. Edge
---DCO against Test, Heat: 10/23/01
---pinned Rob Van Dam, Raw is War: 10/29/01
---beat Christian in a Steel Cage Match, Rebellion: 11/3/01

83. Test
---pinned Matt Hardy, Smackdown: 11/6/01

84. Edge
---beat Christian by DQ, Smackdown: 11/20/01
---beat Test by DQ, Raw: 11/26/01
---pinned William Regal, Vengeance: 12/9/01
---beat Kurt Angle by DQ, Smackdown: 12/18/01
---pinned Kane, Smackdown: 12/22/01
---pinned Lance Storm, Raw: 1/7/02
---pinned The Big Bossman, Smackdown: 1/8/02
---lost to Test by DQ, Smackdown: 1/15/02

85. William Regal
---beat Edge by DQ, Raw: 1/21/02
---lost to Rob Van Dam by DQ, Raw: 1/28/02
---beat Rikishi by DQ, Raw: 2/4/02
---pinned Edge in a Brass Knuckles on a Pole Match, No Way Out: 2/17/02
---pinned Rikishi, Heat: 2/18/02

86. Rob Van Dam
---pinned Christian, Raw: 3/18/02
---pinned Mr. Perfect, Heat: 3/19/02
---beat Kurt Angle by DQ, Raw: 3/25/02
---pinned Test, Smackdown: 3/26/02
---pinned Booker T, Raw: 4/1/02

87. Eddie Guerrero
---pinned D'lo Brown, Heat: 4/22/02
---pinned Jeff Hardy, Raw: 4/29/02
---lost to Rob Van Dam by DQ, Insurrextion: 5/4/02
---pinned Tommy Dreamer, Heat: 5/6/02
---pinned Shawn Stasiak, Raw: 5/13/02
---pinned Rob Van Dam, Judgment Day: 5/19/02

88. Rob Van Dam
---beat Brock Lesnar by DQ, Raw: 6/24/02
---beat Brock Lesnar by DQ, Vengeance: 7/21/02
---beat Jeff Hardy in a Ladder Match, Raw: 7/22/02

89. Chris Benoit

90. Rob Van Dam
---beat Tommy Dreamer in a Hardcore Match, Raw: 8/26/02

91. Chris Jericho
---submitted Ric Flair, Unforgiven: 9/22/02
---pinned Goldust, Raw: 9/23/02

92. Kane

93. Triple H

94. Christian
---no contest against Booker T, Raw: 6/30/03

95. Booker T
---pinned Christian, Raw: 7/14/03
---pinned Test, Raw: 7/21/03

96. Christian
---pinned Spike Dudley, Raw: 8/11/03
---no contest against Rob Van Dam, Raw: 8/19/03
---pinned Jerry Lawler, Raw: 8/25/03
---pinned Chris Jericho, Raw: 9/1/03
---beat Chris Jericho and Rob Van Dam, Unforgiven: 9/21/03
---lost to Rob Van Dam by DQ, Raw: 9/22/03

97. Rob Van Dam
---beat Scott Steiner by DQ, Raw: 10/13/03

98. Chris Jericho

99. Rob Van Dam
---pinned Christian, Raw: 11/10/03
---beat Ric Flair by DQ, Raw: 11/17/03

100. Randy Orton
---pinned Booker T, Raw: 12/29/03
---pinned Rob Van Dam, Raw: 1/12/04
---beat Booker T and Rob Van Dam in a Triple Threat Match, Raw: 2/9/04
---beat Cactus Jack in a No Holds Barred Match, Backlash: 4/18/04
---pinned Edge, Raw: 5/10/04
---pinned Shelton Benjamin, Bad Blood: 6/13/04
---pinned Chris Jericho, Raw: 7/5/04

101. Edge
---pinned Randy Orton, Raw: 7/19/04
---beat Chris Jericho and Batista in a Triple Threat Match, SummerSlam: 8/15/04
---pinned Kane, Raw: 8/16/04
---lost to Chris Jericho by DQ, Raw: 8/23/04

