Judgement Day: In Your House

Was it just my imagination, or did it seem like the WWF could have done better? Maybe it was just the mood I was in, I don't know, but IYH: JD seemed a bit lackluster to me. Anyway, forgive me, but this'll be brief and brutal.

Taka Michinoku vs. Christian
I didn't know what to expect from Christian, but he did some nice maneuvers, and Taka got to do his vertical plancha and asai moonsault. This is just a sample of the action that a decent light heavyweight division could bring, I hope you were watching this, Vince. Christian eventually won, by the way.
Rating: ***1/4

Ken Shamrock vs. Mankind
This was a pretty good match, with some nice mat wrestling from Shamrock, and Mankind took some chair shots as well as a powerslam onto the steps (ouch!). Mankind couldn't get the Mandible Sock on Shamrock, but did manage to get in an anklelock. Before the match, Mankind had said that he wouldn't give in to the anklelock, and he didn't. Instead, he stuck the Mandible Claw in his OWN mouth, and submitted. For some reason, Shamrock seemed pissed that he won the match. Afterwards, Mick exited the ring, and was bombarded with socks thrown by the fans.
Rating: ***

X-pac vs. D'lo Brown
Can you say deja vu anyone? Pretty decent match, including a blocked bronco buster with a kick to the nuts by D'lo. And we all knew it was coming, D'lo off the top right into the X-factor, and we have our third two time European Champion!
Rating: ***

The New Age Outlaws vs. The Headbangers
This was your classic tag team encounter, with The Headbangers distracting the other opponent to draw away the ref's attention, cutting the ring off, etc. When Billy Gunn gained control, however, The Roaddog came in and smashed a boombox over Mosh's head, DQing the Outlaws. No visible trouble between James and Gunn, which is a good sign.
"That was no JVC Kaboom Box!"
--Jim Ross, JVC plug #5
Rating: **1/2

Val Venis vs. Goldust
It was nice to see the return of Goldie, but the match itself seemed long and tedious. In one of the most unusual endings to a match, Goldie won with a kick to the balls. Remember the name...
Rating: **1/4

The Rock vs. Mark Henry
There was nothing really wrong with the match itself here, it was just too short. The Rock seemed right in the middle of laying the smack down when he was caught by Henry and splashed for the win.
Rating: **

Al Snow vs. Marc Mero
Snow had some good moonsaults, but Mero spent too much time doing his Urkel impression. Anyway, Snow wins with the Snow Plow.
Rating: **

LOD 2000 vs. The DOA
I expected this to be a stinker, but we haven't gotten to the main event... anyway, LOD cleans house, Hawk gets beat on for awhile, Skull throws some punches that gave away more about the sport since the time William Shatner hiptossed Jerry Lawler, Ellering looked like a chimp (although a chimp would have made a better partner), Animal and Droz in, clean house, Doomsday Device, Droz steals the cover, I smell angle. Yes that was all one sentence.
Rating: *1/2

The Undertaker vs. Kane
Their previous matches were decent, but these two are just plain tired of wrestling each other. It started decent, but escalated into a brawl where they moved so slow that even the Warrior was cringing. Steve Austin encouraged foreign objects, made either a fast count or a really slow count with a lot of middle fingers thrown in. Paul Bearer in, hits Kane with a chair, the "What the Hell?" reaction of the night, Undertaker takes the chair from Paul and does a much better job, flooring Kane. Austin hits the Stunner on UT, makes a three count, your winner is Steve Austin! Well, not really, since Vince came out behind the video wall and said Screw you, you're fired! Austin cusses him out, flicks off the crowd, Steveweisers, good night everybody.
Rating: *

Overall rating: **1/2

Email: nykk1@aol.com