The Big Show

Height: 7'2''

Weight: 500 lbs.

Finishing move: Chokeslam

Titles held: 2x WWE Champ, 2x WCW Champ, 1x WWE United States Champ, 3x World Tag Team Champ, 2x WCW Tag Team Champ, 2x WWE Hardcore Champ

Other aliases: The Giant, The Big Nasty

Real Name: Paul Wight

The Big Show debuted at IYH: St. Valentine's Day Massacre as Vince McMahon's newest weapon against Steve Austin. However, his first night wasn't too good since he accidentally helped Austin win his match against Mr. McMahon. McMahon wanted him to ref the match between Austin and The Rock at WrestleMania XV, but Mick Foley wanted the job also. They met in a match at WM to determine who would be ref, but Wight lost by DQ and was arrested when he hit McMahon. He left the Corporation and struck out on his own. He lost a Boiler Room Brawl to Mankind at IYH: Backlash but they formed an alliance when both were attacked by Corporation members. With Ken Shamrock and Test, they formed the Union. They beat the Corporate Ministry at Over the Edge in an eight man elimination match. He qualified for the King of the Ring when he beat Droz, but he lost in the first round to Kane when Hardcore Holly interfered. He was amused by Holly, who thought he was a super heavyweight, but began teaming with The Undertaker. They won the tag team titles from X-pac and Kane at SummerSlam only to lose them to Mankind and The Rock weeks later. They regained them, but when UT was injured, he let Mideon and Viscera take his place, which caused them to lose the belts back to The Rock & Sock Connection. The Undertaker walked out on the WWF, leaving the Big Show on his own. He got involved in a feud with the Big Bossman, who made fun of Show's dad, who supposedly had cancer. The Big Show was supposed to team with Taka Michinoku, Funaki, and The Blue Meanie against the Bossman, Viscera, Mideon, and Prince Albert at the Survivor Series, but the Show beat up his own parnters so it would be four on one. He chokeslammed all but the Bossman, who hightailed it. Later in the night, he replaced Austin for the third man in the Triple Threat Match for the WWF Title against Triple H and The Rock. With help from Vince McMahon, he won the WWF Title. The Bossman worked his way into no. 1 contention, and was squashed by the Show at Armageddon.

He lost the title to Triple H a few weeks later, and got angry at the Rock when he called all the other participants in the Royal Rumble "jabronies." He was the last to be eliminated by The Rock, but showed video proof that the Rock's feet touched the floor first. He wrestled The Rock at No Way Out, and won when Shane McMahon turned on The Rock. Vince soon returned and sided with The Rock, and Linda sided with Mick Foley. They made a Fatal Four Way for the WWF Title at WrestleMania. The Show was the first eliminated. He then began to have more fun in his matches, dressing up as a number of outrageous characters, including Fat Bastard (from Austin Powers 2) and "Shownan the Barbarian." He wrestled Kurt Angle at Backlash while dressed as Hulk Hogan. He got serious again when he overheard Shane McMahon making fun of him on his cell phone. They had a match at Judgment Day, where Shane smashed a cinder block over the Show's head, pinning him and putting him on the shelf. He returned briefly, but was put out of action by the Undertaker.

He came back at the Royal Rumble. Failing to hang with Rock, Austin and other main eventers, he went after the Hardcore Title and won it from Raven at No Way Out. He incurred the wrath of Kane, and the three met in a Triple Threat at WrestleMania, with Kane winning. He was approached by Shane McMahon about joining WCW, and seemed high on the idea. However, Vince McMahon replayed footage from a year before with Shane making fun of the Big Show. Show was angry and chokeslammed Shane, alligning with Vince. He and Shane met at Backlash in a Last Man Standing Match, with Shane coming out the winner after elbow smashing Show from over forty feet in the air. He tried winning the Hardcore Title again at Judgment Day, but lost to Test and Rhyno. He qualified in the King of the Ring tourney over Raven, but lost the next round to Christian. He competed in a six-man tag at Invasion, but didn't do much until November, when he impressed McMahon enough to offer him a spot in the winner-take-all match on the WWF side vs. the Alliance. Show was the first man on his side to be eliminated, however. He teamed with Kane for awhile, but failed to win the tag team title from the Dudley Boyz.

In the Spring, the WWF roster split occurred, and was drafted to Ric Flair's Raw brand. He joined the nWo out of his hatred for Steve Austin. However, the nWo soon disbanded, and Show, as the only active member left, had to deal with former member Booker T. Booker beat him at Vengeance, and Show went into a serious slump. However, in the fall he was traded to Smackdown, and he immediately asked for a WWE title shot against Brock Lesnar. That didn't sit well with the Undertaker, who still wanted title shots, so Show took him out of action. Brock accepted his challenge, and Show beat him for the title at Survivor Series, when Brock's agent Paul Heyman turned on him. Brock attacked Show in retaliation, which got him suspended. Meanwhile, Kurt Angle won a Fatal Four Way to get a shot at Show's title at Armageddon. Angle asked Brock to be in his corner, and Show lost the title match when Lesnar intervened.

Entrance Music Lyrics

Well, well it's the Big Show!
Yes, it's a big bad show tonight!
Yeah, it's the Big Show...
Come on crank it up and turn on all the lights y'all...
Well get ready for something
That you'll never know.
You won't see it coming,
But I promise you'll know,
The Big Show!