102. Chris Jericho
---no contest against Shawn Michaels, Raw: 9/20/04

103. Shelton Benjamin
---pinned Chris Jericho, Raw: 10/25/04
---pinned Christian, Survivor Series: 11/14/04
---pinned Christian, Raw: 12/6/04
---pinned Maven, New Year's Revolution: 1/9/05
---pinned Maven, New Years Revolution: 1/9/05
---pinned Simon Dean, Raw: 1/31/05
---beat Gene Snitsky by DQ, Raw: 2/14/05
---lost to Gene Snitsky by DQ, Raw: 2/21/05
---pinned Gene Snitsky, Raw: 2/28/05
---beat Chris Jericho and Christian in a Triple Threat Match, Raw: 4/4/05
---pinned Chris Jericho, Backlash: 5/1/05
---beat Sylvan Grenier and Rob Conway in a Triple Threat Match, Raw: 5/29/05
---lost to Muhammad Hassan by DQ, Raw: 6/13/05

104. Carlito Caribbean Cool
---pinned Shelton Benjamin, Vengeance: 6/26/05

105. Ric Flair
---beat Triple H in a Steel Cage Match, Taboo Tuesday: 11/1/05
---submission victory over Rob Conway, Raw: 11/7/05
---beat Edge by DQ, New Year's Revolution: 1/8/06

106. Shelton Benjamin
---lost to Ric Flair by DQ, Raw: 3/6/06
---pinned Rob Van Dam, Raw: 3/13/06
---beat Rob Van Dam and Ric Flair in a Triple Threat Match, Raw: 3/20/06
---pinned Chavo Guerrero, Raw: 4/3/06

107. Rob Van Dam
---beat Shelton Benjamin, Chris Masters and Carlito in a Fatal Four Way Match, Raw: 5/8/06

108. Shelton Benjamin
---beat Rob Van Dam by DQ, Raw: 5/22/06
---no contest against Kane, Raw: 5/29/06

109. Johnny Nitro
---lost to Carlito by DQ, Raw: 7/3/06
---beat Shelton Benjamin and Carlito in a Triple Threat Match, Raw: 7/31/06
---lost to Kane by DQ, Raw: 8/14/06
---lost to Jeff Hardy by DQ, Raw: 9/4/06
---pinned Jeff Hardy, Unforgiven: 9/17/06
---beat Randy Orton, Jeff Hardy, Carlito, Super Crazy and Chris Masters in a Six Pack Challenge, Raw: 9/18/06

110. Jeff Hardy
---beat Chris Masters, Carlito and Super Crazy in a Fatal Four Way, Raw: 10/16/06
---pinned Carlito, Cyber Sunday: 11/5/06

111. Johnny Nitro

112. Jeff Hardy
---beat Johnny Nitro in a Ladder Match, Raw: 11/20/06
---pinned Johnny Nitro, New Year's Revolution: 1/7/07
---pinned Kenny Dykstra, Raw: 1/8/07
---lost to the Great Khali by CO, Raw: 1/22/07

113. Umaga
---pinned Jeff Hardy, Raw: 3/5/07

114. Santino Marella
---pinned Chris Masters, Raw: 5/7/07
---pinned Chris Masters, Raw: 5/14/07
---pinned Chris Masters, Raw: 6/4/07
---beat Umaga by DQ, Vengeance: 6/24/07

115. Umaga
---pinned Santino Marella, Raw: 7/9/07
---pinned Jeff Hardy, the Great American Bash: 7/22/07
---pinned Santino Marella, Raw: 7/30/07
---beat Mr. Kennedy and Carlito in a Triple Threat Match, SummerSlam: 8/26/07

116. Jeff Hardy
---pinned Shelton Benjamin, Raw: 9/17/07
---pinned Mr. Kennedy, Raw: 10/8/07
---pinned Gene Snitsky, Raw: 12/3/07
---beat Carlito in a Ladder Match, Raw: 12/10/07
---beat Randy Orton by DQ, Raw: 1/14/08

117. Chris Jericho
---lost to the Big Show by DQ, Raw: 3/17/08
---pinned Umaga, Raw: 4/14/08
---beat John Bradshaw Layfield by DQ, Raw: 6/2/08

118. Kofi Kingston
---beat Chris Jericho by DQ, Raw: 6/30/08
---pinned Paul Burchill, Raw: 8/4/08

119. Santino Marella
---pinned Kofi Kingston, Raw: 8/25/08
---lost to the Honky Tonk Man by DQ, Cyber Sunday: 10/26/08
---no contest against Charlie Haas, Raw: 10/27/08

