Austin Signs a Medical Waiver So He Can Wrestle Again

This was a week after Austin stunned Vince for the first time, and the question was on everyone's mind: would Vince fire Austin? Keep in mind, this was twenty four hours after the death of Brian Pillman, and the mood at Raw was noticably tense. Broadcasting was done by Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler.

Vince McMahon: Austin... before we get down to what I hope is going to be the right decision that you make...

Steve Austin: You're damn right! You better hope it's the right decision too, or I'll whip your ass!

Jerry Lawler: Ho ho! Here we go!

Jim Ross: Vince is not having a great night in Kansas City.

Vince: Alright, let me ask you: why did you do what you did last night at Badd Blood? Why did you interfere in that matchup with Faarooq and Owen Hart? What was the puropose of you striking Faarooq with that championship belt?

Austin: Because I do what I want, when I want, and if I don't wanna answer your little questions, I ain't got to! What I do ain't none of your business! I don't give a rat's ass whether you own the WWF or not!

Vince: Alright, if you want to play hardball that's fine! So indeed, I assume since you don't have any paper with you, I don't see anywhere, you didn't bring that certificate from a doctor that says you're capable of wrestling, right?

Austin: Hell, I ain't been to no doctor, so I ain't got no piece of paper... jackass!

Lawler: Ho ho!

Ross: I don't think Austin's gonna be employee of the month!

Vince: Alright, I have mine! I have this release form that can reinstate you immediately! If you just sign it, and state that no one in the WWF is ever responsible for you and your own actions, simply because we wanna protect you from yourself, but if you wanna go back and compete and wind up in a wheelchair, that's your business, but in order to do that, you gotta sign this piece of paper!

Lawler: McMahon just doesn't want to sued, right?

Ross: Well... yeah. Would you want to get sued, King?

Vince: And I think everybody here... I think everybody wants you to sign this piece of paper and get back into the squared circle.

Lawler: I don't!

Vince: And I don't even want to think about the alternative!

Austin: You're damn right you don't wanna think about that! You sit here every damn Monday night, every pay per view, and you say "Steve Austin: The toughest SOB in the World Wrestling Federation," and that sure is the damn truth! But if I was to come out here, and sign your little piece of paper right off the bat, I'd be the dumbest SOB in the WWF, and that ain't true! So what I'll do is sign your little piece of paper, if you'll sign a piece of paper saying you're gonna give me Owen Hart's ass the next oppurtunity you can give it in an Intercontinental Title match, because I won't have it any other way!

Lawler: There's the method behind his madness.

Vince: Alright, let me get this straight: You'll sign this and return to action, as long as you get Owen Hart in a match. You've got him, congratulations. (Extends his hand) You have my word on it.

Austin: In an Intercontinental title match! I wanna beat the living hell out of Owen Hart! But when you drop Steve Austin on his head, when you damn near paralyze Steve Austin, when you take what's taken me eight years to get, I want his ass, but I want my belt back, so if I get that, you're damn right, I'll sign my life away!

Vince: (Extends his hand again) You've got my word on it.

(Austin looks like he's going to shake his hand, but he pulls back.)

Lawler: Stun him!

Austin: You can put your little hand down in your pocket, or wipe your ass with it...

Ross: Good lord!

Austin: You don't think for one split second that I'm gonna come out here and shake your hand up and down and expect to trust you! You show me a piece of paper that says I get the match, you SHOW me the piece of paper, you sign that, and I'll sign yours, not a second before. And that's the bottom line, cause Stone Cold said so!

(Austin starts to pose when Faarooq appears on the TitanTron and starts talking.)

Faarooq: Wrong punk, let me tell you what the bottom line is: that I'm gonna kick yo' honky ass! You think just because you parade around with a bald head and tattoos on each arm, that makes you tough? Well, let me tell you what makes you tough! Tough is wakin' up on a winter's morning, and having to fight your brothers for one jacket to see who wears it to school! Tough is having to eat collared greens with your hands, because there isn't a fork to go around! Let me tell you what tough REALLY is: getting up on a bright Christmas morning, watching your younger siblings cry because they don't have brand new bicycles to ride around on like everyone else! Oh, you parade around here and use the word "ass" and think you're a big man, that makes you tough! No! Let me tell you, where I'm from, when we use the word "ass" what the context is: you stick your bus--, stuck your business, and your nose in Nation business, and let me tell you something, punk, the way we use the word "ass" is that your ass belongs to me and the Nation! So get ready, sit on it, look at it all you can right now, because the bottom line is, it belongs to Faarooq!

Austin: Shut up! When I get through with my legal problems, when I get all this B.S. solved between me and Vince McMahon, you're damn right!... I'll take every one of you sorry pieces of trash on...

Faarooq: Bring it on, bring it on!

Austin: Every damn one of ya, because it ain't a race thang, it ain't a color thang, it's a me kicking your ass thing, and can't nobody stop me!

Faarooq: Oh you'll bring it on, and we'll see about that!

Ross: What else could happen here tonight? (Austin takes off his ballcap and throws it at McMahon) What else could happen here tonight?

(Austin argues with McMahon and shoves him. He then exits the ring, and goes to the broadcasting table)

Lawler: Ho ho! Things are getting out of hand, and I'll tell you something, JR, I'm kinda liking it! (Austin stands in front of Lawler, who holds his hands up.)

Ross: Don't provoke him, King, I didn't do nothin'!

(Austin ruffles the King's jacket and swipes his crown and enters the ring.)

Ross: Well, uh oh, I think Austin's gonna drop kick the King's crown!

Lawler: Hey!

(Austin kicks the crown into about three rows into the crowd.)

Ross: Well, there it goes! That's...

Lawler: What'd he do?

Ross: He just kicked your crown in the...

Lawler: WHAT?

Ross: He kicked the crown into the crowd!

Lawler: Hey let me tell you something, he may think he's a bad ass, but if he wants to get his ass kicked, he's gonna get it! You understand that?

Ross: I understand!
