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The Ohio Military Band March Library

American Spirit --- Esberger ---
Baltimore American March, The --- Burton ---
Billboard March, The --- Klohr ---
Circus King, The --- Duble ---
Col. Wellingtons March --- Reeves ---
Conqueror, The --- Teike ---
For Liberty March --- Morris ---
Gardes du Corps March --- Hall ---
Gippsland March --- Lithgow --- Lake
Golconda --- Laurendeau ---
Hurrah Boys --- Lacalle ---
March of the Bersaglieri --- Eilenberg ---
Nibelungen March --- Wagner, R. --- Tobani
Old Comrades --- Teike ---
Palatinus March --- Hall ---
Royal Scotch Highlanders --- King ---
Semper Fidelis March --- Sousa ---
Sir Knights March --- Panella ---
Thunderer, The --- Sousa ---
Union Forever March, The --- Scouton ---
Veni, Vidi, Vici March --- Hall ---
Washington Post March --- Sousa ---
136th U S A Field Artillery --- Fillmore ---
Blaze of Honor --- Lincoln --- Losey
Bravura --- Duble ---
Chicago Tribune --- Chambers ---
City of Ballarat --- Code ---
Conciliator March, The --- Scouton ---
El Capitan March --- Sousa ---
Fairest of the Fair, The --- Sousa ---
Fellowship March --- Klohr ---
Freedom of the Seas March --- Esberger ---
Gate City, March --- Weldon ---
Golden Friendships --- Fillmore ---
Hanselmann Commandery March --- Bohrer ---
Heads Up, March --- Klohr ---
Hostrauser's March --- Chambers ---
King Cotton --- Sousa ---
March Regilioso --- Chambers ---
Master Councilor, March --- Woods ---
Men of Valor --- Klohr ---
National Emblem, March --- Bagley ---
Neel's Fashion Plate, March --- English ---
On the Square --- Panella ---
On Wisconsin --- Purdy --- Alford, H.
Onward Christian Soldier,March --- Klohr ---
Peace and Progress --- Klohr ---
Stars and Stripes Forever, The --- Sousa ---
Toondoor March --- Chambers ---
Yankee Notions --- Sanglear ---
2nd Regt Conn. N.G. March --- Reeves ---
4th Battalion March --- Wehrmann ---
Admiral Stosch March --- Latann --- Klohr
Austrian Army --- Eilenberg ---
Baltimore American March, The --- Burton ---
Banner March, The --- von Blon ---
Blue-White --- Schmidt ---
Cavalry Soldier, The --- Brockenshire ---
Col. Stuart March --- Weldon ---
Conciliator March, The --- Scouton ---
Daughters of the American Revolution --- Lampe ---
Dreadnaught, March --- Dalbey ---
Durch Kampf zum Sieg --- von Blon ---
Federation, March --- Klohr ---
First Brigade I N G March --- Weldon ---
French National Defile --- Turlet --- Laurendeau
Gardes du Corps March --- Hall ---
Gate City, March --- Weldon ---
Guard of Honor --- Lehnhardt ---
Hamiltonian March --- Hall ---
Heart of America March, The --- Hacker --- Lampe
His Excellency --- Fillmore ---
Hostrauser's March --- Chambers ---
Hurrah Boys --- Lacalle ---
Italian Songs --- --- Panella
Kaiser Frederick --- Friedemann --- Greissinger
Loyal Comrades --- Blankenburg --- Lake
March Religioso --- Chambers ---
Men of Bronze --- Losey ---
Modern Master, The --- Barnard ---
National Emblem, March --- Bagley ---
Nibelungen March --- Wagner, R. --- Tobani
O Sanctissima --- ---
Our Favorite Regiment --- Ertl ---
Peace Forever March --- Lacalle ---
Pettibone's Compliments --- Bellstedt ---
Poet,Peasant & Cavalryman, The --- Fillmore ---
Pride of the Baritones --- King, T. Ed. ---
Queen of the Surf March --- Klohr ---
Rookies, The --- Drumm --- Clark
Shoulder to Shoulder, March --- Klohr ---
