Top Ten Symptoms of Wrestling Withdrawal III

10. When your friends say something out of their character, you accuse them of breaking kayfabe.

9. During an amateur wrestling match, you keep trying to take your opponent into the crowd.

8. You go bungee jumping, but insist that it be two out of three falls.

7. On vacation, you warn all the passengers on your flight against bringing foreign objects back to the states.

6. When you get on a diving board, you do a 450 splash or a shooting star press.

5. At the theater, you accuse an usher of papering the crowd and demand to be let in for free.

4. You start your own beverage company and call it "Hardway Juice."

3. You think basketball is just a big spotfest with no psychology.

2. When you see someone sleeping, you grab their wrist and drop their hand three times.

And the no. 1 Symptom of Wrestling Withdrawal is:

1. You get arrested for trying to start a "Hardcore Battle Royal" at your local bar.
