SummerSlam '99: An Out of Body Experience

Hey, as of this PPV, I've been doing this review for an entire year!

Tag Team Turmoil Match

The rules for this match stated that six teams would draw numbers (ala the Royal Rumble) and when a team was eliminated, another would take its place. Kid Rock Edge and Christian started against the Hardy Boyz. These two teams work great together. Jeff did his swan dive senton, and Christian scored a nice double reverse DDT on both Hardys. When Edge was tagged in, the action went to the outside, where both teams did some nice high spots, culminating in an Asai Moonsault by Matt Hardy. Then they separated, and when one of the Hardys attempted to walk the guard rail, Edge walked the guardrail on the other side of the ring and hit a Spear! Back in the ring, Edge scored another spear and pinned one of the Hardys. Phineas & f'n Mabel came out (with their heat-killing music) and Mabel used a sloppy spinning heel kick to knock down Christian. Edge entered and they tricked Mabel into squishing Phineas and gave him a double dropkick. Edge speared Phineas for the win. RuDroz and Prince Albert entered but were quickly eliminated with teamwork by Christian and Edge. The Acolytes attacked them before their heat-killing music could silence the crowd. They did a nice move on Christian where they set him up for a double belly to back suplex, but instead dropped him face first and Christian ate the canvas. They isolated Edge, and after being worn down with a spine buster by Faarooq, Christian was tagged in. A brawl erupted, and Christian executed a Tornado DDT on Bradshaw. Before he made the cover, the Hardcore Hollys interfered, allowing Bradshaw to get Christian with the Clothesline from Hell. Faarooq used the Dominator on Crash, but Bob "I'm Hardcore, if you don't believe me, I'll smack ya" Holly made the save. The advantage shifted to the Hollys, who argued over who would make the cover. They decided they would rather fight each other, which led to Hardcore receiving a spine buster from Bradshaw and The Acolytes won.
Rating: ***1/4

Test vs. Shane McMannequin- Love Her or Leave Her Greenwich Street Fight

I said back at WrestleMania XV that Shane vs. X-pac was decent, but Shane gave an unbelievable effort! Rodney (in a cast), Pete Gas (in a neck brace), and Joey Abs (in an ankle protector) came down to observe from ringside on their own couch. The match started back and forth but quickly spilled to the outside, where the Mean Street Posse decided to break out the champagne. Test was put over the rail and the Posse attacked him, and seemed to forget about their respective injuries. Test fought back and press slammed Shane into the Posse, toppling their couch. Back at ringside, Shane hit Test with a Do Not Enter sign (obviously sending a message to Test about his sister), and then he framed Test... literally! He busted a picture over Test's head. Test was put back in the ring, where Shane missed a corkscrew splash attempt, and was gut wrench powerbombed by Test. The Posse distracted the ref, and Shane used more weapons on Test. The Posse held Test down on the Spanish Announcing Table, and Shane ascended the turnbuckles, executed a flying elbow smash, which he got some height on, and Oh my God! They killed the Spanish Announcing Table! You bastards! Back in the ring, Shane covered Test, but only got a two count! When Pete Gas accidentally hit Shane, Test got a near fall of his own. Rodney used his cast, knocking Test out, but Shane still couldn't get the win! At this point, Stephanie came to ringside and brought out Brisco and Patterson, who knocked out Pete Gas and Rodney with Shane's weapons. Test took care of Joey Abs, and caught Shane with a pumphandle powerslam. He utilized a flying elbow smash to score the victory. After the match, Test and Stephanie hugged, getting a big reaction from the crowd.
Rating: ***1/4

D'lo Brown vs. Jeff Jarrett- IC and European Title Match

Before the match, Jarrett sent Debra back only to have her come out with D'lo! Jarrett started the match by attacking D'lo, but D'lo came back with the Sky High. The action went to the outside and over the guard rail, but was soon brought back into the ring. Jarrett executed his single arm DDT like a Tornado DDT. As Jarrett got distracted by the "Puppies" chant, D'lo did a running powerbomb and fell to the mat to catch his breath. They got up and D'lo took the advantage with a tilt-o-whirl, followed by a spinning heel kick and a legdrop. D'lo missed a moonsault, and Debra got onto the apron, prompting Jarrett to pick up his gee-tar. Mark Henry ran down and took the instrument from Jarrett's hand, but instead of hitting Jarrett, he hit D'lo! Jarrett pinned D'lo, winning both belts. He, Debra, and Henry celebrated in the ring.
Rating: **3/4