Slogan, March, The --- Klohr ---
Soldiers Blood - March --- von Blon ---
Stars and Stripes Forever, The --- Sousa ---
Swastika March --- Klohr ---
U.S.A. National March --- --- Panella
Washington Grays --- Grafulla ---
With Trumpet & Drum --- Weldon ---
World's Progress March, The --- Herbert, Victor ---
12th St. Rag --- Bowman ---
1st Cavalry I N G March --- Schmid ---
33rd Division March --- Mader ---
A Frangesa --- Costa ---
A Your're Adorable --- Kay ---
A.A. Harding March --- Mader ---
Abe Lincoln Centennial March --- Troutman ---
Advance March --- Bennett ---
Advance of the Regiment, The --- Crosby ---
Alexander's Ragtime Band --- Berlin --- Lake
All American March --- Lake ---
Amapola --- Lacalle --- Becker
America's Defenders --- Halley ---
American Habit, The --- Scouton ---
American Ranger, The --- Richards ---
American Stride, The --- Vandercook ---
Americans We --- Fillmore ---
Amerita March --- Panella ---
Anchor and Star --- Sousa ---
Anchors Aweigh --- Zimmermann ---
Arch of Steel --- Klohr ---
Aurora Fox Trot --- Lago --- Yoder
Austrian Army --- Eilenberg ---
Bandjive --- Rusch ---
Barnum and Bailey's Favorite --- King ---
Beautiful Ohio Waltz --- Earl ---
Beer Barrel Polka --- Brown --- Briegel
Beyond The Gates Of Paradise --- King --- Mackie
Birth of the Blues --- Henderson --- Moss
Black Jack March --- Huffer ---
Boy Scouts of America --- Mackie-Beyer ---
Brooke's Chicago Marine Band --- Seitz ---
Brotherhood March --- Billings ---
Brothers in Arms --- Chambers ---
Bull Trombone --- Fillmore ---
By Power of Right --- Esberger ---
Cabaret --- Kander --- Hunter
Camairons --- Benter ---
Canadian National Exhibition --- Goldman ---
Canton Aero Club --- King ---
Capt. Draper's March --- Reeves ---
Cavalier March, The --- Hall ---
Charleston, The --- Mack --- Conrad
Cherokee --- Noble --- Warrington
Chicago's World Fair Centennial 1933 --- Mader ---
Chicagoland Festival --- Bell ---
Chim Chim Cheree --- Sherman --- Warrington
Chimes of Liberty, The --- Goldman ---
Chiquita Waltz --- Wayne --- Danks
Cincinnati Post March --- Simon ---
Ciribiribin --- Pestalozza ---
Cities Service March --- Bourdon ---
Classical Gas --- Williams ---
Colonel Bogey --- Alford ---
Color Bearer, The --- Haesle ---
Comrades of the Legion --- Sousa ---
Conneaut March --- Klutti ---
Contest Winner, The --- Taylor ---
Convoy, The --- Prelll ---
Corcoran Cadets March, The --- Sousa ---
Corsonian Polka, The --- Klohr ---
Cotuit Park --- Richards ---
Cute --- Hefti --- Davis
Cyrus the Great --- King ---
Daddy --- Troup ---
Defendam --- Briegel ---
Dinah --- Akst --- Lang
Dinah --- Akst --- Baker
Dixie's Land --- ---
Dixieland Bridge --- Blanc ---
Don't Fence Me In --- Porter --- Teague
Down Argentina Way --- Warren --- Yoder
Down The Avenue --- O'hara --- Briegel
Down the Street --- Grabel ---
Drum Major, The --- Ellis --- St. Clair
E Pluribus Unum --- Jewell ---
Emblem of Victory --- Leftwich-Godwin ---
Emosylven March --- Chambers ---
Evening Song --- Schumann --- Greissinger
Everglades Sugar March --- Sturchio ---
Faustina --- Watson ---
Fez March, The --- Panella ---
Field Artillery March --- Huffer ---
Fifth Army March --- Kempinski ---
First Corps Cadets --- Fulton ---
Flag of Humanity --- Hayes ---
Flag of Victory --- von Blon ---
Floral Parade --- Fillmore ---
Fond Hearts Serenade --- King ---
Footlifter, The --- Fillmore ---
Four Freedoms --- Schaefer ---
