NXT UK Tag Team Championship

NXT UK Tag Team Title History
No. Won By Won From Location Date
1. James Drake & Zack Gibson (The Grizzled Young Veterans) Trent Seven & Tyler Bate (Mustache Mountain)* Blackpool, England 1/12/19
2. Flash Morgan Webster & Mark Andrews The Grizzled Young Veterans and Mark Coffey & Wolfgang (Gallus)*(2) Cardiff, Wales 8/31/19
3. Gallus Flash Morgan Webster & Mark Andrews Brentwood, England 10/4/19
4. Lewis Howler & Sam Stokely (Pretty Deadly) Gallus London, England 2/25/21
5. Mustache Mountain Pretty Deadly London, England 12/9/21
6. Ashton Smith & Oliver Carter Mustache Mountain and Teoman & Rohan Raja (Die Familie)*(3) London, England 4/21/22
7. Brooks Jensen & Josh Briggs Die Familie, Dave Mastiff & Jack Starz, and Mark Andrews & Wild Boar*(4) London, England 6/22/22
8. Pretty Deadly Brooks Jensen & Josh Briggs, Gallus, and Brutus & Julius Creed*(5) Orlando, FL 9/4/22

*This was the final round of a tournament to crown the first champions.

*(2)This was a Triple Threat Match.

*(3)This was a Triple Threat Match.

*(4)The titles were vacated after an injury to Smith. This was a Fatal Four Way Match to determine new champoins.

*(5)This was a Fatal Four Way Unification Match with the NXT Tag Team Championship also on the line.