The Rock vs. Mr. Billy AssGunn- Kiss my Ass Match

Billy brought a large woman to ringside, saying that if he won, the Rock would be kissing her ass. The match quickly spilled to the outside, where Gunn took the advantage. Back in the ring, Billy executed a bulldog for a near fall. Then the Rock came back with a floatover DDT. The Rock did a neckbreaker and then whipped Mr. Ass into the ropes, but instead pulled him back and into a Samoan Drop. Mr. Ass rebounded with the FameAsser, and called the fat lady into the ring. She pulled up her dress, but before Billy could stick Rock's head down there, The Rock took back the advantage, and Gunn got a mouthful of the lady's ass. He then got The Rock Bottom and The People's Elbow for the win.
Rating: **1/2

Ken Shamrock vs. Steve Blackman- Lion's Den Weapons Match

Blackman entered the Den with nunchukus tucked into his trunks and he used them on Shamrock early on. Shamrock rebounded with some kicks and submission holds. Blackman retrieved a quarter staff and laid into Shamrock with it. He also used two martial arts sticks. Shamrock rebounded again and used the Lion's Den as a springboard for a kick on Blackman. Blackman got a kendo stick and laid out Shamrock. He looked as if he was going to leave the Den, but came back. Shamrock regained consciousness, snapped, and belly to bellyed Blackman. He then got the kendo stick and hit Blackman over the head until he was out cold. The ref counted to ten and awarded the match to Ken Shamrock!
Rating: **1/4

Steve Austin vs. Triple H vs. Mankind- Triple Threat WWF Title Match

Special ref Jesse Ventura got on the mic and told everyone how proud he was to be there. The match got underway, as Mankind was knocked to the outside, leaving HHH and Austin to battle. When Mick got back into the ring, Chyna: Warrior Princess distracted him while HHH laid into Austin's knee with a chair. Mankind came over and got the Mandible Claw on Triple H, but Chyna rammed him into the ringpost, which resulted in Ventura kicking her out from ringside. HHH continued to work on Austin's knee, and he and Mankind argued over who would finish Austin off. They double teamed him, but fought over the pin. Austin got a rest, and then got the Stone Cold Stunner on Mankind, which HHH broke up with a chair. HHH laid out Foley too, but Ventura refused to make the three count because of the chair. Shane McMahon ran down to confront Jesse, but was stunned by Austin. Ventura then threw Shane over the top rope, telling him that that was for his old man. Austin hit a Stunner on Triple H, but Mankind broke up the count. HHH scored a Pedigree on Austin, but was taken out by Foley. Mankind executed a Double Arm DDT on Austin to get the win and become champ. After the match, HHH took his frustrations out on Austin, hitting him in the knee again and again with a chair.
Rating: **

Citizen Kane & X-pac vs. The Undertaker & BS Paul Wight- WWF Tag Team Title Match

X-pac was quickly singled out in this match, taking a beating from UT. Kane was tagged in and was double teamed by Wight and UT. He eventually tagged in X-pac, and a brawl erupted. Wight got X-pac in a bearhug, but X-pac got out of it by biting Wight's forehead. He gave him a low blow and Wight tagged in UT. The Taker received another low blow by X-pac, who made the tag. Another brawl, and X-pac hit the Bronco Buster on Wight. Wight fought back and chokeslammed X-pac, but surprisingly, X-pac kicked out! UT was livid and demanded the tag. He got in and tombstoned X-pac, winning the titles for his team.
Rating: *3/4

Big Bossman vs. Al Snow- WWF Hardcore Title Match

This one went quickly to the backstage area, with the Road Dogg following them to do commentary on the mic. The fight went outside into the street and into a bar. They fought in and back out of the men's room. Snow busted open the Bossman with a chain, and executed a moonsault off a barstool. The Bossman broke a beer bottle over Snow's head, but when he had words with Road Doggy Dogg, James hit him with his own nightstick. The Bossman fell onto a pool table where Snow nailed him in the nuts with two billiard balls and covered him for the win.
Rating: *1/2

Tori vs. Ivory- WWF Women's Title Match

This match sucked. The women wrestlers that the WWF employs are so sloppy that it's not even funny. Ivory was in control most of the match and executed a giant swing on Tori. Tori made a short comeback, but Ivory did something to get the win. Luna Vachon then returned, looking to destroy Ivory for some reason.
Rating: *

Overall Rating: ***