Foxhunt, A --- Cameron ---
Fraternity --- Hayes ---
Funeral March --- Hall ---
Garland Entree " March --- King ---
General LeJeune --- Branson ---
General Mixup --- Allen ---
General Pershing --- Vandersloot ---
Gifted Leadership --- Fillmore ---
Giggler, The --- Haines ---
God Bless America --- Berlin --- Leidzen
Golden Bear --- Richards ---
Golden Gate March --- Goldman ---
Goldman Band, The --- King ---
Granada --- Lara --- Moffit
Grand Imperial Cirque de Paris --- Merill ---
Grand Reunion March --- Zimmermann ---
Grandioso --- Seitz ---
Grotto March --- Weik ---
Hail to the Legion --- Weaver ---
Hail to the Spirit of Liberty --- Sousa ---
Hands across the Sea March --- Sousa ---
Hayfoot, Strawfoot --- Lake ---
Headway --- Bennett ---
Heartaches --- Klenner --- Hoffman
Hello My Baby --- Cofield ---
Hello, Hello, What a Wonderful World --- DeVoll --- Yoder
Hernando's Hideaway --- Adler --- Hill
High School Cadets, The --- Sousa ---
Highlanders! Fix Bayonets --- O'Hara ---
His Honor --- Fillmore ---
Hogan's Heroes March --- Fielding ---
Hohenzollern Ruhm --- Unrath ---
Hot Trombone --- Fillmore ---
I Believe --- Drake --- Beeler
I Could Have Danced All Night --- Loewe --- Schoenfeld
I'm A Brass Band --- Coleman ---
I'm Looking Over A Four Leaf Clover --- Woods --- Schoenfeld
If I Knew You Were Comin' I'd've Baked A Cake --- Merrill ---
If My Friends could See Me Now --- Coleman ---
Imperial Edward March --- Sousa ---
Imperial March --- King ---
Impresario March --- Hughes ---
In A Shanty In Old Shanty Town --- Little --- Klickmann
In Command --- von Blon ---
In Storm and Sunshine --- Heed ---
Inaugaration March --- Herbert ---
Indian Medicine Man March --- Bellstedt ---
Inglesina --- Delle Cese ---
Iowa Band Law, The --- King ---
Irving Berlin Medley of War Songs --- Berlin --- Leidzen
Is You Is, Or Is You Ain't My Baby --- Jordan --- Yoder
It Happened In Monterey Waltz --- Rose --- Brockton
It's Only A Paper Moon --- Arlen --- Teague
It's Today --- Herman --- Warrington
Italian Guards March --- Sturchio ---
J W York & Sons March --- Miller ---
Jazz On Parade --- Auken ---
Jolly Coppersmith, The --- Peters ---
Josephine --- Kahn --- Yoder
Jubilation T. Cornpone --- Mercer --- Nelson
Keeping Step with the Union --- Sousa ---
Khaki Bill --- Watson ---
King Bombardon --- English ---
King Triumphal, March --- Pinard ---
King's Parade from Three Quotations --- Sousa --- Labo
Klaxon --- Fillmore ---
Knights of the Air --- Frank ---
Knights of the Road --- Huffer ---
Lassus Trombone --- Fillmore ---
Law and Order --- Alford ---
Legion Parade, The --- Walker ---
Let Freedom Ring --- Goldman ---
Liberty Bell March, The --- Sousa ---
Liberty Forever March --- Barnard ---
Lieutenant - Commander, The --- King ---
Lieutenant Santelmann's March --- Rosenkrans ---
Lights Out --- Mc Coy ---
Little Champ March --- Mesang ---
Little Giant March --- Moon --- Roberts
Little Traveler --- Jewel ---
Long Beach is Calling --- Clarke, Herbert ---
Lord Baltimore, March --- Fillmore ---
Lost Chord, The --- Sullivan ---
Lucky Trombone --- Fillmore ---
Lucy's Sextette --- Alford, Harry ---
Mac Arthur --- Gault ---
Macerena --- Monterde --- Moffit
Madelon --- Robert ---
Magnicent Seven --- Bernstein ---
Magyar Katonasag (Hungarian Soldiery) --- Fulton ---
Mambo Jambo --- Prado ---
Mame --- Herman --- Moffit
Man Among Men, The --- Fillmore ---
