Mick Foley Wants His Sock Back

In September of 1999, The Rock and Mankind formed a dysfunctional tag team. Mankind's respect for the Rock grew to the point where he threw him a "birthday party" on Raw, bringing out various people from his past, and giving him two gifts: A Rock 'n Sock Connection jacket, and Mr. Rocko, a counterpart to Mankind's sock puppet Mr. Socko. Later in the night, the GTV camera caught Val Venis in the back. Thinking no one was looking, he reached into a garbage can and pulled out Mr. Rocko, which The Rock had obviously thrown away. He rolled it up, put it down the front of his pants, and was on his way. Mankind confronted Venis the following Thursday on Smackdown...

(Mankind's music plays and he makes his way to the ring.)

Mankind: Hello, Richmond! (Crowd cheers) I hope some of you saw it... on Monday night, we celebrated one of the great showings of unity and comeraderie in the history of Sports Entertainment! And as one half of the Rock 'n Sock Connection, I was damn proud to be part of it! I guess now would be the appropriate time to give a special thanks to the dozens... (Crowd: And dozens!) of Mankind's fans for making it all happen, but there was one man who tried to poop on our party by taking something that did not belong to him. I don't want to get violent out here, I don't want an altercation, but I would like Val Venis to come out here and explain his actions just a little bit, so Val, I need you down here right about now.

(Val's entrance music plays, and he makes his way into the ring.)

Val Venis: Mick, I just wanna let you know something, right now. I have two beautiful women back there, and I'm a busy man, so what is it you want, because it's not my birthday.

Mankind: Val, I know what you got in your pants, and I want it! Wait, wait, let me make that a little bit clearer... I know what you got in your pants... and dammit, I need it!

(Val has a look of absolute horror on his face)

Mankind: Oh, so now you're gonna be shy, I'll tell you what I'll do... I will turn my back... (he turns his back to Val) You just whip it out and give it to me.

Val: Mick, turn back around and look at me. (Mick turns around) The Big Valbowski never swings that way!

Mankind: Let me describe it for you, okay? It's about this long... (he holds his arms about three feet apart) It's white... and it's got a big, beautiful head on it. I'll tell you what, dammit, either you reach into your pants, you whip it out, and place it in my hand, or so help me, I'll reach into your pants, I'll whip it out, and I'll stick it in your damn mouth!

Val: Whoa, whoa, whoa, Mick, whoa, whoa... I had no idea you were like this, Mick... I had absolutely no idea you were like this, but let me make one thing very clear right here, right now. The Big Valbowski only putts from one side of the green. (He looks at Mankind anxiously)

Mankind: I don't know what the hell you're talking about, but I want you to take a look at this...

(Mankind directs him to the TitanTron where the GTV clip from the past Raw is War plays. Val looks about half embarassed and half relieved.)

Mankind: Val, you've been busted!

Val: Mick... Mick, buddy! Bro! Buddy! That was a joke. That was a joke for all the boys in the back... it was a test, just a joke.

Mankind: I'll tell you what, Val, I don't appreciate your twisted sense of humor, and you know who else doesn't appreciate it? The Rock. The Rock wants Mr. Rocko back, and he wants him right now! (Mankind grabs for Val's crotch, but Val scrambles out of the ring)

Val: Whoa, whoa, whoa, hold up, just hold up buddy, I ain't got no problem with you. You and I are like... you know... (Makes a back and forth hand motion) you know. I didn't realize the sock meant that much to you, buddy. If it means that much to you, I will go back there, and I will bring it to you, all right? Just take it easy... chill out... everything's good. It's all good, bro, it's all good.

Mankind: Val Venis, I'll tell you this right now... if you don't deliver Mr. Rocko, I sure as hell will deliver Mr. Socko! (Mankind's music plays)

Mankind: (chanting) Rock 'n Sock, Rock 'n Sock, Rock 'n Sock...

Email: nykk1@aol.com