120. William Regal
---lost to CM Punk by DQ, Raw: 1/5/09
---beat CM Punk by DQ, Raw: 1/12/09

121. CM Punk
---pinned William Regal, Raw: 2/9/09

122. John Bradshaw Layfield

123. Rey Mysterio
---pinned Chris Jericho, Judgment Day: 5/17/09

124. Chris Jericho
---pinned Rey Mysterio, Raw: 6/15/09

125. Rey Mysterio
---pinned Chris Jericho, Smackdown: 6/30/09
---pinned Dolph Ziggler, Night of Champions: 7/26/09
---pinned Dolph Ziggler, SummerSlam: 8/23/09

126. John Morrison
---pinned Dolph Ziggler, Hell in a Cell: 10/4/09
---beat Dolph Ziggler in a Best 2 out of 3 Falls Match, Smackdown: 11/17/09
---pinned Eric Escobar, Smackdown: 11/24/09

127. Drew McIntyre
---beat John Morrison by DQ, Smackdown: 12/29/09
---beat John Morrison in a No DQ Match, Smackdown: 1/27/10
---pinned Kane, Elimination Chamber: 2/21/10

128. Kofi Kingston
---pinned Drew McIntyre, Fatal 4-Way: 6/20/10

129. Dolph Ziggler
---no contest against Kofi Kingston, SummerSlam: 8/15/10
---pinned Kofi Kingston, Night of Champions: 9/19/10
---lost to MVP by CO, Smackdown: 9/21/10
---pinned MVP, Smackdown: 10/5/10
---pinned MVP, Smackdown: 11/9/10
---pinned Kaval, Survivor Series: 11/21/10
---lost to Kofi Kingston by DQ, Smackdown: 12/7/10
---beat Kofi Kingston and Jack Swagger in a Ladder Match, TLC: 12/19/10
---beat Kofi Kingston and Jack Swagger in a Triple Threat Match, Smackdown: 12/28/10

130. Kofi Kingston

131. Wade Barrett
---lost to Kofi Kingston by DQ, Smackdown: 3/28/11
---pinned Kofi Kingston, Smackdown: 4/19/11
---lost to Ezekiel Jackson by DQ, Over the Limit: 5/22/11
---lost to Ezekiel Jackson by CO, Smackdown: 5/31/11

132. Ezekiel Jackson
---pinned Wade Barrett, Smackdown: 6/21/11

133. Cody Rhodes
---pinned Ezekiel Jackson, Smackdown: 8/16/11
---pinned Ted DiBiase, Night of Champions: 9/18/11
---beat Daniel Bryan, Sin Cara, Alex Riley, Ezekiel Jackson, John Morrison, Sheamus, Ted DiBiase, Drew McIntyre and Justin Gabriel in a Battle Royale, Raw: 9/26/11
---pinned John Morrison, Hell in a Cell: 10/2/11
---pinned Booker T, TLC: 12/18/11
---pinned Booker T, Smackdown: 1/3/12

134. The Big Show

135. Cody Rhodes
---lost by CO to The Big Show, Raw: 5/7/12

136. Christian
---pinned Cody Rhodes, No Way Out: 6/17/12

137. The Miz
---pinned Christian, Smackdown: 7/24/12
---pinned Rey Mysterio, SummerSlam: 8/19/12
---beat Cody Rhodes, Rey Mysterio and Sin Cara in a Fatal Four Way Match, Night of Champions: 9/16/12

138. Kofi Kingston
---pinned The Miz, Hell in a Cell: 10/28/12
---pinned The Miz, Super Smackdown: 11/6/12
---pinned Damien Sandow, Smackdown: 11/20/12
---pinned Wade Barrett, TLC: 12/16/12

139. Wade Barrett
---pinned Kofi Kingston, Smackdown: 12/30/12
---beat The Miz and Chris Jericho in a Triple Threat Match, Raw: 3/18/13
---pinned Bo Dallas, NXT: 3/21/13

