Pay Per View Reviews

The first, crappy logo.





Other PPVs

Note: All matches in the reviews are listed in order from what I felt was best to worst.

Individual Match Ratings

Spectacular!- Excellent match, this is what wrestling is all about.
Wonderful- Great match, the wrestlers gave it their all, but something was lacking.
Awesome- Very good match, was definitely worth the price of the PPV.
Good- Good match, but it wasn't anything I couldn't have done without.
Decent- Okay match, but nothing really special.
Bad- Bad match, but maybe had a few good spots in it.
Craptacular- Awful match, offensive to watch.

Overall PPV Ratings

Spectacular!- Excellent PPV, the match flow was smooth, the wrestlers gave it their all, angles were well executed, and the matches had crowd heat.
Wondeful- Great PPV, most of the matches were great, the crowd was into it.
Awesome- Very good PPV, many good matches, match flow was smooth, crowd was hot.
Good- Average PPV, a few good matches, angles were okay, but nothing to shout about.
Decent- Okay PPV, maybe a match or two that was good, but the angles lacked heat, and the crowd was somewhat into it.
Bad- Bad PPV, no real memorable matches, crowd heat lacked, angles sucked.
Craptacular- Awful PPV, no good matches, crowd was dead, match flow sucked, angles were offensive. I want my money back.

A 3/4 or 1/4 rating after the stars indicates that the PPV or match was somewhere in between these standards.

The Old Ratings System
