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Spectra Physics 125 HeNe Laser & 250 Exciter

I purchased this HeNe Laser System a while back at a local auction and it was in working order when purchased. When my friend and I were looking at the unit, we mistakenly loosened the set screws and turned the adjustment knobs before we realized that the mirror adjustments are precise and hard to get back into alignment. In order to make the 250 exciter operational, I had to jump a safety interlock (see picture at link). The power supply worked well when activated and the neon tube lit without problems observed. I called a company in Michigan who services these and described the operational condition of the components and he stated that he thought the tube was in proper working condition and would just need to get the mirrors back into alignment. I don't have experience with these and don't have the expertise with getting it back into proper adjustment, therefore the components are being sold "as-is".

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