140. The Miz

141. Wade Barrett
---pinned Justin Gabriel, Main Event: 4/16/13
---lost to The Miz by DQ, Smackdown: 5/21/13

142. Curtis Axel
---pinned Wade Barrett, Smackdown: 6/18/13
---lost to Big E. Langston by DQ, NXT: 7/11/13
---pinned The Miz, Money in the Bank: 7/14/13
---pinned Chris Jericho, Smackdown: 7/16/13
---pinned Kofi Kingston, Night of Champions: 9/15/13
---pinned R-Truth, Battleground: 10/6/13
---pinned R-Truth, Smackdown: 10/8/13
---pinned Dolph Ziggler, Raw: 11/11/13

143. Big E. Langston
---pinned Curtis Axel, Survivor Series: 11/24/13
---pinned Damien Sandow, TLC: 12/15/13
---pinned Fandango, Raw: 12/30/13
---pinned Jack Swagger, Elimination Chamber: 2/23/14
---pinned Dolph Ziggler, Main Event: 3/25/14

144. Wade Barrett
---pinned Big E, Raw: 5/5/14
---pinned Rob Van Dam, Payback: 6/1/14
---beat Rob Van Dam by DQ, Main Event: 6/3/14
---beat Rob Van Dam and Cesaro in a Triple Threat Match, Smackdown: 6/3/14
---pinned Dolph Ziggler, Raw: 6/24/14

145. The Miz

146. Dolph Ziggler
---lost to The Miz by CO, Raw: 8/18/14

147. The Miz

148. Dolph Ziggler
---pinned Cesaro, Smackdown: 9/23/14
---beat The Miz and Cesaro in a Triple Threat Match, Raw: 9/30/14
---pinned Bo Dallas, Main Event: 10/7/14
---pinned Cesaro, Smackdown: 10/21/14
---beat Cesaro in a Two out of Three Falls Match, Hell in a Cell: 10/26/14
---lost to Seth Rollins by DQ, Raw: 11/3/14
---beat Tyson Kidd and Cesaro in a Triple Threat Elimination Match, Smackdown: 11/11/14

149. Luke Harper
---lost to Dean Ambrose by DQ, Raw: 11/24/14
---lost to Dolph Ziggler by CO, Smackdown: 11/25/14
---lost to Dolph Ziggler by DQ, Smackdown: 12/2/14

150. Dolph Ziggler
---pinned Luke Harper, Raw: 12/22/14

151. Wade Barrett
---pinned Sin Cara, Smackdown: 1/13/15
---beat Dean Ambrose by DQ, Fastlane: 2/22/15

152. Daniel Bryan
---pinned Dolph Ziggler, Raw: 3/30/15

153. Ryback
---lost to The Big Show by DQ, Money in the Bank: 6/14/15
---beat The Big Show and The Miz in a Triple Threat Match, SummerSlam: 8/23/15
---pinned The Big Show, Raw: 8/31/15

154. Kevin Owens
---pinned Chris Jericho, Live from MSG: 10/3/15
---pinned Ryback, Hell in a Cell: 10/25/15

155. Dean Ambrose
---beat Dolph Ziggler and Kevin Owens in a Triple Threat Match, Smackdown: 12/22/15
---DCO against Kevin Owens, Smackdown: 1/5/16
---beat Kevin Owens in a Last Man Standing Match, Royal Rumble: 1/24/16

156. Kevin Owens
---pinned Dolph Ziggler, Fastlane: 2/21/16

157. Zack Ryder

158. The Miz
---pinned Zack Ryder, Smackdown: 4/5/16
---pinned Cesaro, Payback: 5/1/16
---beat Cesaro, Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens in a Fatal Four Way Match, Extreme Rules: 5/22/16
---pinned Cesaro, Smackdown: 5/24/16
---lost to Kane by CO, Raw: 6/27/16
---DDQ against Darren Young, Battleground: 7/24/16
---pinned Apollo Crews, SummerSlam: 8/21/16
---pinned Apollo Crews, Smackdown: 9/6/16
---pinned Dolph Ziggler, Backlash: 9/11/16
---pinned Dolph Ziggler, Smackdown: 9/20/16

