NBA-NWA World Middleweight Championship

NBA-NWA World Middleweight Title History
No. Won By Won From Location Date
1. Gus Kallio Charlie Fischer* Chicago, IL 8/7/28
2. Hugh Nichols Gus Kallio ?? 3/8/29
3. Gus Kallio Ralph Parquat and Ray Carpenter** Columbus, OH 1930
4. George Sauer Gus Kallio ?? 1932
5. Gus Kallio George Sauer ?? 7/32
6. Gus Kallio ??*** ?? 3/35
7. Joe Gunther Gus Kallio Nashville, TN 4/16/35
8. Gus Kallio Joe Gunther ?? 7/35
9. Octavio Gaona Gus Kallio Mexico City, Mexico 3/29/39
10. Tarzan Lopez Octavio Gaona Mexico City, Mexico 2/4/40

*This was the finals of a tournament to crown the first champion.

**The title was vacated when Nichols moved up to the light heavyweight division. Kallio was recognized as champion after two separate victories in Ohio.

***The circumstances of this title change are unknown.