Predictions for 2001

January 22- Billy Gunn will be put out of action (i.e. a trip to Ohio Valley) by the RTC. They jokingly state that they will break up when Hell freezes over and Billy Gunn wrestles a 4-star match.

February 9- Edge and Christian will have a most excellent adventure through time where they discover that their wrestling matches are what's going to shape the foundation of society in the future.

February 25- Triple H will go to another no-contest with "Stone Cold" Steve Austin when Austin runs him over with a car. Triple H will return on Raw four weeks later.

February 27- In an attempt to revamp their gimmick, Road Dogg and K-Kwik will unveil a new rap song, which will have the same lyrics as "We're Gettin' Rowdy!" except in a different order.

March 23- Wrestling's PR disaster of the year will occur when a fan hits Hardcore Champion Raven from behind with a STOP sign because of the 24/7 rule. Raven will be out for six weeks.

April 1- At WrestleMania, Mick Foley will wrestle just one more match against Vince McMahon. A heated brawl will take them all the way up into the rafters, and the fans all run over to get a better look. With everyone on one side of the stadium, the Astro Dome will tip over on one side and roll all the way into the Gulf of Mexico……….. April Fools!

April 23- Billy Gunn will return a new man, taking Val Venis to a 4-star match on Raw. The RTC will participate in a séance to ask Steve Allen if Hell has frozen over. They go their separate ways shortly thereafter.

April 23- Meanwhile, there is confusion in ECW, as everyone gets their paychecks on time.

April 24- Due to the break-up of the RTC, Steven Richards will lose his mind once again and start accusing everyone of cheating on their taxes.

May 20- Mick Foley will come out of retirement "just once more" and face Triple H in a Hell in a Cell rematch from No Way Out 2000. Triple H will go headfirst through the roof of the Cell and crack his skull open on the ring steps. He will make his return on Smackdown two weeks later.

May 28- Hulk Hogan will make his 15547334546th surprise return to Nitro.

June 11- After powerbombing someone through a table (and getting that look on his face), Buh-Buh Ray Dudley will exclaim "I saw the light!" in a post-match interview. He will then reveal that he intends to run for President of the United States.

July 2- Eric Bischoff makes his surprise TV return to Nitro and is reunited with his old friend Hogan. Later that night, in A Shocking Swerve, Bischoff turns on Hogan by verbally berating him and stripping him of his WCW World Title.

July 6- Hogan will go on Mancow's radio show and swear the screwjob was a shoot.

July 16- Storylines will collide when Test and Kurt Angle confront Triple H, both vying their love for Stephanie. Wanting to concentrate on getting the WWF Title, Triple H will dump Steph by telling them that they can have her.

July 30- As a result of Triple H breaking Stephanie's heart, Vince McMahon will challenge him to a Streetfight and lure him into a trap. Outside the arena, as he chases Vince through some rocky terrain, an avalanche occurs and buries him under a pile of dirt and rocks. Triple H will return on Raw the very next week.

August 6- Test and Kurt Angle, fighting over Stephanie McMahon, are shocked when she decides to go with the only man who truly loves her: her father, Vince.

August 7- Hogan, swearing the screwjob was a shoot, will file a lawsuit against WCW.

August 22- Eddie Guererro will get his own cooking show: Latino Beets. It only lasts a few weeks because everyone in the audience keeps booing Eddie out of the studio.

September 3- The Steph/Vince affair will open the floodgates for what will become known as "A Season of Incest." Crash, Hardcore, and Molly Holly decide to explore an alternative lifestyle while Ken and Ryan Shamrock return to wrestling arm in arm. Mark Henry returns with his sister, while Shane and Linda McMahon figure they ought to continue the trend. Shane will seem kind of depressed over the next few weeks.

September 23- Triple H's car will be sabotaged, causing him to careen off a cliff and into a pile of jagged rocks below at the conclusion of Unforgiven. Triple H will return on Raw the next night.

October 5- Hogan, still swearing the screwjob was a shoot, will hire a hitman to kill Eric Bischoff.

October 11- Chris Benoit will make an appearance on "Who's Line is it Anyway?" When Ryan Stiles makes a wisecrack about him during a hoedown, Benoit snaps and puts him in the Crippler Crossface. The audience laughs itself silly and Benoit is offered a full-time contract with the show.

November 8- Fozzy will decide to bypass Japan on their world tour.

November 19- The Undertaker reforms the Ministry of Darkness, except this time as a biker gang. Imagine Paul Bearer with a shaggy beard, leather jacket, Viking helmet, and a motorcycle and you'll laugh at this too.

December 3- Triple H will fall and scrape his knees backstage at a house show. He will retire from wrestling forever.

December 17- Hogan's hitman will finally get around to showing up. He stalks Bischoff throughout Nitro. At the end of the show, a terrified Eric Bischoff will run to the ring with a man in black clothing and a black mask in hot pursuit. He reaches the ring, familiar music hits, and Hulk Hogan will make his 15547334547th surprise return to WCW. Hogan and the hitman circle Bischoff. Suddenly, in Another Shocking Swerve, Bischoff touches both men in the chest and they fall to the canvas. Bischoff covers for the three count and takes the hitman's mask off, revealing Vince Russo! They promise a new era for WCW as the show ends.

December 18- At the Thunder tapings, Russo, Hogan, and Bischoff stand in the ring and gloat over how everyone bought it. All of a sudden, WCW's main problem is solved, as frustrated Internet fans line up in the front row firing-range style, and pick them off.

December 31- The fans look back on another wacky year of Pro Wrestling but for some odd reason can't remember past mid-October.