Man of the Hour, The --- Fillmore ---
Manhattan Spritual --- Maxted ---
March America --- Moffit ---
March Lorraine --- Ganne ---
March of the First --- Reeves ---
March of the Marines --- Brooke ---
March of the Olympians --- Walker --- Yoder
March of the Prophets --- Jewell ---
March of the Siamese Children --- Rodgers --- Warrington
Marche Lorraine --- Ganne ---
Marching Along Together --- Pola-Steininger ---
Marching Mountain Dew --- Foster ---
Maria, Mari! --- deCapua --- Alford
Master Craftsmen --- Huffer ---
Melody King March, The --- Stambaugh ---
Memories --- ---
Memphis Two Step --- Sebesky --- Foster
Men of Ohio --- Fillmore ---
Men of Wisconsin --- Mesang ---
Miami --- Fillmore ---
Michigan On Parade --- King ---
Mickey Mouse March --- Dodd --- Beeler
Militant Nation --- Gasto ---
Military Escort --- Bennett ---
Minnesota Rouser --- Hutsell --- Cofield
Minstrel Jubilee --- Yoder ---
Miss Dixie --- Hager ---
Mississippi Slip-Horn --- Warrington ---
Moonlight Serenade --- Parish --- Yoder
Mose Trombone --- Fillmore ---
Mountain Greenery --- Rodgers --- Moffit
Mr. Black Man Cake Walk --- Pryor ---
Mr. Bojangle --- Walker --- Daniels
Mr. Tambourine Man --- Dylan --- Sande
Mustang --- Osterling ---
My Castle In Spain Is A Shack In The Lane --- Ceasar --- Sciacca
My Cup Runneth Over from "I do, I do" --- Schmidt ---
My Ohio Home --- Kahn --- Sciacca
N C 4, The --- Bigelow ---
Nashville Brass --- Warrington ---
National Capitol Centenial,The --- Santelmann ---
National Fencibles March --- Sousa ---
National Guard --- deKoven ---
National High School Band March --- Mader ---
National Highway March --- McClean ---
National Melodies No. I --- Laurendeau ---
National Melodies No. II --- Laurendeau ---
National Melodies No. III --- Klohr ---
New Colonial, The --- Hall ---
New York Hippodrome --- Sousa ---
Ninth U S Infantry --- Rockwell ---
Noisy Bill --- Losey ---
Northwind --- Chambers ---
O'er Land and Sea --- Goldman ---
Old Black Joe, Massas In De Cold Cold Ground --- --- Hayes
Old Devil Moon --- Lane --- Tatgenhorst
Old Glory Forever --- Goldman ---
Old Grey Mare --- Panella ---
Old Kentucky Home --- Foster --- Hayes
Old Panama --- Alford ---
Olympia Hippodrome, March --- Alexander ---
On Jersey Shore --- Pryor ---
On The Alert --- Goldman ---
On the Mall --- Goldman ---
Once In Love With Amy --- Loesser --- Moffit
Onward Christian Soldiers --- St. Claire Arr. ---
Orange Bowl --- Fillmore ---
Our Band --- Sweeney ? ---
Our Colonel March --- Vandercook ---
Our Director --- Bigelow ---
Our Fighthing Men --- Rocereto ---
Over Land and Sea --- Barton ---
Pacific Soutwest Exhibition --- Clarke ---
Pahson Trombone --- Fillmore ---
Palestra --- Fennell ---
Patrolman --- Clark, F. ---
Patton Theme --- Goldsmith --- Tatgenhorst
Peerless, The --- Huff ---
Pere De La Victoire, Le --- Ganne ---
Pilgrims' Triumphal --- Talbott ---
Pitt Panther, The --- Panella ---
Poor People Of Paris, The --- Monnot ---
Post Horn March --- Richardson ---
Prairie Jump, The --- Hill ---
Praise The Lord And Pass The Ammunition --- Loesser --- Briegel
Preferencia --- Chambers ---
Pretend --- Douglas ---
Pryor's Gridiron March --- Pryor ---
Punjaub --- Payne --- Gordon
Radio City --- Goldman ---
Radio Fanfares No. 2 --- Schaefer ---
Raggy Trombone --- Kiefer ---
Rainbow March, The --- Maurice ---
Reign of Rhythm --- Talbott ---