159. Dolph Ziggler
---pinned Curt Hawkins, Smackdown: 11/1/16

160. The Miz
---pinned Sami Zayn, Survivor Series: 11/20/16
---pinned Kalisto, Smackdown: 11/22/16
---beat Dolph Ziggler in a Ladder Match, TLC: 12/4/16
---pinned Dean Ambrose, Smackdown: 12/6/16
---pinned Apollo Crews, Smackdown: 12/20/16

161. Dean Ambrose
---beat The Miz in a Lumberjack Match, Smackdown: 1/24/17
---pinned Baron Corbin, WrestleMania 33: 4/2/17
---lost to The Miz by DQ, Raw: 5/15/17

162. The Miz
---pinned Heath Slater, Raw: 7/3/17
---pinned Dean Ambrose, Great Balls of Fire: 7/9/17
---pinned Jeff Hardy, Raw: 9/4/17
---pinned Jason Jordan, No Mercy: 9/24/17
---lost to Roman Reigns by DQ, Raw: 10/2/17
---pinned Matt Hardy, Raw: 10/30/17

163. Roman Reigns
---pinned Elias, Raw: 11/27/17
---pinned Jason Jordan, Raw: 12/4/17
---pinned Cesaro, Raw: 12/11/17
---lost to Samoa Joe by DQ, Raw: 12/25/17
---pinned Samoa Joe, Raw: 1/1/18

164. The Miz
---pinned Roman Reigns, Raw: 1/29/18

165. Seth Rollins
---beat The Miz, Finn Balor and Samoa Joe in a Ladder Match, The Greatest Royal Rumble: 4/27/18
---pinned Finn Balor, Raw: 4/30/18
---pinned The Miz, Backlash: 5/6/18
---pinned Mojo Rawley, Raw: 5/7/18
---pinned Kevin Owens, Raw: 5/14/18
---lost to Jinder Mahal by DQ, Raw: 5/28/18
---pinned Elias, Money in the Bank: 6/17/18

166. Dolph Ziggler
---lost to Seth Rollins by DQ, Raw: 6/25/18
---beat Seth Rollins in an Ironman Match, Extreme Rules: 7/15/18

167. Seth Rollins
---pinned Kevin Owens, Raw: 8/27/18
---pinned Dolph Ziggler, Raw: 9/17/18
---pinned Dolph Ziggler, Raw: 11/26/18
---beat Baron Corbin in a TLC Match, Raw: 12/10/18

168. Dean Ambrose
---pinned Tyler Breeze, Raw: 12/17/18
---pinned Apollo Crews, Raw: 12/28/18
---beat Seth Rollins in a Falls Count Anywhere Match, Raw: 1/7/19

169. Bobby Lashley

170. Finn Balor
---pinned Lio Rush, Raw: 2/25/19

171. Bobby Lashley

172. Finn Balor
---pinned Sami Zayn, Raw: 4/8/19
---pinned Elias, The Shield's Final Chapter: 4/21/19
---pinned Andrade, Super Showdown: 6/7/19

173. Shinsuke Nakamura
---pinned Ali, Smackville: 7/27/19
---pinned The Miz, Clash of Champions: 9/15/19
---lost to Roman Reigns by DQ, Smackdown: 10/18/19

174. Braun Strowman

175. Sami Zayn
---pinned Daniel Bryan, WrestleMania 36: 4/4/20

176. AJ Styles
---pinned Drew Gulak, Smackdown: 7/3/20
---submitted Gran Metallik, Smackdown: 7/31/20
---beat Jeff Hardy by DQ, Smackdown: 9/11/20

177. Sami Zayn
---pinned Jeff Hardy, Smackdown: 10/2/20

178. Big E
---pinned Apollo Crews, Smackdown: 1/8/21
---lost to Apollo Crews by DQ, Smackdown: 1/22/21
---beat Apollo Crews and Sami Zayn in a Triple Threat Match, Smackdown: 2/5/21
---beat Shinsuke Nakamura by DQ, Smackdown: 2/12/21
---pinned Sami Zayn, Smackdown: 3/12/21
---pinned Apollo Crews, Fastlane: 3/21/21

179. Apollo Crews
---pinned Kevin Owens, Smackdown: 4/23/21
---lost to Big E by DQ, Smackdown: 4/30/21
---beat Big E, Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn in a Fatal Four Way Match, Smackdown: 5/21/21