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Stark County on February 25, 2001 at 6 p.m.

This sighting was originally submitted to me via e-mail on the first of March, 2001. I called the man who submitted the report, and here is what he had to say....

"Hello Mr. Keating. My name is Don and I've seen this thing two times. Once in 1973 and just the other day on Sunday. A friend of my sons and me were driving up the road and this thing as I call it, just darted and we only seen it for a second. The speed was incredible. I didn't even realize I had seen anything until the boy driving said where'd that jogger go and I said what did you see? He told me and it was what I had just seen. This thing had a very long torso, was all black, long arms and very fast. Back in 1999 I was outside and heard this thing howling over a dog barking."

I called Don and this is what I discovered through my conversation with him. His sons friend and him did indeed spot something on the 25'th of February at about 6 p.m. The weather was partly cloudy, very warm and very windy. They were in Stark County and were travelling to the east. He told me they were about 300 yards from it when they spotted it. I asked him about the distance three times and he told me the same distance all three times. After they passed the spot where the creature had crossed the road, they backed up to a road to turn around. They looked into the woods to see if they could see it but they could not. Don told me it looked as if it had short legs, but it also looked as if it had a big torso. It looked to be slumped forward as it ran. The next day he and his sons friend went back to the area and discovered a partial and a complete print. The complete print measured 14 inches long and five inches at the toes.