Relpetrom, March --- English ---
Revelation March --- Chambers ---
Richelieu March --- Boisvert ---
Riders of the Flag --- Sousa ---
Rock-A-Bye Your Baby --- Lewis --- Davis
Royal Decree --- English ---
S.I.B.A. --- Hall ---
Sally Trombone --- Fillmore ---
Salutation, March --- Seitz ---
Says My Heart --- Loesser --- Briegel
Scatter-Brain --- Burke --- Briegel
Screamer, The --- Jewell ---
Sextette from Lucia --- Donizetti --- Barnard
Shenandoah --- Ruebush ---
Shenandoah --- Goldman ---
Shoutin' Liza Trombone --- Fillmore ---
Show Boy --- Huff ---
Shriners on Parade --- Goosman ---
Shuffle Off To Buffalo --- Warren --- Becker
Sierra Sue --- Carey --- Briegel
Sincerely --- Fuqua ---
Sir Galahad --- Gault ---
Sir Galahad Commandry --- Rollinson ---
Siren, The Entr'acte --- Bendix --- Fulton
Skylark --- Carmichael --- Yoder
Skywriter March, The --- Bergeim ---
Sliding Jim --- Losey ---
Slidus Trombonus --- Lake ---
Slim Trombone --- Fillmore ---
Slurrioso, March --- Rosenkrans ---
Soaring Eagle, The --- Klohr ---
Soldiers of the Sea --- Huffer ---
South America Take It Away --- Rome --- Morrisey
Spirit of America, The --- Panella ---
Spirit of Independence --- Holzman ---
Squealer, The --- Huff ---
Squre Deal --- Huff ---
Star Spangled Banner --- Smith --- Hayes
Star Spangled Banner --- Smith ---
Star Spangled Banner and Reveille --- Smith --- Fillmore
Steel King --- St. Clair ---
Stein Song --- Colcord & Fenstad --- Brockton
Step To The Rear --- Bernstein --- Warrington
Symbol of Unity --- McAnspie ---
Teddy Trombone --- Fillmore ---
That's Entertainment --- Dietz --- Moffit
Them Basses --- Huffine ---
Them There Eyes --- Pinkard --- Osterling
There Is A Tavern In The Town --- Hills --- Briegel
Thespian Trails --- Chenette ---
Third Alarm, The --- Goldman ---
Third Brigade Band March --- Seitz ---
Thomas Jefferson March --- Santleman ---
Thoroughly Modern Millie --- Van Heusen --- Osser
Those Lazy Hazy Crazy Days of Summer --- Tobias --- Yoder
Those Were The Days --- Raskin --- Warrington
Too Fat Polka --- McClean --- Bennett
Torch Of Liberty --- Klohr ---
Tranquility --- Barnard ---
Transatlantic --- St. Clair ---
Transcontinental --- Hughes ---
Trombone Blues --- Jewell ---
Trombone King --- King ---
Trouper, The --- Talbott ---
Troupers Triumphal --- Huff ---
True Blue --- King ---
U S Field Artillery March, The --- Sousa ---
U.S. of A.. Armed Forces Review March --- Fillmore ---
Under the Double Eagle --- Wagner, J. F. ---
Universal Peace --- Lampe ---
University of Dayton, March --- Panella ---
Up The Street - March --- Morse ---
Valiant Youth --- King ---
Vanished Army, The --- Alford ---
Victor March --- King ---
Victor March --- Pryor ---
Vigilance March --- Klohr ---
War Correspondent, The, March --- Holmes ---
Weenatt Shassitt March --- Peckham ---
West of the Rockies --- Richards ---
Western World, The --- Price ---
Westerner, The --- Jewell ---
Westmount Cadets March --- Wood ---
Whatever Lola Wants --- Adler --- Moffit
When I Grow Too Old To Dream --- Romberg --- Briegel
When The Red, Red Robin Comes Bob, Bob Bobbin' Along --- Woods --- Osterling
When You Wish Upon A Star --- Washington --- Leidzen
Whistler and His Dog, The --- Pryor ---
Will You Remember Sweetheart --- Romberg --- Leidzen
Windy Willie --- Losey ---
Wings of Victory --- Ventre ---
Wireless Message --- Laurendeau ---
With A Little Bit Of Luck --- Lowe --- Lang