Top Ten Symptoms of Wrestling Withdrawal

10. You won't play basketball with anyone until you're promised a "push."

9. Everytime something good happens, you strut.

8. You write your own entrance music.

7. You form your own tag team (who could I be thinking of?).

6. You refuse to enter any open area until your entrance music is played (see no. 8).

5. You make up a catch phrase, and end each conversation with it.

4. You are sent to the principal's office for disrupting class. Your reason: You were trying to "get over" with your peers.

3. You and your friends form a stable and viciously attack your classmates.

2. When you cut yourself, you are not bleeding, you are "busted open."

And the no. 1 symptom of wrestling withdrawal:

1. You refuse to "job" to anyone during amateur wrestling practice.
